Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

Are you suggesting that this Republican OP would lie?

No, I refuse to believe that.

A Republican would never tell a lie.
Its just that it seems many more of them get accused of it from the Media/Entertainment Fifth Column with Progs looked at as saintly unless they are being jettisoned after being used.
Yes I understand it doesn't matter. Many things are said that don't matter.
Now we are in full agreement.

By the way, to go off on a little tangent, you may find this interesting and, it may help you understand better where I am coming from.

Yet another lie. Why?

You are smarter than this:

"The American Medical Association (AMA) today released a new survey (PDF) among practicing physicians that shows more than 96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated."

So that number could be closer to 98% now...
Now we are in full agreement.

By the way, to go off on a little tangent, you may find this interesting and, it may help you understand better where I am coming from.

Still dodging answering my question?! What’s wrong with you. What is the non significant efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
You can't ask me my take on this, because my life is uniquely built for this, as is my tolerance level. Everyone's situation is unique.
Some people by way of work need to be in the risk of community, others mentally and socially need to always be out and about and can't entertain themselves, so they get stir crazy easy.

I personally just avoid the large crowds by shopping at opening hours, no mask necessary.
I've always cooked for myself, so I avoid the risky fast food stops and restaurants. I had gone out singing, it can be done safely if the KJ is wiping down mics in between, you still use hand sanitizer after, and use straws instead of drinking out the soda can (I don't drink).
Pick a quiet corner or area of the establishment and if it get's uncomfortable aka unsafe then just pick up and leave just as you would do if it got a bit rough with inkling of fights.
If I didn't make my own safe decisions and declined my friends unsafe situations, I would have had the virus by now as my friends did.
And with most adults vaxed, I only slightly loosened my carefulness, knowing how the early vaxers were about past the 6month window and are always last years virus, so keeping up is not always possible.
They only Jabbed for one type of virus .. The virus mutated to overcome this as is nature’s way.. The new mutated virus makes the old shot obsolete and we are back to square one…Either they did this on purpose or they are really really dumb This new way of life will go on and on and on if we allow the politicians and Pharma companies to continue to hold this over our heads forever..The constantant scaring of the population doesn’t help either..I mean really it is not the first time in our history that we have been threatened by pandemics before and we survived and thrived afterwards without these silly lockdowns and rules….
Reportedly, all infected cruise line employees were vaccinated (I will look for other sources to confirm as various LSM sources are leaving this part out altogether- no shocker there. LSM is currently sticking with known falsehoods since they prematurely went “all in”. Carnival’s policy requires passengers to have proof of shots to board.

Side note: my family and I had a trip (prescheduled from a long time ago) for an upcoming February cruise. Cancelled. The only ship I’d consider boarding would be one free of vaccinated carriers shedding the virus. I suspect I’ll get a little heat from that comment alone here, but it’s my assessment. The Covid jabs are mostly outdated in effect with more and more vaccinated coming down with second bouts of the illness from Delta variant. At this point, I’m not even sure if the booster being developed is in fact covering the Delta strain or just same concoction- does anybody know about that?

I’d like to add that, in no shape or form, am I rooting against the mRNA shots and their effectiveness because my husband accepted two jabs. At one time I was considering waiting for the plant-based option but some of those are using the mRNA delivery method anyway, just a plant instead of animal source. Also, the Novovax option sounded promising, but US govt NIH pulled the federal funding on it demanding that Novovax obtain FDA approval before they get the funding ! lol Must have some big money connections there with the select drug companies making the profits and not allowing any other company in. Great job US govt numbskulls who went along with this plan after meeting with the drug reps in secret! That sub route method, by the way, more like a traditional vaccine is a much safer method of delivery unlike the much riskier mRNA. Yet, The federal grant funding was pulled? Interesting development to say the least.
So what is wrong with AstraZeneca Vaccine... It is the closest to a traditional vaccine...
If you consider the size of the coronavirus particle (it varies but with specific min/maxlimits) and compare that minuscule size with the various mask fibers/tiny holes you have a problem. There are various sources online about it. I’ll find one of the demonstration vids when I have more time.

There are many people in the medical field I’ve talked with who are on both sides of the fence. The first people I heard from were neighbors down the street, long time medical family, telling us all to hurry up and get the vaccination. I researched to learn the details for myself as I do in all areas, and particularly when it comes to effective health measures. My neighbors’ good intentions fell short on facts.

My husband’s opinion is that the current Biden government is going to continue to play the game and therefore we peons have to play the game. We greatly differ on that latter point.
Masks are like goalkeepers... (There are good ones and bad ones)

Will they save every goal? No...
But they help stop simple stuff...
Masks are like goalkeepers... (There are good ones and bad ones)

Will they save every goal? No...
But they help stop simple stuff...
A few months back I flew to CA. I felt safer wearing a mask (however, fair to say here that maybe I had a false sense of security often mentioned during mask discussions) and knowing everybody else on the plane also wearing masks until…snacktime! No masks required! Plus, watching a kid with his mask (around 6) 2 aisles up “wear” his mask was quite comical. This is nothing new here of course and anybody can go into a public place and understand what I’m talking about.

I want to hope there’s some benefit to wearing a mask, but if a virus particle goes through a mask because it’s smaller in diameter, well….It’s also reasonable to think that viruses/germs would stick to the outside of a mask, added germs from constantly readjusting a mask. An extra way to carry them around on your face, perhaps or maybe a bare face carries same number of particles for same time length? Doubtful, yes?

Last year, I believed in the purpose of wearing masks a lot more when I was only thinking of how you cannot blow out a candle wearing a mask, without extra effort. That “test” however, still doesn’t tell us about the passage of tinier viruses being blocked or getting through only air flow. Looking at mask mandates areas and high virus spread, it’s quite the quandary.
Still dodging answering my question?! What’s wrong with you. What is the non significant efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
Why is it so important to you that I answer a question that is meaningless? If Delta cases are surging in the most highly vaccinated countries of the world, obviously the vaccines aren't doing much to stop the spread, no matter what the vaccine efficacy figures are. Did you read the link I posted? It is actually quite interesting and goes to the heart of what I have been trying to say.
Yes get the vaccine. Does this report somehow make you think that the lady wouldn’t have caught COVID and died had she not been vaxxed? Think of how many others would be sick or dead if the boat was full of unvaxxed! How does this not register for you, what is confusing you??
She caught it, they say, before she boarded....she was 77. Carnival Cruise requires 95% of their passengers to be vaccinated.... and 100% of staff at the time of the cruise. They are now requiring a negative covid test before embarking as well...and some masking.

26 of the 27 testing positive were crew members. She was the only passenger testing positive, from what I understand.

The article did not say that she was vaccinated or part of the 5% that do not have to be....

Why is it so important to you that I answer a question that is meaningless? If Delta cases are surging in the most highly vaccinated countries of the world, obviously the vaccines aren't doing much to stop the spread, no matter what the vaccine efficacy figures are. Did you read the link I posted? It is actually quite interesting and goes to the heart of what I have been trying to say.
Israel is a prime example.
Yes get the vaccine. Does this report somehow make you think that the lady wouldn’t have caught COVID and died had she not been vaxxed? Think of how many others would be sick or dead if the boat was full of unvaxxed! How does this not register for you, what is confusing you??
You finally see what I have been saying. In the end we all have to catch it and survive it. Vaccine or no vaccine
I will take the vaccine after I have reviewed with my doctor ALL the ingredients and we make an informed decision as patient and physician.
More unvaccinated people die every day than those vaccinated.

An Associated Press analysis of available government data from May shows that “breakthrough” infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 107,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s about 1.1%.

And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.

It really is "just the flu" once you are vaccinated.
Yup, you're thrilled.

How many unvaxxed died in that same period?

A few months back I flew to CA. I felt safer wearing a mask (however, fair to say here that maybe I had a false sense of security often mentioned during mask discussions) and knowing everybody else on the plane also wearing masks until…snacktime! No masks required! Plus, watching a kid with his mask (around 6) 2 aisles up “wear” his mask was quite comical. This is nothing new here of course and anybody can go into a public place and understand what I’m talking about.

I want to hope there’s some benefit to wearing a mask, but if a virus particle goes through a mask because it’s smaller in diameter, well….It’s also reasonable to think that viruses/germs would stick to the outside of a mask, added germs from constantly readjusting a mask. An extra way to carry them around on your face, perhaps or maybe a bare face carries same number of particles for same time length? Doubtful, yes?

Last year, I believed in the purpose of wearing masks a lot more when I was only thinking of how you cannot blow out a candle wearing a mask, without extra effort. That “test” however, still doesn’t tell us about the passage of tinier viruses being blocked or getting through only air flow. Looking at mask mandates areas and high virus spread, it’s quite the quandary.
I wear a N99 mask which is comes in sizes, this gives aa far better fit.

The virus has a pretty short lifespan in open air and if it was on the mask it would die off pretty quickly... The other major advantage of mask is how much we touch our face and even put our fingers to our lips or nose... A mask is a great reminder for that... That mean we don't touch our nose (which we all do) and then touch a surface... It also means we don't do the same...

Is it fool proof? No but this about reducing transmission rather than total solution. We could be living with this for aa good while longer unfortunately...

Even reducing by 25% is a major achievement. With Vaccines (which also reduce the transmission rate but not foolproof) and some common sense precautions we can as a society push the R rate (reproduction rate) below 1... This mean an infected person infects on average less than one other person we can see the virus become smaller... Masks like vaccines are just weapons in out fight against this virus, there is no magic solution a silver bullet...

Best to look at places like Denmark which is coming close to 90% vaccinated of over 12... There deaths are getting lower and they keep this Delta variant under control while getting rid of Mask mandates two weeks ago. The general rule in Europe is, if you are anti-Mask or anti-Vaccine you are pro Lockdowns..
Why is it so important to you that I answer a question that is meaningless? If Delta cases are surging in the most highly vaccinated countries of the world, obviously the vaccines aren't doing much to stop the spread, no matter what the vaccine efficacy figures are. Did you read the link I posted? It is actually quite interesting and goes to the heart of what I have been trying to say.
It’s important because I like engaging with people who are informed and capable of giving direct answers to direct questions. So far you aren’t doing a very good job at it.
You finally see what I have been saying. In the end we all have to catch it and survive it. Vaccine or no vaccine
Yup and those with the shot have a better chance of avoiding catching it and also a better chance surviving it. Right?
Yes. But not better than those who already had it but don’t have the vaccine. Yet the CDC remains silent.
I believe those who have had it AND also been vaccinated have 2x more protection than those who have had it and have not gotten the vax. I also believe that those who have had it with no vax have only a 1% chance of recatching it. So we appear to be looking at a .5% chance vs a 1% chance

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