Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

If it was a hoax, the efficacy would have always been 0%
There are more than one implication as to which hoax -the government aspect of enhancing full control over all peons, or referencing medical decision makers who made public decisions tied to their egos (CDC falls here, as well as Fauci), other governmental heads ensuring personal access to a share of the trillion dollar money to produce rushed untested products extravaganza, while others sealed political gains to enhance control over the masses.
If it was a hoax, the efficacy would have always been 0%

The HOAXX-VAXX is an untested experimental treatment for which the FDA provided emergency authorization. What we see now is a giant clinical trial with "diminishing" efficacy to the point of non-existent. That's what happens when Politicians use a fake emergency to destroy civil liberties.
Yes get the vaccine. Does this report somehow make you think that the lady wouldn’t have caught COVID and died had she not been vaxxed? Think of how many others would be sick or dead if the boat was full of unvaxxed! How does this not register for you, what is confusing you??
If she wasn't vaxxed, she would have shown that she wasn't buying the lies being put out about the vaccine stopping the virus and would have been smart enough to know that getting on the cruise ships is still like playing Russian Roulette. She likely only got on the cruise thinking that the VACCINE which isn't a VaCCINE magically protected her dumb ass from covid. She was wrong--she believed the lies and she has died from it.
He said they would not prevent the spread of Covid. He is right.
Haha, I agree they won't prevent the spread of COVID. It sounds like you are dancing around giving a direct answer to my question. You Doctor friend is against mask mandates and he said they will not prevent the spread of COVID. So does he recommend not wearing masks? Does he say that they are ineffective? Does he not wear them when he is working at the hospital?
Why can't you post the afficacy? I've asked you almost 10 times now and you have yet to post a number. If you can't have a straight forward conversation and answer questions then how can you expect others to show you respect?

The efficacy does make a difference and I would be happy to explain why if you can post a number of what you believe it is. I want to make sure we are working off the same stats so please source where you get your info from.

I've told you ten times. It doesn't matter what the efficacy rate is 5, 10, 25, 50, 75. It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that in the most highly vaccinated areas of the world, Delta is surging.
If she wasn't vaxxed, she would have shown that she wasn't buying the lies being put out about the vaccine stopping the virus and would have been smart enough to know that getting on the cruise ships is still like playing Russian Roulette. She likely only got on the cruise thinking that the VACCINE which isn't a VaCCINE magically protected her dumb ass from covid. She was wrong--she believed the lies and she has died from it.
Interesting, would you then support shutting down businesses that bring people together in crowds because there is no way to protect them?

Do you think that if everybody on that boat had been unvaxxed the cases of infected would have been more or less than they turned out to be?
I've told you ten times. It doesn't matter what the efficacy rate is 5, 10, 25, 50, 75. It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that in the most highly vaccinated areas of the world, Delta is surging.
I understand that you don't think it matters. I just want to know if you can post what it is based on whatever source of information you use. Just trying to get on the same page here. Full understanding that you don't think the number matters. So what do you think it is for the Pfizer vaccine?
Haha, I agree they won't prevent the spread of COVID. It sounds like you are dancing around giving a direct answer to my question. You Doctor friend is against mask mandates and he said they will not prevent the spread of COVID. So does he recommend not wearing masks? Does he say that they are ineffective? Does he not wear them when he is working at the
Haha, I agree they won't prevent the spread of COVID. It sounds like you are dancing around giving a direct answer to my question. You Doctor friend is against mask mandates and he said they will not prevent the spread of COVID. So does he recommend not wearing masks? Does he say that they are ineffective? Does he not wear them when he is working at the hospital?
I’m not interested in adding any dialogue to the conversation that I had with him. He made the comment that I posted period. It was also supported by the nurse who I could tell from her reaction that she’d either heard the doctor have the same conversation with another patient or with her prior. That mask mandates are not preventing the spread. The conversation came up because we all had masks on due to the facilities own policy. The staff did not agree with it, at least that’s the impression the 2 staff members gave me.
I understand that you don't think it matters. I just want to know if you can post what it is based on whatever source of information you use. Just trying to get on the same page here. Full understanding that you don't think the number matters. So what do you think it is for the Pfizer vaccine?
It doesn't matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the most fully vaccinated places on the planet, Delta cases are surging. Are you trying to say that you deny that? Is that what you are trying to say? Nothing else matters but the fact that the most fully vaccinated places on the planet are surging with Delta. We will never ever get over this if you guys can't come to grips with this fact.
I’m not interested in adding any dialogue to the conversation that I had with him. He made the comment that I posted period. It was also supported by the nurse who I could tell from her reaction that she’d either heard the doctor have the same conversation with another patient or with her prior. That mask mandates are not preventing the spread. The conversation came up because we all had masks on due to the facilities own policy. The staff did not agree with it, at least that’s the impression the 2 staff members gave me.
You aren't interested in adding any dialogue? "At least thats the impression" you got? What the hell? We are in a life altering pandemic that is effecting every facet of our lives and we are dealing with a political shitstorm with loads of misinformation and you have a doctor in front of you that you are going to have a vague none specific conversation with?! You have neighbors who are doctors make recommendations that you will dismiss because of internet research you later did? Something is seriously wrong over there.
It doesn't matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the most fully vaccinated places on the planet, Delta cases are surging. Are you trying to say that you deny that? Is that what you are trying to say? Nothing else matters but the fact that the most fully vaccinated places on the planet are surging with Delta. We will never ever get over this if you guys can't come to grips with this fact.
Yes I understand it doesn't matter. Many things are said that don't matter yet they are said. So why can't you just say this? What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?

Before you ignore my question again to restate what you've repeating a dozen times now, I want to say that I fully understand that you don't think it matters and that all that matters is that Delta is surging in vaccinated areas. No need to repeat that. Just answer the question... According to whatever sources you use for information what is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
You aren't interested in adding any dialogue? "At least thats the impression" you got? What the hell? We are in a life altering pandemic that is effecting every facet of our lives and we are dealing with a political shitstorm with loads of misinformation and you have a doctor in front of you that you are going to have a vague none specific conversation with?! You have neighbors who are doctors make recommendations that you will dismiss because of internet research you later did? Something is seriously wrong over there.
Apparently, you maintain a similar opinion as my grandparents, they always believed their doctor, no matter what. Are you not familiar with researching studies that are new this week? As information that was not released publicly until just today, including studies allowed to have peer review?

Some SARS2 Cov-19/ COVID-19 studies did not pass on to peer review by top US medical journal (this new requirement was
never done prior, a blocking measure to only C-19 studies- intentionally blocking studies from being reviewed by their peers. Going through peer review does not get their journal entries published so there was no reason for them to block the peer review other than a biased narrative.

Many GP’s don’t have a clue about all of the novel coronavirus info, unless perhaps they work in a teaching hospital; they tend to keep up on it a lot better. How about medical journal articles that are reported almost by the minute, do you have access to those? I do, but you are only interested in information that backs your own. You have no idea apparently what scientific studies are available on the Internet. I’ll do your legwork but it’s going cost you money. How much are you willing to pay for newly released scientific information relative to this 5th type of coronavirus? I don’t work cheap, so make your offer.
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I didn't say anything about you getting it. I suggested you don't trust the government but talk to an actual DOCTOR. Why won't you do that? Too committed to your political BS??
No I only got the flu shot once 20 years ago and had a bad experience. I don't even like to take advil. I have to be in pain to do so. Not just the government.
Apparently, you maintain a similar opinion as my grandparents, they always believed their doctor, no matter what. Are you not familiar with researching studies that are new this week? as an information that was not released publicly and was not peer reviewed and most GP’s don’t have a clue
about all of the new info. How about medical journal articles that are reported almost by the minute, do you have access to those? I do, but your only interested in information that backs your own. You have no idea apparently what scientific studies are available on the Internet. I’ll do your legwork but it’s going cost you money. How much are you willing to pay for newly released scientific information relative to this 5th type of coronavirus? I don’t work cheap, so make your offer.
It would be great if you posted anything of substance to back up your claims. Post medical journal articles or links if you want to counter my first hand conversations. So far you haven’t done anything of the sort
I challenge you to show where is says that woman was vaxxed.
I'll bet you can't. You're a liar.
Are you suggesting that this Republican OP would lie?

No, I refuse to believe that.

A Republican would never tell a lie.
No I only got the flu shot once 20 years ago and had a bad experience. I don't even like to take advil. I have to be in pain to do so. Not just the government.
Right but I haven’t said a word about the government. I’m talking about doctors
You can seek out any narrative you want online. Take an issue like masks and you can find anything you want from them being totally protective to them killing kids. It is silly to go down that rabbit hole when you can simply speak to people you know who are medical professionals. Plus you can have a back and forth when you speak to people

You said the doc you spoke to was against mask mandates… but was he against masking? Did he say they were not effective?
Are you thinking that I need to repeat myself three times to make my point valid? I can imagine that is a fair assessment due to your lunatic-resembling demands that only face-to-face doctor meetings lead to knowledge! (I can’t wait to share that one later;) Now if you ask the same question a fourth time, and I answer the exact same way as all 3 previous times, does it
show that I have an answered or does it show that you’re not listening or you’re unable to do so?
Repeat the words, 3 times lol, he said masks are not effective, masks are not effective, masks are not effective. Ask a fourth time and I’ll be forced to use my Iggy button for the first time ever on here;)
Are you thinking that I need to repeat myself three times to make my point valid? I can imagine that is a fair assessment due to your lunatic-resembling demands that only face-to-face doctor meetings lead to knowledge! (I can’t wait to share that one later;) Now if you ask the same question a fourth time, and I answer the exact same way as all 3 previous times, does it
show that I have an answered or does it show that you’re not listening or you’re unable to do so?
Repeat the words, 3 times lol, he said masks are not effective, masks are not effective, masks are not effective. Ask a fourth time and I’ll be forced to use my Iggy button for the first time ever on here;)
I don’t demand anything. I simply ask question and for substance to back up claims. You saying that you have online sources and subscribe to medical journals means absolutely nothing. Post them. Where is the link about the guy who invented mRNA? Where is a link showing anything that you’ve been claiming?

this is the first time you’ve mentioned the doctor saying that masks are not effective. First he said he didn’t support mandates then he said they don’t stop the spread. Both statements I agree with. I have a hard time believing that you know a doctor that said that masks are not effective at all. Almost all doctors wear them because they do make a difference

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