Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

If you consider the size of the coronavirus particle (it varies but with specific min/maxlimits) and compare that minuscule size with the various mask fibers/tiny holes you have a problem. There are various sources online about it. I’ll find one of the demonstration vids when I have more time.

There are many people in the medical field I’ve talked with who are on both sides of the fence. The first people I heard from were neighbors down the street, long time medical family, telling us all to hurry up and get the vaccination. I researched to learn the details for myself as I do in all areas, and particularly when it comes to effective health measures. My neighbors’ good intentions fell short on facts.

My husband’s opinion is that the current Biden government is going to continue to play the game and therefore we peons have to play the game. We greatly differ on that latter point.
Various sources online.

God help Us
I find it interesting that you are implying strongly that when you talk face-to-face to a medical professional that it somehow elevates the truthfulness of the information. Lol The world is way past reliance on face to face, doctor appointments in order to obtain medical information! You are living in the 90s! It was a great decade I have to admit prior to the Internet and all;)
It is interesting that you are standing by what most people already know... Don't trust internet research for your medical advise... It is full of misinformation. Yes I stand behind talking to actual doctors who you know because you have no clue who is writing the stuff you are reading online. Yes I trust people I know more than people I don't know.

Have you spoken to any real doctors about masking and vaccinations? Have any said that masks are not effective and have any not recommended the vaccine?
No they are not ineffective. They are more effective than no mask as they have a barrier. They are not as effective as N95 surgical masks and they are not as effective as double masking. But they are effective. You have bad information if you think otherwise.

They laugh at the gross misinformation that is out there. Not because they think it is funny but because they think it is sad and they are the ones treating these brainwashed fools every day. You know a large majority of those hospitalized right now are unvaccinated, right?
So are you backing that all Americans should have a federal mandate that we should now have forced (penalties for those who don’t) flu vaccines as well? There is no sense to promote a vaccine for one virus and not another that has the same deadly outcome- less than 1%. If you are backing forcing untested long-term medical procedures via mandatory testing than it only makes sense that you back all equally “deadly” similar threats for forced vaccines, right?
So is that a No you're not going to try and back up your statement? Lazy
I was actually giving you another chance to debate in an honest fashion. The last time I had a discussion with you and it was the same one-side can only be right experience. Worthless IOW. Please carry-on with your lovely and extraordinary assistant Lesh LOL
I find it interesting that you are implying strongly that when you talk face-to-face to a medical professional that it somehow elevates the truthfulness of the information. Lol The world is way past reliance on face to face, doctor appointments in order to obtain medical information! You are living in the 90s! It was a great decade I have to admit prior to the Internet and all;)
Great. Call them on the phone. Do a teleconference. DON'T listen to quacks on Facebook or Youtube
So are you backing that all Americans should have a federal mandate that we should now have forced (penalties for those who don’t) flu vaccines as well? There is no sense to promote a vaccine for one virus and not another that has the same deadly outcome- less than 1%. If you are backing forcing untested long-term medical procedures via mandatory testing than it only makes sense that you back all equally “deadly” similar threats for forced vaccines, right?
When flu kills 650,000 thousand in a year and a half we'll talk about it

A BAD flu season kills 60,000
So are you backing that all Americans should have a federal mandate that we should now have forced (penalties for those who don’t) flu vaccines as well? There is no sense to promote a vaccine for one virus and not another that has the same deadly outcome- less than 1%. If you are backing forcing untested long-term medical procedures via mandatory testing than it only makes sense that you back all equally “deadly” similar threats for forced vaccines, right?
I would like to see no federal mandates. Don't make assumptions like that. I would like to see people grow brains and start consulting doctors for medical advise instead of reading bad information online. I'd like to see less misinformation being spread about a worldwide pandemic, I'd like to see politics leave this conversation and allow for us to come together to fight this thing and get our lives back to normal.

The threat right now isn't death, it is hospitalizations. My local hospitals are at capacity. COVID patients take up weeks in ICU beds and use ventilators stretching resources of equipment and medical staff thin which effects care for entire communities. That is the threat and that is exactly what is happening right now in several major cities.
Again..Post #12 shows that that policy was not put into effect until well into AUGUST. The ship left port on July 31
What policy was put into effect? Post 12 appeared to be talking about mask mandates. Carnival announced that all guests had to be vaccinated in order to cruise, that was announced in June. I know this because I had a cruise booked for January and canceled whenever they made that announcement. Everyone on board was fully vaccinated.
I would like to see no federal mandates. Don't make assumptions like that. I would like to see people grow brains and start consulting doctors for medical advise instead of reading bad information online. I'd like to see less misinformation being spread about a worldwide pandemic, I'd like to see politics leave this conversation and allow for us to come together to fight this thing and get our lives back to normal.

The threat right now isn't death, it is hospitalizations. My local hospitals are at capacity. COVID patients take up weeks in ICU beds and use ventilators stretching resources of equipment and medical staff thin which effects care for entire communities. That is the threat and that is exactly what is happening right now in several major cities.
I just read where 3 Texas Hospitals had to stop taking actual emergency patients in their ERs because they were so overwhelmed with covid patients

It is interesting that you are standing by what most people already know... Don't trust internet research for your medical advise... It is full of misinformation. Yes I stand behind talking to actual doctors who you know because you have no clue who is writing the stuff you are reading online. Yes I trust people I know more than people I don't know.

Have you spoken to any real doctors about masking and vaccinations? Have any said that masks are not effective and have any not recommended the vaccine?
All medical journals are online. I subscribe to 5 science orgs. How many do you subscribe? Name them. I am not here to prove anything to you. You are the type of poster who makes people leave this message board and that’s a fact. You don’t know how to debate, you do your best, but you fail anyway. What happens when someone attempts to engage you is you only agree to your own conclusions in advance of posting.

I’m here to learn and to share information. You are not. Let’s just agree to get disagree. I’m uninterested in wasting my time with your circular reasoning, seriously.
I was actually giving you another chance to debate in an honest fashion. The last time I had a discussion with you and it was the same one-side can only be right experience. Worthless IOW. Please carry-on with your lovely and extraordinary assistant Lesh LOL
Last time we had a conversation I asked you to source your claims and you said you needed to get on your computer and then I never heard back from you.
Yes get the vaccine. Does this report somehow make you think that the lady wouldn’t have caught COVID and died had she not been vaxxed? Think of how many others would be sick or dead if the boat was full of unvaxxed! How does this not register for you, what is confusing you??

the boat may have been filled with unvaccinated people, because, sailing out of Galviston Tx, the law that Governor Abbot signed made it illegal to ask or require vaccination status of the passengers and crew.

Texas vaccine passport ban.
1.Business Cannot Require Customers to Provide Proof of Vaccination for Entry or Service
Texas Bill 968 prohibits Texas businesses from requiring a customer to provide documentation certifying the customer's COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery status to gain entry or receive services.
Great. Call them on the phone. Do a teleconference. DON'T listen to quacks on Facebook or Youtube
How many science mags are you reading daily oh Great Oz of Lesh? Lol yes your posts reflect tidbits of amazing wisdom.

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