Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

I just read where 3 Texas Hospitals had to stop taking actual emergency patients in their ERs because they were so overwhelmed with covid patients

Yes, I am friends with a few nurses and doctors in Austin. This is absolutely happening. Resources are thin and staff is overworked.
Last time we had a conversation I asked you to source your claims and you said you needed to get on your computer and then I never heard back from you.
Oh now, that very well might be true but it was in regards to specific subject and I forgot to go back. Do a quick scan of my posts and tell me how many of my political and medical posts don’t have sources. I’ll wait:)
All medical journals are online. I subscribe to 5 science orgs. How many do you subscribe? Name them. I am not here to prove anything to you. You are the type of poster who makes people leave this message board and that’s a fact. You don’t know how to debate, you do your best, but you fail anyway. What happens when someone attempts to engage you is you only agree to your own conclusions in advance of posting.

I’m here to learn and to share information. You are not. Let’s just agree to get disagree. I’m uninterested in wasting my time with your circular reasoning, seriously.
I'll happily consider your arguments if you can make valid ones or provide valid sources. Yes I pick a topic and argue a side of it but I also admit when I'm wrong or when good points are made. You aren't presenting anything of substance yet... Lets dig in. I've asked you several times if you have spoken first hand to any doctors who have not recommended masks or the vaccine. Yes or no?
What policy was put into effect? Post 12 appeared to be talking about mask mandates. Carnival announced that all guests had to be vaccinated in order to cruise, that was announced in June. I know this because I had a cruise booked for January and canceled whenever they made that announcement. Everyone on board was fully vaccinated.

If it sailed out of Texas, then Gov Abbot's law made it illegal for the cruise ship company to ask for proof of vaccination status. The ship could have been filled with unvaccinated people.
What policy was put into effect? Post 12 appeared to be talking about mask mandates. Carnival announced that all guests had to be vaccinated in order to cruise, that was announced in June. I know this because I had a cruise booked for January and canceled whenever they made that announcement. Everyone on board was fully vaccinated.
I stand corrected

Oh now, that very well might be true but it was in regards to specific subject and I forgot to go back. Do a quick scan of my posts and tell me how many of my political and medical posts don’t have sources. I’ll wait:)
none of your post from our conversation in this thread and none from our past personal conversations that I've asked you about. But I'm willing to go clean slate though. Can you answer my question about the doctors and provide that source showing the dude invented mRNA?
I'll happily consider your arguments if you can make valid ones or provide valid sources. Yes I pick a topic and argue a side of it but I also admit when I'm wrong or when good points are made. You aren't presenting anything of substance yet... Lets dig in. I've asked you several times if you have spoken first hand to any doctors who have not recommended masks or the vaccine. Yes or no?
Dermatologist/outpatient surgeon against mask mandates. Our discussion did not include politics but his medical reasoning. We discussed the size of the virus compared to the typical cloth masks people are wearing.

Again, why does it matter to you about only face-to-face medical opinions? If I would have read an article that my specialist wrote in the local paper, which he did recently, should I think that because it wasn’t face-to-face those were total lies? Give that a rest so we can move on. Before taking the time to find valid sources for you, I need your agreement that you’re not going to say, “Those weren’t face-to-face encounters so they’re invalid!” You see the lunacy you’ve implied?
If it sailed out of Texas, then Gov Abbot's law made it illegal for the cruise ship company to ask for proof of vaccination status. The ship could have been filled with unvaccinated people.
Carnival is requiring proof of vaccination status to board, and it has to have been two weeks since your last shot as well. You also had to have a negative COVID test, guess those don’t work either.
Dermatologist/outpatient surgeon against mask mandates. Our discussion did not include politics but his medical reasoning. We discussed the size of the virus compared to the typical cloth masks people are wearing.

Again, why does it matter to you about only face-to-face medical opinions? If I would have read an article that my specialist wrote in the local paper, which he did recently, should I think that because it wasn’t face-to-face those were total lies? Give that a rest so we can move on. Before taking the time to find valid sources for you, my first one in agreement that you’re not going to say, “Those weren’t face-to-face encounters so they’re invalid!” You see the lunacy you’ve implied?
You can seek out any narrative you want online. Take an issue like masks and you can find anything you want from them being totally protective to them killing kids. It is silly to go down that rabbit hole when you can simply speak to people you know who are medical professionals. Plus you can have a back and forth when you speak to people

You said the doc you spoke to was against mask mandates… but was he against masking? Did he say they were not effective?
Lol. Yeah sure you did.

I wonder if you will catch on to the fraud after your hundredth booster shot.
Hey Gipper, what do you think about the US fed/ NIH grant pulling the funding on Novovax until they get FDA approval? They didn’t require that with those three approved company shysters What’s up with that do you think?
Carnival is requiring proof of vaccination status to board, and it has to have been two weeks since your last shot as well. You also had to have a negative COVID test, guess those don’t work either.
Or she caught it on board ship from a crew member. Vaccines aren't 100%.

Cruising during a pandemic is not a real bright idea...especially if you're 77
Hey Gipper, what do you think about the US fed/ NIH grant pulling the funding on Novovax until they get FDA approval? They didn’t require that with those three approved company shysters What’s up with that do you think?
I bet you're all in on horse dewormer huh..,.
You can seek out any narrative you want online. Take an issue like masks and you can find anything you want from them being totally protective to them killing kids. It is silly to go down that rabbit hole when you can simply speak to people you know who are medical professionals. Plus you can have a back and forth when you speak to people

You said the doc you spoke to was against mask mandates… but was he against masking? Did he say they were not effective?
He said they would not prevent the spread of Covid. He is right.
The CDC has lowered the efficacy rate of the VAXX to 66%.

The effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines among front-line workers declined to 66% after the delta variant became dominant, compared with 91% before it arose, according to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

By the end of the year, it will be 0% because it's a HOAXX.
Or she caught it on board ship from a crew member. Vaccines aren't 100%.

Cruising during a pandemic is not a real bright idea...especially if you're 77

People confuse a vaccine with a hazmat suit.

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