Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

BS like Russian Collusion and The Plandemic? Brought to you by the very same people.
You think my statement is BS?! haha. OK prove it. Show how this guy invented mRNA. I've researched him the only people making that claim are he and his wife on their own website. They say he researched it while in college. Is that the bridge you want to stand on?!
Oh I've spoken to every doctor and nurse I know and ask most of my friends and family what their doctors say about it. I haven't found one to say that masking is useless and that they don't recommend taking the vax. Have you?
If you consider the size of the coronavirus particle (it varies but with specific min/maxlimits) and compare that minuscule size with the various mask fibers/tiny holes you have a problem. There are various sources online about it. I’ll find one of the demonstration vids when I have more time.

There are many people in the medical field I’ve talked with who are on both sides of the fence. The first people I heard from were neighbors down the street, long time medical family, telling us all to hurry up and get the vaccination. I researched to learn the details for myself as I do in all areas, and particularly when it comes to effective health measures. My neighbors’ good intentions fell short on facts.

My husband’s opinion is that the current Biden government is going to continue to play the game and therefore we peons have to play the game. We greatly differ on that latter point.
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You think my statement is BS?! haha. OK prove it. Show how this guy invented mRNA. I've researched him the only people making that claim are he and his wife on their own website. They say he researched it while in college. Is that the bridge you want to stand on?!

Only intellectually challenged feminized mental midgets who date morbidly obese LibNazis women with hairy armpits and who refuse to wear deodorant believe in Russian Collusion and the Plandemic.
Haha, what shit of mine do you want me to back up? You posted a link and I asked what point you are try to make. You replied "The Vax Sucks" then I asked for you to back that up with stats and a real argument. So out of that conversation what in the world is there for me to "Back up"?
Yes my link backed up my statement. It’s a fundament rule of debate.
That guy didn’t invent mRNA. Stop believing everything you find on the internet. Much of it is BS
Yes, he did Slade. Social media platforms have tried to erase his information as it’s harder harder to fine now when you search for it. If you get lucky it comes up on the second page or so. It’s there and factual, just lacks popular opinion from the leftists.
If you consider the size of the coronavirus particle (it varies but with specific min/maxlimits) and compare that minuscule size with the various mask fibers/tiny holes you have a problem. There are various sources online about it. I’ll find one of the demonstration vids when I have more time.

There are many people in the medical field I’ve talked with who are on both sides of the fence. The first people I heard from were neighbors down the street, long time medical family, telling us all to hurry up and get the vaccination. I researched to learn the details for myself as I do in all areas, and particularly when it comes to effective health measures. My neighbors’ good intentions fell short on facts.

My husband’s opinion is that the current Biden government is going to continue to play the game and therefore we peons have to play the game. We greatly differ on that latter point.
I've seen the demo vids and heard the arguments made against masking and I have brought those up to doctors/nurses and only seen medical professionals react with laughter. Doctors and nurses in Austin are double masking right now. Not because they think it looks pretty.

You mentioned your neighbors who were medical professionals that recommended the vax but didn't site any medical professionals that you spoke to that advised against it or masking. Is that because your info on those arguments are from things you found on the internet?
Only intellectually challenged feminized mental midgets who date morbidly obese LibNazis women with hairy armpits and who refuse to wear deodorant believe in Russian Collusion and the Plandemic.
Thanks for that Captain Random. Care to get back to our discussion now?
Yes, he did Slade. Social media platforms have tried to erase his information as it’s harder harder to fine now when you search for it. If you get lucky it comes up on the second page or so. It’s there and factual, just lacks popular opinion from the leftists.
Wonderful, please post the link you found that proves it then. I'd like to see it. I don't need popular opinion, just a reputable source
So are you for scrapping the vax and going back to heavy masking and shut downs? That’s what it sounds like your post is saying.
You can't ask me my take on this, because my life is uniquely built for this, as is my tolerance level. Everyone's situation is unique.
Some people by way of work need to be in the risk of community, others mentally and socially need to always be out and about and can't entertain themselves, so they get stir crazy easy.

I personally just avoid the large crowds by shopping at opening hours, no mask necessary.
I've always cooked for myself, so I avoid the risky fast food stops and restaurants. I had gone out singing, it can be done safely if the KJ is wiping down mics in between, you still use hand sanitizer after, and use straws instead of drinking out the soda can (I don't drink).
Pick a quiet corner or area of the establishment and if it get's uncomfortable aka unsafe then just pick up and leave just as you would do if it got a bit rough with inkling of fights.
If I didn't make my own safe decisions and declined my friends unsafe situations, I would have had the virus by now as my friends did.
And with most adults vaxed, I only slightly loosened my carefulness, knowing how the early vaxers were about past the 6month window and are always last years virus, so keeping up is not always possible.
I've seen the demo vids and heard the arguments made against masking and I have brought those up to doctors/nurses and only seen medical professionals react with laughter. Doctors and nurses in Austin are double masking right now. Not because they think it looks pretty.

You mentioned your neighbors who were medical professionals that recommended the vax but didn't site any medical professionals that you spoke to that advised against it or masking. Is that because your info on those arguments are from things you found on the internet?
Why would they laugh if doctors are double masking then? That makes no sense- they should not be laughing because it’s accurate that single masks particularly cloth are ineffective against spreading coronavirus.
You can't ask me my take on this, because my life is uniquely built for this, as is my tolerance level. Everyone's situation is unique.
Some people by way of work need to be in the risk of community, others mentally and socially need to always be out and about and can't entertain themselves, so they get stir crazy easy.

I personally just avoid the large crowds by shopping at opening hours, no mask necessary.
I've always cooked for myself, so I avoid the risky fast food stops and restaurants. I had gone out singing, it can be done safely if the KJ is wiping down mics in between, you still use hand sanitizer after, and use straws instead of drinking out the soda can (I don't drink).
Pick a quiet corner or area of the establishment and if it get's uncomfortable aka unsafe then just pick up and leave just as you would do if it got a bit rough with inkling of fights.
If I didn't make my own safe decisions and declined my friends unsafe situations, I would have had the virus by now as my friends did.
And with most adults vaxed, I only slightly loosened my carefulness, knowing how the early vaxers were about past the 6month window and are always last years virus, so keeping up is not always possible.
Of course I can ask your take on this. We can all have our own personal quirks but also an understanding for how others are and how a society operates and then voice our opinions based on what we think will be the most effective course of action for the community and world we live in. We don't need to limit our recommendations solely on what works for us personally.
I've seen the demo vids and heard the arguments made against masking and I have brought those up to doctors/nurses and only seen medical professionals react with laughter. Doctors and nurses in Austin are double masking right now. Not because they think it looks pretty.

You mentioned your neighbors who were medical professionals that recommended the vax but didn't site any medical professionals that you spoke to that advised against it or masking. Is that because your info on those arguments are from things you found on the internet?
I find it interesting that you are implying strongly that when you talk face-to-face to a medical professional that it somehow elevates the truthfulness of the information. Lol The world is way past reliance on face to face, doctor appointments in order to obtain medical information! You are living in the 90s! It was a great decade I have to admit prior to the Internet and all;)
Why would they laugh if doctors are double masking then? That makes no sense- they should not be laughing because it’s accurate that single masks particularly cloth are ineffective against spreading coronavirus.
No they are not ineffective. They are more effective than no mask as they have a barrier. They are not as effective as N95 surgical masks and they are not as effective as double masking. But they are effective. You have bad information if you think otherwise.

They laugh at the gross misinformation that is out there. Not because they think it is funny but because they think it is sad and they are the ones treating these brainwashed fools every day. You know a large majority of those hospitalized right now are unvaccinated, right?

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