Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

You've been stupider than you have to be for as long as you've been here.
Ahh so you are a morbidly obese liberal? You probably date morbidly obese women with hairy armpits and who don't wear deoderant. Most LibNazis women are like that, and like effeminate men like you.

But hey, that's not why I called. I'm not the idiot taking a DNA altering experimental vaccine made from aborted baby cells that will give you a genetic mutation and will be dying of cancer or some other mutation in the future.

Have some of that transhuman.
Ahh so you are a morbidly obese liberal? You probably date morbidly obese women with hairy armpits and who don't wear deoderant. Most LibNazis women are like that, and like effeminate men like you.

But hey, that's not why I called. I'm not the idiot taking a DNA altering experimental vaccine made from aborted baby cells that will give you a genetic mutation and will be dying of cancer or some other mutation in the future.

Have some of that transhuman.
You're an idiot.
You're an idiot.

What's it like to go to bed with women like Rosie O'Donnell? These fat LibNazi sows most likely weigh more than you so they can't be on top. You'll suffocate, right? Can't pull their hair either as it's shorter than yours. Maybe you take a submissive position while they dominate you and rub your face in their hairy stanky armpits, and you like it.

The vaccine is trash and is a scam just like the plandemic. Same people that invented the Russian Collusion Hoax are selling you gullible morons the scamdemic. You are better off taking malaria drugs.
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What's it like to go to bed with women like Rosie O'Donnell? These fat LibNazi sows most likely weigh more than you so they can't be on top. You'll suffocate, right? Can't pull their hair either as it's shorter than yours. Maybe you take a submissive position while they dominate you and rub your face in their hair stanky armpits, and you like it.

The vaccine is trash and is a scam just like the plandemic. Same people that invented the Russian Collusion Hoax are selling you gullible morons the scamdemic. You are better off taking malaria drugs.
You're an idiot for saying things like that.
You're vaxxed and I'm not, but your chances of getting covid are the same as mine. So no, I won't get vaccinated.
No your chances of catching COVID are higher. Your chances of being hospitalized are higher. Those are medical facts. But please try and prove me wrong
That guy didn’t invent mRNA. Stop believing everything you find on the internet. Much of it is BS
Very simply put:
The double Vaxes are not 100% affective in reducing severity, and was never a preventative. The best ones say 90% affective, and single doses which many only got 1 of the 2, are about 45% affective. But that doesn't factor in poorly stored, tainted, expired, or poorly administered nor those who failed to obey the aspirin directions.
Furthermore, those who are vaxed drop their guard & act like everything is ok back to normal and drop their distance, judgement, hand cleanliness, etc. This includes businesses which have dropped their guard.
I was just at Walmart and a stock lady was coughing excessively, and nobody thought to send her home without touching anything, and wipe down what she was touching.
So are you for scrapping the vax and going back to heavy masking and shut downs? That’s what it sounds like your post is saying.
Yes get the vaccine. Does this report somehow make you think that the lady wouldn’t have caught COVID and died had she not been vaxxed? Think of how many others would be sick or dead if the boat was full of unvaxxed! How does this not register for you, what is confusing you??
This is the mentality of the left. This is why Delta is surging, even in the highest vaccinated parts of the world. They simply refuse to believe that vaccinated people are spreading the virus. They wrongly believe that if they admit in only the vaccinated that somehow they are immune to Delta. The vaccinated are spreading the virus and causing surges. Even when you are hit in the head with a hammer you still can't figure it out.

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