Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

This is the mentality of the left. This is why Delta is surging, even in the highest vaccinated parts of the world. They simply refuse to believe that vaccinated people are spreading the virus. They wrongly believe that if they admit in only the vaccinated that somehow they are immune to Delta. The vaccinated are spreading the virus and causing surges. Even when you are hit in the head with a hammer you still can't figure it out.
I’ve said many times that vaxxed people are spreading the virus. Take the cotton out of your ears. What’s the efficacy rate of the vaccines? Can you answer a simple question?!
I've got over a 99% i will survive it if I get it, the same as you.
I’m talking about hospitalizations. I don’t care if you die but I do care if you take up an ICU bed for 8 weeks and prevent somebody else from getting care all because you were too stubborn to take a shot and prevent the hospitalization. This is happening in real life all over the place

But please get the vaccine

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Reportedly, all infected cruise line employees were vaccinated (I will look for other sources to confirm as various LSM sources are leaving this part out altogether- no shocker there. LSM is currently sticking with known falsehoods since they prematurely went “all in”. Carnival’s policy requires passengers to have proof of shots to board.

Side note: my family and I had a trip (prescheduled from a long time ago) for an upcoming February cruise. Cancelled. The only ship I’d consider boarding would be one free of vaccinated carriers shedding the virus. I suspect I’ll get a little heat from that comment alone here, but it’s my assessment. The Covid jabs are mostly outdated in effect with more and more vaccinated coming down with second bouts of the illness from Delta variant. At this point, I’m not even sure if the booster being developed is in fact covering the Delta strain or just same concoction- does anybody know about that?

I’d like to add that, in no shape or form, am I rooting against the mRNA shots and their effectiveness because my husband accepted two jabs. At one time I was considering waiting for the plant-based option but some of those are using the mRNA delivery method anyway, just a plant instead of animal source. Also, the Novovax option sounded promising, but US govt NIH pulled the federal funding on it demanding that Novovax obtain FDA approval before they get the funding ! lol Must have some big money connections there with the select drug companies making the profits and not allowing any other company in. Great job US govt numbskulls who went along with this plan after meeting with the drug reps in secret! That sub route method, by the way, more like a traditional vaccine is a much safer method of delivery unlike the much riskier mRNA. Yet, The federal grant funding was pulled? Interesting development to say the least.
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Reportedly, all infected cruise line employees were vaccinated (I will look for other sources to confirm as various LSM sources are leaving this part out altogether- no shocker there. LSM is currently sticking with known falsehoods since they prematurely went “all in”. Carnival’s policy requires passengers to have proof of shots to board.

Wow, only 27?! That’s great. Shots are working better than I thought. Thanks for the link!
I’m talking about hospitalizations. I don’t care if you die but I do care if you take up an ICU bed for 8 weeks and prevent somebody else from getting care all because you were too stubborn to take a shot and prevent the hospitalization. This is happening in real life all over the place
I don't trust the government at all, they are the one pushing the vaccine. So therefore I will not get it. The government at first stated that if you got the vaccine you couldn't get it and they were completely wrong. Anyway it's not really a vaccine.
I don't trust the government at all, they are the one pushing the vaccine. So therefore I will not get it. The government at first stated that if you got the vaccine you couldn't get it and they were completely wrong. Anyway it's not really a vaccine.
You don't need to trust the government. Go see your DOCTOR and see what your DOCTOR has to say. If you don't like what your DOCTOR has to say then go see a different DOCTOR and get a second opinion. Stop playing politics with a medical situation. Go talk to a DOCTOR!
You don't need to trust the government. Go see your DOCTOR and see what your DOCTOR has to say. If you don't like what your DOCTOR has to say then go see a different DOCTOR and get a second opinion. Stop playing politics with a medical situation. Go talk to a DOCTOR!
Not going to get it.
Wow, only 27?! That’s great. Shots are working better than I thought. Thanks for the link!
A different interpretation than mine. My understanding, from reading about this incident, is that the claim (made already) that these people weren’t vaccinated is inaccurate. Look for many to continue to suggest that the passenger who died was unvaccinated. This is due to the influence of crooked politics.

I hope the shots are keeping people out of the hospital, I am not rooting against the effectiveness. I’m awaiting more evidence and outcomes; it’s too early now in the game. I don’t understand why people don’t understand that concept. Just curious Slade, are you persuaded strictly by your GP’s advice about the shots or do you have more than one person you trust about this issue?
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I’ve said many times that vaxxed people are spreading the virus. Take the cotton out of your ears. What’s the efficacy rate of the vaccines? Can you answer a simple question?!
It doesn't matter what the efficacy rate is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most vaccinated places on the planet are surging with Delta. Therefore, the vaccines aren't stopping the spread. In fact, cases are surging despite the vaccines. The very stupid left believe that if they have a sports stadium filled with 50,000 only vaccinated people, that that won't be a problem. It would be a superspreader event, just like this cruise ship, except for the fact there is some control on the cruise ship whereas 50,000 vaccinated people will exit the stadium and spread the virus everywhere.
Wow, only 27?! That’s great. Shots are working better than I thought. Thanks for the link!
Just a few weeks ago you thought less than 1% of vaccinated people could get infected…

I don't trust the government at all, they are the one pushing the vaccine. So therefore I will not get it. The government at first stated that if you got the vaccine you couldn't get it and they were completely wrong. Anyway it's not really a vaccine.
True on all points. I’m being redundant but I’d like to add anyway there was a secret meeting with US governmental officials with the three companies that gained their approval for a full speed ahead to create mRNA vaccines (2 of the 3- not J&J’s delivery method)and these 3 companies had never in their companies’ histories ever produced any type of vaccine before! Now that’s the starting point of the entire mess within the US- selecting a horrible option in the name of achieving the best outcome in the US. These individuals need to be named publicly and have no business holding any governmental position.
A different interpretation than mine. My understanding, from reading about this incident, is that the claim (made already) that these people weren’t vaccinated is accurate. Look for many to continue to suggest that the passenger who died was unvaccinated. This is due to the influence of crooked politics.

I hope the shots are keeping people out of the hospital, I am not rooting against the effectiveness. I’m awaiting more evidence and outcomes; it’s too early now in the game. I don’t understand why people don’t understand that concept. Just curious Slade, are you persuaded strictly by your GP’s advice about the shots or do you have more than one person you trust about this issue?
Oh I've spoken to every doctor and nurse I know and ask most of my friends and family what their doctors say about it. I haven't found one to say that masking is useless and that they don't recommend taking the vax. Have you?
How so? show data to back up whatever BS you’re going to try and say
You back up your shit! Its evident from the evidence that has leaked out, the vax is ineffective. Keep in mind the powers-that-be are doing all they can to silence this evidence.
It doesn't matter what the efficacy rate is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most vaccinated places on the planet are surging with Delta. Therefore, the vaccines aren't stopping the spread. In fact, cases are surging despite the vaccines. The very stupid left believe that if they have a sports stadium filled with 50,000 only vaccinated people, that that won't be a problem. It would be a superspreader event, just like this cruise ship, except for the fact there is some control on the cruise ship whereas 50,000 vaccinated people will exit the stadium and spread the virus everywhere.
Why can't you post the afficacy? I've asked you almost 10 times now and you have yet to post a number. If you can't have a straight forward conversation and answer questions then how can you expect others to show you respect?

The efficacy does make a difference and I would be happy to explain why if you can post a number of what you believe it is. I want to make sure we are working off the same stats so please source where you get your info from.

You back up your shit! Its evident from the evidence that has leaked out, the vax is ineffective. Keep in mind the powers-that-be are doing all they can to silence this evidence.
Haha, what shit of mine do you want me to back up? You posted a link and I asked what point you are try to make. You replied "The Vax Sucks" then I asked for you to back that up with stats and a real argument. So out of that conversation what in the world is there for me to "Back up"?
Tragic story. How long before we hear that her death would have been worse if she hadn't been vaccinated?

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