Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

I believe those who have had it AND also been vaccinated have 2x more protection than those who have had it and have not gotten the vax. I also believe that those who have had it with no vax have only a 1% chance of recatching it. So we appear to be looking at a .5% chance vs a 1% chance
So slim. In the end it sounds bad but to me the virus kills the weak. Sometimes the planet just does that. Sad but true. And hey I tried to help but in the end this is not nature’s plan.
Interesting, would you then support shutting down businesses that bring people together in crowds because there is no way to protect them?

Do you think that if everybody on that boat had been unvaxxed the cases of infected would have been more or less than they turned out to be?
No.....people have got to make their own decisions. Hiding in a corner is no way to live either...Boats have always killed off the old via viral infections.
No.....people have got to make their own decisions. Hiding in a corner is no way to live either...Boats have always killed off the old via viral infections.
Can people decide to do what they can to make their community’s as safe as possible?
Exactly what I said. Those who die from this virus are the weak. It may be nature’s way to decrease the population. Why are you so angry?
I’m not angry. I just think that is a horrible thing to say. Heaven forbid one of your family is or becomes “weak”
I’m not angry. I just think that is a horrible thing to say. Heaven forbid one of your family is or becomes “weak”
Then it’s on them. Don’t be fat. Obese people are 90% more likely to die from the virus. Again, I donated my own blood to help people. But maybe it was a fool’s errand? Our Govt told us to sit home while they provided us money and told us to order food and watch Netflix. On average people gained 29 pounds during the pandemic. Making them more susceptible. Maybe the CDC and leftists like you should be pounding the healthy lifestyle rhetoric vs get the vaccine and give more money to Pharma companies rhetoric? If you’re fat you will suffer and we the taxpayers foot the bill. Want to survive the virus? Don’t be fat. Fair?
Can people decide to do what they can to make their community’s as safe as possible?
Nope. I believe more policing makes communities safer but the Democrats support defunding the police. So to me logical people can but not silly idealistic leftists.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Can people decide to do what they can to make their community’s as safe as possible?
On their own, they are better at it than when the government and the fascists and the generally ignorant welfare hos and college dummies get involved. The lock downs have made Covid worse long term. It would have been better allowing the virus kung flu 19 to ravage the old and sick last year............slowing its food source means it gets to stay longer and mutate more so now it is attacking children...a pattern that will get worse. This winter will be bad...........and instead of tapering off next year, think it will stick around and mutate killing a new group. Locking down has killed business and allowed the corrupt to rob america of money that will be needed later on more desperately. '

The masks and the mandates are actually making things worse long term, and unfortunately there are to many dummies out there that don't know this or will never admit this. Normally virus's stick around 2-3 years before making most immune or just dying off-----we've fucked the pooch on this one. Years of dying coming.
Then it’s on them. Don’t be fat. Obese people are 90% more likely to die from the virus. Again, I donated my own blood to help people. But maybe it was a fool’s errand? Our Govt told us to sit home while they provided us money and told us to order food and watch Netflix. On average people gained 29 pounds during the pandemic. Making them more susceptible. Maybe the CDC and leftists like you should be pounding the healthy lifestyle rhetoric vs get the vaccine and give more money to Pharma companies rhetoric? If you’re fat you will suffer and we the taxpayers foot the bill. Want to survive the virus? Don’t be fat. Fair?
Personal choices dude. I'm all for promoting a healthy lifestyle though. How did you feel about Bloombergs soda ban when he was running New York?
It’s important because I like engaging with people who are informed and capable of giving direct answers to direct questions. So far you aren’t doing a very good job at it.
I am very informed but I'm not playing your game. I know what the figures are but, as I said, they are meaningless. The only figures that matter are the figures which show that even in the most highly vaccinated places on the planet, cases continue surging.

Both Israel and Iceland have vaccination rates of 80% and are seeing surging cases of Delta. Stupid Fauci just said the other day that if the US could get up to 80% then we would be in much better shape. What better shape? If our vaccination rate was 80% our cases would still be surging, the same as both Israel and Iceland. That's something that Fauci wishes for the US? Is that the best hope he has for us is getting us to the point where are cases are still surging?

Once I can get you past this point then we can talk about how well the vaccines do at decreasing hospitalizations and deaths but we can't ever get to the point because you can't get past the first point that vaccinations do basically nothing to stop the spread of Delta. We, as a world society, can't make progress on this disease until we admit that the vaccinations will not stop the spread and neither will masks. This is why it is surging under Biden, because he and the left refuse to admit the truth of point one.
Personal choices dude. I'm all for promoting a healthy lifestyle though. How did you feel about Bloombergs soda ban when he was running New York?
I am not saying ban anything. I am saying promote a healthy lifestyle with the same rigor you promote the vaccines and Black Lives Matter. Bloomberg didn’t ban soda just giant servings of it.
Stats don’t lie, Herr Lesh. If you’re fat you’re 90% more likely to die from the virus. Eat less. Education is key.

Since the powers that be do not get very specific in general ways of this virus, we do not know everything. So we have to learn from not listening to the CDC, the FDA, the corrupted politicians, and their media/entertainment lackeys. So being obese, having a compromised immune system, being older can be three things that affect humans. Golly gee...Fauci could be saying this to start. Fat, living nasty, and old are now getting us to a result. What makes us obese. What we do to live our lives extreme in sexual and unhealthy food consumption ways, and what we did as we got old is a further potential answer to this. So then we get to the systems of the human body. There are Ten I believe. How does this Chinese Bio weapon affect any one individual it is designed to attack. To attack for any weakness in the human body. Fauci is not the man telling us how to safe safe. He is the man who helped to develop this evil Bio weapon.
You finally see what I have been saying. In the end we all have to catch it and survive it. Vaccine or no vaccine
Catching it only gives protection for 9 months max... Vaccinating a whole population gives aa chance to get rid of it...
More unvaccinated people die every day than those vaccinated.

An Associated Press analysis of available government data from May shows that “breakthrough” infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 107,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s about 1.1%.

And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.

It really is "just the flu" once you are vaccinated.

How many unvaxxed died in that same period?
Bit more than flu but not something to be feared if not in in a underlying group....

Biggest fear is giving it to unvaccinated..
"From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated."

Before somebody bitches about the source, go ahead and read the source document if you want. There is a link in the article.
Catching it only gives protection for 9 months max... Vaccinating a whole population gives aa chance to get rid of it...

Bit more than flu but not something to be feared if not in in a underlying group....

Biggest fear is giving it to unvaccinated..
They should be getting vaccinated.

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