
Dave said:
Here in America is where blacks have the best standard of living then ANY other place in the world. In country's, city's or any other areas where blacks are in charge is where blacks have the worst standards of living.

If blacks where intelligent they could have never been "oppressed".

Oh no we haven't seen this post word for word from Big D a dozen times before. Anybody paying attention?
Ohhh you are smart enough to do a spell check huh dave.
Well it doesn't have so much to do with not being smart as not being dead.
Tell me where you live Dave and we can test your theory. Let's see how
"smart" it is to allow yourself to be oppressed by force. It's that easy Dave.

Dave cannot tell you where he lives. It will give up his dirty little secret, which really isn't a secret at all.
Here is my whole point in this Dave.
we live in a world with crime and hate. How do your words and opinions help that?
if nothing else you are contributing to the problem. It burns my ass to see an
intelligent conversation turn into a racial argument. All of this can be avoided
by simply putting forth your opinion on the subject for the plain and simple
facts given and not spouting off how much you hate all non-white members
of the human race. We all know you don’t like black people Dave. You have
expressed your thoughts many times, too many in my opinion. If you put out
an effort to solve the problem instead of bitching about it, you might find some
peace on this earth. I only pray my daughter doesn’t have to deal with the likes
of you when she is older. Judging an entire race by the example of others is
not the solution, thank God or I might look like a racist asshole. You should
really focus on the subject at hand and not your hatred for another being. It’s
after all, part of the solution.

That was way too involved for him, you have to speak like your reading a kindergarten reader so he can understand.
Dave said:
Creole = Mutt

I just telling you what she looks like.

That sounds like ebonics Big D.

Anyway really a Jew is nothing more than a mutt, heinz 57 if you will. They are of many races and mixed races. Hell there are even African Jews Big D, AIN'T THAT A KICK IN THE ASS!
OCA said:
Complete copy of a post that Big D has used several times on this board only now he uses under a new nic. Anybody with any authority watching? Seems to me others have been banned for returning to the board under a new nic after being banned.
You know your getting your ass kicked when you start crying for help, AGAIN.
OCA said:
Oh cried for help? I was just responding to your ridiculous assertion. BTW would you like me to post some of the pm's i've recieved in the ensuing 24 hrs on this topic?
Well, what ever happen to ALL those PM's?

What a dumbass bullshiter.
OCA said:
Well lets just see, shall we?

How many people think i'm a dumbshit on here?

How many people think Big D is brilliant on here?

Serious replies only

Oh boy did you shit in your own nest here.
Shit, even I thought by now someone would have come forward and said your not a dumbshit, I over estimated you, it's clear that you ARE a dumbshit to ALL.

Won't one of you please come forward and say that OCA is not a dumbshit? It would mean alot to him.
jimnyc said:
Dave, simple question. Are you the member who was previously registered here as Big D?
Nope, but from what I can tell this Big D sounds like one hell of a great guy.
Dave said:
Nope, but from what I can tell this Big D sounds like one hell of a great guy.

Ok, just asking. Should any solid proof be provided that you are one and the same (and the mods and myself will make that determination) you will follow in Big D's footsteps.

Enjoy the board and stop getting involved in nothing more than flame wars, fights and racial statistics.
jimnyc said:
Ok, just asking. Should any solid proof be provided that you are one and the same (and the mods and myself will make that determination) you will follow in Big D's footsteps.

Enjoy the board and stop getting involved in nothing more than flame wars, fights and racial statistics.
I'll try, the only reason I'm kicking the shit out of this OCA dumbshit is because of his attacks on the good Jewish people.
So tell me.....OH GREAT DAVE.
What did the rest of us do to deserve your gospel!!!
Hey, you could be like most Americans and ignore the truth.
Dave said:
Hey, you could be like most Americans and ignore the truth.
Or I could be like the small percent of the US that actually thinks that is the truth!
I will choose to ignore your "truth".
Dave said:
I'll try, the only reason I'm kicking the shit out of this OCA dumbshit is because of his attacks on the good Jewish people.

I believe I asked you in a polite manner to cut the shit. Consider this a warning.
Or I could be like the small percent of the US that actually thinks that is the truth!
I will choose to ignore your "truth".
It's not my truth it is the truth:

Similarly, out of the universe of young black men, comes a disproportionately large group of criminals. While less than 13% of the population, blacks commit more than 50% of all murders, more then 40% of rapes, almost 60% of robberies, and more than half of all violent crime. Young black men, ages 15 to 24, while only 1% of the population, commit up to 20% of all violent crime. Now most Americans, post-September 11, 2001, expect the police to use common sense and take into consideration someone’s Middle-Eastern ethnicity. But pre-September 11, 2001, many blacks demanded that cops ignore reality and pretend that young black men do not disproportionately commit crime. What’s the difference?
Dave said:
It's not my truth it is the truth:

Similarly, out of the universe of young black men, comes a disproportionately large group of criminals. While less than 13% of the population, blacks commit more than 50% of all murders, more then 40% of rapes, almost 60% of robberies, and more than half of all violent crime. Young black men, ages 15 to 24, while only 1% of the population, commit up to 20% of all violent crime. Now most Americans, post-September 11, 2001, expect the police to use common sense and take into consideration someone’s Middle-Eastern ethnicity. But pre-September 11, 2001, many blacks demanded that cops ignore reality and pretend that young black men do not disproportionately commit crime. What’s the difference?
Dave's Math

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