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Vegas weatherman loses his job for on-air "slip"......


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
Weatherman loses job for on-air 'slip'

KTNV-TV, Channel 13, fired weekend weather anchor Rob Blair on Sunday, a day after he made an on-air racial slur about Martin Luther King Jr.

Jim Prather, vice president and general manager of KTNV, said Blair "stumbled" during a weather update at 7:55 a.m. Saturday but added that "this kind of incident is not acceptable under any circumstances, and I'm truly sorry that this event occurred."

Blair was delivering the extended forecast when he said, "For tomorrow, 60 degrees, Martin Luther Coon King Jr. Day, gonna see some temperatures in the mid-60s."

About 20 minutes later, Blair told viewers at the ABC affiliate, "Apparently I accidentally said Martin Luther Kong Jr., which I apologize about -- slip of the tongue."

He offered a full apology during Saturday's 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts.

At 6:11 p.m., co-anchor Christina Brown, who is black, announced, "Right now we want to pause for a program note. Rob?"

Blair, seated at the news desk with co-anchors Brown and Shawn Boyd, said, "On a weather report earlier this morning, I made an accidental slip of the tongue when talking about the Martin Luther King holiday, and what I said was interpreted by many viewers as highly offensive. For that I offer my deepest apology. I in no way intended to offend anyone. I'm very sorry."
Holly shit...
Sux being him!

I didn't see it, but I wonder if he really did mis-read King as Kong off the card (mistakes happen all the time) or if he did say "coon".
freeandfun1 said:
I didn't see it, but I wonder if he really did mis-read King as Kong off the card (mistakes happen all the time) or if he did say "coon".
I hope he doesn't live near a black neighborhood.
Good thing my wife doesn't know him.
I wonder if he'll sue to get his position back. After all they how do they prove it wasn't a slip of the tongue.

Honestly though after hearing about it my husband and I thought he had probably made a joke about King's name earlier and it slipped out during the broadcast.
Trigg said:
I wonder if he'll sue to get his position back. After all they how do they prove it wasn't a slip of the tongue.

Honestly though after hearing about it my husband and I thought he had probably made a joke about King's name earlier and it slipped out during the broadcast.

That is what I guessed too.... a slip based on an earlier "joke"
freeandfun1 said:
That is what I guessed too.... a slip based on an earlier "joke"

Freudian Slip.

I can't believe there are people that still talk that way in this world. They wouldn't survive in my workplace.
It's amazing that we have come so far... to stigmatize and fire a person at will... for saying things that are not considered "acceptable" or "PC".

True, these descriptions are in utter bad taste, and people should be chastised as for any bad behavior...especially those in the media...but to destroy a man's living for a one-time offense? That seems a little extreme to me. I think it says more about the critics than it does about the ignoramous insulter who at least tried to make amends.

The Left gets very riled up when anyone makes any bad remark about their "pet projects" of race or sex...but then you take a look at what the Left says and writes in the media about their perceived enemies....such as Bush...the many very offensive insults and horrendous name-calling that sometimes goes beyond the pale...

You gotta wonder...
Anyone ever watch News Radio when Phil Hartman was still on it?

There was an episode where they kept having to pull Andy Dick's character (i forget his name) off the air, because he kept mispronouncing Joey Butafuco's (sp?) last name, saying he can't say "that word" on the air...instead of saying it "But-a-foo-co"...he kept saying "But-a-fuck-o"...he apparently didn't understand what mistake he was making.

Does anyone really think that this guy said it on purpose? Has anyone else NEVER made a mistake while talking? Everyone else must be so perfect and articulate. Sheesh...let it go.
I agree with fuzzy, this is a truly pathetic example of the pc police going too far.

Think carefully, haven't you EVER said a word incorrectly...haven't you EVER meant to say one word and actually said another...EVER?

Are we really to believe that this guy was so racist that he was willing to get fired from a difficult to get postion in order to call MLK a racist name?

I'm sorry, but I don't even buy that he "slipped" because of a racist joke he was telling earlier...I think he mispronouced something because he was speaking quickly and trying to get all the words out...

Hate to get all linguistic on you guys, but if you say Martin Luther King quickly, your mouth can get caught up on the Luther, which can make King sound longer...more like Kong. Just like the guy said.

A few days ago, Ted Kennedy called Barak Obama, "Osama Bin Laden, I mean Osamabama, I mean Barak Osamaba...." He laughed and said that he was trying to say Barak Obama...but messed up because they were talking about terrorism....

Obviously, according to the standard we held this poor weatherman to, what Kennedy REALLY did was show us all that he considers any non-white person a terrorist. He should be made to step down from his senatorial seat immediately.

The fact we allow these sorts of things to occur is disgusting.
Gem said:
I agree with fuzzy, this is a truly pathetic example of the pc police going too far.

Think carefully, haven't you EVER said a word incorrectly...haven't you EVER meant to say one word and actually said another...EVER?

Are we really to believe that this guy was so racist that he was willing to get fired from a difficult to get postion in order to call MLK a racist name?

I'm sorry, but I don't even buy that he "slipped" because of a racist joke he was telling earlier...I think he mispronouced something because he was speaking quickly and trying to get all the words out...

Hate to get all linguistic on you guys, but if you say Martin Luther King quickly, your mouth can get caught up on the Luther, which can make King sound longer...more like Kong. Just like the guy said.

A few days ago, Ted Kennedy called Barak Obama, "Osama Bin Laden, I mean Osamabama, I mean Barak Osamaba...." He laughed and said that he was trying to say Barak Obama...but messed up because they were talking about terrorism....

Obviously, according to the standard we held this poor weatherman to, what Kennedy REALLY did was show us all that he considers any non-white person a terrorist. He should be made to step down from his senatorial seat immediately.

The fact we allow these sorts of things to occur is disgusting.
I was in church once and yelled "Hell yeah" by accident.
Does that count?
I still wonder if he said Coon. I didn't see the live version or even a re-run of the incident (I live in Vegas and have been watching, cuz I am curious). He claims he said "Kong" which is possible since he was reading off a TelePrompter and it is possible he just had a slip of the tongue and said Kong instead of King. As others have said, we all misspeak from time to time.
ScreamingEagle said:
It's amazing that we have come so far... to stigmatize and fire a person at will... for saying things that are not considered "acceptable" or "PC".

True, these descriptions are in utter bad taste, and people should be chastised as for any bad behavior...especially those in the media...but to destroy a man's living for a one-time offense? That seems a little extreme to me. I think it says more about the critics than it does about the ignoramous insulter who at least tried to make amends.

The Left gets very riled up when anyone makes any bad remark about their "pet projects" of race or sex...but then you take a look at what the Left says and writes in the media about their perceived enemies....such as Bush...the many very offensive insults and horrendous name-calling that sometimes goes beyond the pale...

You gotta wonder...
Absolutley True. PC is the one place where intent should be figured out. I can't count how many times I've said the wrong thing. hell at my wedding I said "I do?".
ScreamingEagle said:
It's amazing that we have come so far... to stigmatize and fire a person at will... for saying things that are not considered "acceptable" or "PC".

True, these descriptions are in utter bad taste, and people should be chastised as for any bad behavior...especially those in the media...but to destroy a man's living for a one-time offense? That seems a little extreme to me. I think it says more about the critics than it does about the ignoramous insulter who at least tried to make amends.

The Left gets very riled up when anyone makes any bad remark about their "pet projects" of race or sex...but then you take a look at what the Left says and writes in the media about their perceived enemies....such as Bush...the many very offensive insults and horrendous name-calling that sometimes goes beyond the pale...

You gotta wonder...

Yeah the left doesn't seem to have a problem with being un-pc when the 'target' is a conservative minority. Look at some of the email, (I cut it short) Michelle Malkin received:

In the column, I excerpted a few of the countless hate e-mails that come into my mailbox every day. Here's a bigger, uncensored sample from just the past few months:

Hi Self hating flat nosed Filipino Bitch! As we used to refer to your kind - little brown Fucking Machines. Looks like this little LBFM learned to whore in a different way to make some pesos. How sweet.

Surely you are a big put-on. Did some minor Republican operative purchase a mail-order bride and train her to do this?


Proverbs 69:69 counsels: "Like a whore who infects those she sleeps with, so doth the ultra-republican faux columnist infect her readers with lies." While you are looking in the mirror, cursing the Left because you weren't born blond, think about the above. Amen.


Is is such a shame that you look like a Filipino- because your thinking, writing (if you can call that) is a disgrace to any member of the Asian community. Someday, when you are no longer motivated by greed, and when you are closer to your next life stage, you will realized what a horrible sellout you are.


You're a filthy whore.


I just hope that I am still around when the karma catches up to those of you that have spread the lies and attacked the innocent. I hope your fate is somewhat similar to the women of the Phillipines when the Japanese invaded. Then Michelle you can drop the "media" from "media whore" when someone asks your occupation.


You're just a Manilla whore shaking your ass and waiting for the Republican fleet to come in, aren't you? You've even got the lip gloss about right. Maybe if you love sailor long time, he bring you home to big American house? I don't think so. Just like in Manilla, Honey, they'll pass you around 'til they've all shot their load in you, and then they'll try to scrub off the stench so they can sail off in their crisp, white uniforms to the land of W.A.S.P.


Here's a tip. We know you are lyin' pond scum and a whore to your profession......and, not a very expensive whore at that. So............when we get rid of you neocons; how will you ever pay your rent? You're not good enough to make it as a real writer. fuck you; I hope you get cancer & die a horrible painful death all alone, with your collegues shunning you and the rest of us reading how wrong you are AND WHAT A CRUMMY WRITER YOU ARE.


Malkin, you're a dumb fucking whore. You're a philipino piece of shit who should be wiping my ass. Go back to the massage parlor. Sucky sucky long time. How dare you thing you have any right to express any opinions in this country. You're a joke. Go back to nursing school. Whore.
I don't think we've heard the last of this mess. I'd be surprised if the weather man doesn't sue or come to an agreement with the station to get his job back. They can't prove he mispronounced on purpose. I would be interrested in seeing a replay of the incident to see if he said coon or kong.
Trigg said:
I don't think we've heard the last of this mess. I'd be surprised if the weather man doesn't sue or come to an agreement with the station to get his job back. They can't prove he mispronounced on purpose. I would be interrested in seeing a replay of the incident to see if he said coon or kong.

That would actually make a difference for me. If the guy actually said coon when referring to the only Black American with a National Holiday there is no way he will get his job back. It would be interesting to see the actual footage uncensored so that I can actually have a solid opinion one way or the other. If all it was was mispronunciation there is no way this man should be fired. If he actually said coon then I can see no way it would be feasible for a TV station to be represented by somebody who would say that.

Some of this comes with the chosen profession. If you expect to represent a News Station on TV you would do well to avoid those type of words in all conversation so you will never "slip-up" and show your real self on TV and therefore lose your job permanently and irrevocably.
Kathianne said:
Yeah the left doesn't seem to have a problem with being un-pc when the 'target' is a conservative minority. Look at some of the email, (I cut it short) Michelle Malkin received:

That is absolutely mind-boggling. There is NO protection for one who has commited the unpardonable offense of ideological incorrectness. No attack is too vicious, no insult too vitriolic.

One needs only to observe the left at times like these to glimpse the loving, one-world utopia they envision. Imagine what would happen to heretics if liberals got their wish!
I agree...for example, if a well-known Senator referred to Ghandi as a convinience store owner in front of a large audience of people...whew, she should be OUTTA THERE in a heart beat...we can't have racist people in the Senate OR IN the weather room!!!

Give me a break, guys! No one, unless they are a card-carrying member of the KKK is going to do something this stupid. It was a mixup and people who WANTED to hear him say "COON" heard it. He should have given an on-air apology for the misperception and been done with it.

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