Venezuela Now is Sanders' Future Amerika

BBBUUUTTTT Socialism really will work this time....dumb asses

We've always been a social democracy. The closes we may have come to your world is 1890's. The government has some say in the economy, regulates and the private sector has to respect the rights of its workers.

Name a single successful nation that isn't today???

Please show me where a pure capitalist system that works without the rich having 95% of all the wealth?
Still, Americans like socialist hyperinflation better than Trump.

Sanders v Trump.png
BBBUUUTTTT Socialism really will work this time....dumb asses

We've always been a social democracy. The closes we may have come to your world is 1890's. The government has some say in the economy, regulates and the private sector has to respect the rights of its workers.

Name a single successful nation that isn't today???

Please show me where a pure capitalist system that works without the rich having 95% of all the wealth?

I'm all for being able to make my own wealth w/o government interference or controls. You want to be rich get off your dead ass and make it happen
Still, Americans like socialist hyperinflation better than Trump.

View attachment 60796

America likes paved roads, science institutions, the ability to send their kid to public school and a safetynet. The idea that the loserterians compare the system of most of civilization too Venezuela is laughable to say the least.

Also can you please show me what hyper-inflation America or europe has seen these past 4 years?
Social democracy is basically as long as I have just a little more than you it is a good thing.
BBBUUUTTTT Socialism really will work this time....dumb asses

We've always been a social democracy. The closes we may have come to your world is 1890's. The government has some say in the economy, regulates and the private sector has to respect the rights of its workers.

Name a single successful nation that isn't today???

Please show me where a pure capitalist system that works without the rich having 95% of all the wealth?

I'm all for being able to make my own wealth w/o government interference or controls. You want to be rich get off your dead ass and make it happen

Or, I don't know...actually replying to the post you quoted. But, sure, let's pretend you're rich.
I would like to see someone list the positions that Bernie Sanders holds that a majority of Americans disagree with,

and when you do that, prove it.
BBBUUUTTTT Socialism really will work this time....dumb asses

We've always been a social democracy. The closes we may have come to your world is 1890's. The government has some say in the economy, regulates and the private sector has to respect the rights of its workers.

Name a single successful nation that isn't today???

Please show me where a pure capitalist system that works without the rich having 95% of all the wealth?

I'm all for being able to make my own wealth w/o government interference or controls. You want to be rich get off your dead ass and make it happen

Or, I don't know...actually replying to the post you quoted. But, sure, let's pretend you're rich.

You don't know me so you can pretend all you want. Stop being an asinine trollish pain in the ass and try sticking to the topic.Understand?
It seems that a large portion of the population in this country is hell bent on doing the same thing. I'm content to let it happen just to drive these people out of politics for good.
BBBUUUTTTT Socialism really will work this time....dumb asses

We've always been a social democracy. The closes we may have come to your world is 1890's. The government has some say in the economy, regulates and the private sector has to respect the rights of its workers.

Name a single successful nation that isn't today???

Please show me where a pure capitalist system that works without the rich having 95% of all the wealth?

I'm all for being able to make my own wealth w/o government interference or controls. You want to be rich get off your dead ass and make it happen

Or, I don't know...actually replying to the post you quoted. But, sure, let's pretend you're rich.

You don't know me so you can pretend all you want. Stop being an asinine trollish pain in the ass and try sticking to the topic.Understand?

Name the positions that Bernie Sanders holds that most Americans disagree with.
Sander's policies are far closer to wanting America to be like Norway and Germany than they are Venezuela.
BBBUUUTTTT Socialism really will work this time....dumb asses

We've always been a social democracy. The closes we may have come to your world is 1890's. The government has some say in the economy, regulates and the private sector has to respect the rights of its workers.

Name a single successful nation that isn't today???

Please show me where a pure capitalist system that works without the rich having 95% of all the wealth?

I'm all for being able to make my own wealth w/o government interference or controls. You want to be rich get off your dead ass and make it happen

Or, I don't know...actually replying to the post you quoted. But, sure, let's pretend you're rich.

You don't know me so you can pretend all you want. Stop being an asinine trollish pain in the ass and try sticking to the topic.Understand?

Speaking of sticking to the subject, that's what I was calling you out on. You ignored the poster's point that you were quoting, I'm pointing it out to you. You still haven't addressed it.

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