Venezuela: What Is Trump To Do??

Trump's buddy Putin is backing the "socialist" dictator Maduro that Trump has been verbally attacking for a while.

In fact they are reportedly sending "mercenaries" to back that corrupt POS.

Russian mercenaries reportedly in Venezuela to protect Maduro

Will Trump stand up to Putin our own part of the world?

The Monroe Doctrine has been misused in the past to advance big business interests in Central and South America. Preventing a foreign government from getting involved in this way would be a different story and an appropriate use of the MD.

We live in interesting times folks

Maduro can't trust his own guards to protect his life. That shows what a thriving democracy he presides over

Collapse is inevitable, but strong arm tactics can keep him in power for years.

The right thing for the US to do is let him be deposed by his own people, but have an MEU/ARG and hospital ships ready to move in when a new government takes over and asks for help.

Not us along, but as a part of a South/Central American effort to bring order back once the fighting is over.

And how exactly is ANYTHING that goes on in Venezuela (outside of major genocide/starvation) ANY of America's business?
It's more our business than anything that goes on in Syria or Libya or Egypt.

Yeah but. Regime Change is bullshit. Let them figure it out for themselves. For now.

It's not our problem. They are their own sovereign country.

Chavez did forcefully take over one of the American oil company's interests there, though. They built it, and he did a "Gibs me dat."
Good for him, they had no business there against the will of their people.
Trump's buddy Putin is backing the "socialist" dictator Maduro that Trump has been verbally attacking for a while.

In fact they are reportedly sending "mercenaries" to back that corrupt POS.

Russian mercenaries reportedly in Venezuela to protect Maduro

Will Trump stand up to Putin our own part of the world?

The Monroe Doctrine has been misused in the past to advance big business interests in Central and South America. Preventing a foreign government from getting involved in this way would be a different story and an appropriate use of the MD.

We live in interesting times folks
Let them fuckers destroy each other...
Oh we're doing that here.
Trump's buddy Putin is backing the "socialist" dictator Maduro that Trump has been verbally attacking for a while.

In fact they are reportedly sending "mercenaries" to back that corrupt POS.

Russian mercenaries reportedly in Venezuela to protect Maduro

Will Trump stand up to Putin our own part of the world?

The Monroe Doctrine has been misused in the past to advance big business interests in Central and South America. Preventing a foreign government from getting involved in this way would be a different story and an appropriate use of the MD.

We live in interesting times folks

Maduro can't trust his own guards to protect his life. That shows what a thriving democracy he presides over

Collapse is inevitable, but strong arm tactics can keep him in power for years.

The right thing for the US to do is let him be deposed by his own people, but have an MEU/ARG and hospital ships ready to move in when a new government takes over and asks for help.

Not us along, but as a part of a South/Central American effort to bring order back once the fighting is over.

And how exactly is ANYTHING that goes on in Venezuela (outside of major genocide/starvation) ANY of America's business?
It's more our business than anything that goes on in Syria or Libya or Egypt.
No, it's all the same thing. Again.
And how exactly is ANYTHING that goes on in Venezuela (outside of major genocide/starvation) ANY of America's business?

Let's see, it impacts the world oil market, which impacts our interests, it gives places like China and Russia an opportunity to expand their influence in the region, which impacts our interests, it's destabilizing to other countries in the area, which impacts our interests.

Plus if it keeps getting worse we could see the same level of piracy seen off the coast of somalia, which impacts our interests.

I did not ask what your neocon goals were...they all fall under the 'well duh' category.

And that does not make it America's business. That just makes it America's interest. BIG difference.

I realize you have problems with these simple questions, but:

Does America have the right - under international law - to militarily intervene in Venezuela's internal affairs (when there is no mass starvation or genocide)?

Yes or no?

Please actually read my post. I have said we go in if invited by whatever government takes over after Maduro is deposed.

In that case, YES, we have the right and the responsibility to send aid and try to get them back on their feet again.

Juan Guaidó has won no election. He is NOT the legal leader of Venezuela (even though Trump says he is).

America has ZERO right under international law to send in troops to help him.

Show me a link to unbiased, factual proof that I am wrong.

You cannot.

and something being out interest MAKES it our business.

LOL...the neocon credo.

So ANYTHING that someone else is interested in - MAKES it their business? it's China's business everything America does? It's Iran's business everything America does.

And why stop at countries?

So if I am interested in my neighbor's wife - that automatically makes whatever she does my business?

Interesting arrogance you neocons have.
The election was a sham. The vote was obviously rigged. Maduro is not the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

Yup, our usual shtick when we go start a bogus shooting war to go along with our economic war on them.

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