Verdict reached in Smollett hate hoax trial

Folks Jussie Smollet is by racial . He has white father and black mother. I wonder if Blm wil; tear dfown the city? The ywere for Jussie you know. One of two guilitys today. That Duggar kid was found Guilty too. Next!
Shame on him! :mad-61: SHAME

All of his supporters are supporting a hate crime as far as I am concerned. The hypocrisy and absurdity of Hollywood was clearly exposed with his crimes. Even CNN was coducting a mea culpa session after the verdict came down.
"Even CNN was coducting a mea culpa session after the verdict came down." they are not supporting him. There just is no pleasing you, I guess.
Jussie's story is so ridiculous that Dave Chappelle didn't even need to write any material. LOL Simply telling Jussie's story is fucking hilarious. Jussie is such a piece of garbage. But he gave us all a good laugh.
He gave us all a good belly laugh. Consider that community service. Time served.
Good. I hope they put his ass away for the maximum amount of time they can. I'd say I hope he gets raped in jail but he would like it.
Remember when Joe Biden weighed in on the trial? :laughing0301:
Did that actually happen???? Darn, Biden was pretty silly if he really said that. Hate Crime Hoax is a book I want to read by (black) author Wilfred Reilly who details some hundred of these hoaxes, one and all made up out of whole cloth by blacks wanting attention and, and ---- impossible to understand this kind of thing. Someone in the White House should have know about the fact that essentially ALL these hoaxes are black lies and told Biden not to put that word out.
Smollett is a convicted felon, I doubt that he will have an acting career
but, I bet there is a place for him in democrat politics. :eusa_whistle:
I'm not sure about this ruining his acting career. They say any kind of publicity is good publicity --- notoriety works.
Prison Rape is not a matter for jokes.
Not for Jusse, he loves his stays at "Man’s Country", the same bathhouse frequented by lifetime members Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) and Rahm Emanuel.
He mentioned that during his trial. So he'll have to get a steady or be the main attraction of a gang bang.
Joe Biden has never been President, nor will he ever be. In his degraded cognitive state, he's incapable of making the decisions necessary to lead any country, much less this one. He has the decision-making capability of a head of raw cabbage and the usefulness of a doorstop.
He's your President.
Good. I hope they put his ass away for the maximum amount of time they can. I'd say I hope he gets raped in jail but he would like it.

Because of his lies, his attitude before and during the trial, the judge should throw the book at Jusse Smollett. He should given 10 years for his false hate scheme. Especially because it was made up. That means that with good time and time served he would have to be in jail a minimum of 4 years.
Well I got 18 in yesterday
And shot 4 pigeons with my FX compact
But.... From here till the end of February I'm sure it's 30 degree weather... so you're stuck with me
Of course it is to you. Because you're a deplorable low end white slob the rest of us whites laugh at.


United States government official
What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.
From the race baiting knuckle head Biden himself eh ? Such an idiot him and his opportunistic band of circus clowns are.

This nation best figure out quickly how to amend the laws in this country, otherwise the one's that allowed a bunch of circus clowns to gain powerful offices over the people when they have proven that they don't deserve such a thing, and worse they can't run such a thing be it with any kind of wisdom or smarts.
He also needs to be charged with a felony for reporting a false hate crime one week prior to him beating himself up, for the letters he mailed to himself...




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Not for Jusse, he loves his stays at "Man’s Country", the same bathhouse frequented by lifetime members Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) and Rahm Emanuel.
He mentioned that during his trial. So he'll have to get a steady or be the main attraction of a gang bang.
Ole Jussie became the male version of a Gislane Maxwell at trial eh ?? lol
"Even CNN was coducting a mea culpa session after the verdict came down." they are not supporting him. There just is no pleasing you, I guess.

Are not blindly supporting him now, only after another poorly sourced "act of journalism". As soon as people heard the story, what normal 9 to 5 citizen believed his story on its face?

I saw the actors from Big Bang posing for a "We Support Jussie" placard. There was no division between the hate for Trump and the origins of their Overlords from D.C, NY and Cali who advised them how to think.

I'd feel sorry for some, you can't fix those who don't know what they don't know (nor want to know). These same cult members will never be curious enough to understand how they became Useful Idiots.
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