Vermont becomes first state to call for a Citizens United Resolution

The Wolf PAC got through to Vermont! Vermont is the first state to call for constitutional convention to get money out of politics. Congratulations Vermont and way to lead a common sense overdue change. :eusa_clap:

Good luck getting any red state to approve that.

The funny thing about the term Conservative is it actually means unwilling or slow to change. Change happens no matter what when it's necessary. Some people know when to be Conservative and when to be Liberal.

Overturning Citizens United is a Liberal thought, it takes thinking, not a lack of. It also takes Liberal amounts of Action to change.

This is one of the longest term common sense problems in America....If the red stands against it, they will simply be exposed even more as profit mongers who work for Corporations instead of the people.

The simple fact that the Citizens United case brings woe to Liberal/Socialists and the Democrat party, is pretty solid evidence that it has leveled the political playing field, and is therefore good for America.

BTW, there is a big difference between lower case conservative and capital C Conservative. You should learn little things like that.

Having been a systems troubleshooter for many years, I know how many unforeseen problems can result from change that is not well thought out and/or properly implemented. Entire production lines can be shut down, people fired, and products recalled at enormous cost to the facility. All because someone thought he had a good idea for improvement.

Nor, am I opposed to good ideas and/or improvements in assembly lines or social politics. In both cases, change has to be implemented incrementally, from a stable base. Each incremental change must be closely monitored to see its effects on the immediate process, and on the entire line. Social change always has winners and losers. And, it takes a whole lot of winners to justify one loser.

Liberal/socialists want to jump in head first, make the changes, and then try to put the blame on others for the negative consequences of their dumbass actions. That type of change, I, and anyone else with common sense, should be opposed to.

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