Vermont makes it a crime to own, operate paramilitary training camps

The state law is probably unconstitutional.
It isn't.

Relevant Constitutional Principles​

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The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess guns for ... The U.S. Supreme Court repeatedly has held that states may prohibit private.

The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess guns for purposes of self-defense, but it is not a right to carry any weapon in any manner and for whatever purpose.

The Second Amendment allows jurisdictions to impose reasonable limitations on gun ownership and possession, especially when those limitations seek to protect public safety outside the home.

The U.S. Supreme Court repeatedly has held that states may prohibit private paramilitary organizations consistent with the Second Amendment.

Even if a regulation is consistent with the Second Amendment, it may nonetheless be preempted by state constitutional provisions or state law that prevents local jurisdictions from regulating firearms. L
Wait. You support militia camps?

There are many things I don't personally support, like the right of the KKK to speak in the park but the freedoms of this country is suppose to allow it.
i like this idea, all militias should be banned, including Antifa and the proud boys

They'll just go underground. At least there was a way of identifying such groups when they were allowed to exist in the open. If you ban militias, they will become clandestine militia cells, operating like terrorists, completely under the radar of authorities and their communities. How is that better?
There are many things I don't personally support, like the right of the KKK to speak in the park but the freedoms of this country is suppose to allow it.
Speech is protected. Training to become a domestic terrorist is not.
They'll just go underground. At least there was a way of identifying such groups when they were allowed to exist in the open. If you ban militias, they will become clandestine militia cells, operating like terrorists, completely under the radar of authorities and their communities. How is that better?
What a bullshit argument. Make it illegal and they do it in secret? They do that and they’ll get arrested.

This is not alcohol. This is not something that everyone does.

These are freaks. Angry children with guns
Speech is protected. Training to become a domestic terrorist is not.

Vast generalizations are not good arguments. People have the right to get together and run around in the woods play pretending to being in the military all they want.

It's all goofy to me but so is a lot of stuff.
Vast generalizations are not good arguments. People have the right to get together and run around in the woods play pretending to being in the military all they want.

It's all goofy to me but so is a lot of stuff.
You can pretend these freaks are “playing” if you need to do that. And it some cases it is cosplay. But in a lot of cases it is not. It’s viscous and armed.
You can pretend these freaks are “playing” if you need to do that. And it some cases it is cosplay. But in a lot of cases it is not. It’s viscous and armed.

You'll note, they are banning all of it. Who gets to decide? If someone does something illegal, arrest them.
What a bullshit argument. Make it illegal and they do it in secret? They do that and they’ll get arrested.

This is not alcohol. This is not something that everyone does.

These are freaks. Angry children with guns
If they're just training and not threatening anyone with violence, what's the problem? You don't like them? So what? I don't like you. So what? I don't have the right to strip you of your rights, just because I don't like you or what your stupid hobbies are. If all they're doing is training, shooting at the range, and playing war games, so what? The moment they begin threatening people with violence, they get arrested. At least you know where to go to arrest them, because they've been training in the open for years. They're probably even incorporated as a for-profit or non-profit company.

Banning these groups or fraternities will only force them underground. You'll turn their in the open freak society or organization into a freaky underground organization that's no longer operating in the open.
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This is one of 26 states that prohibit militia training“in furtherance” of domestic violence or terrorist activity.

You wanna have a hunting club? Fine.

You wanna play paintball? Fine

But start teaching and talking about domestic terrorist activity and you go to jail.
This is one of 26 states that prohibit militia training“in furtherance” of domestic violence or terrorist activity.

You wanna have a hunting club? Fine.

You wanna play paintball? Fine

But start teaching and talking about domestic terrorist activity and you go to jail.

This law allows the state to ban whatever it is someone in government doesn't like. If you believe someone is doing something wrong, investigate it, bring it to the courts and present your evidence. That is how this country is supposed to work.
This is one of 26 states that prohibit militia training“in furtherance” of domestic violence or terrorist activity.

You wanna have a hunting club? Fine.

You wanna play paintball? Fine

But start teaching and talking about domestic terrorist activity and you go to jail.

Of course, I agree with you. If people are training in order to engage in an insurrection or terrorism, then the government has every right to take action, arresting those insurrectionists. Confiscating their properties and resources. Sure. Getting together with other concerned citizens to learn how to use a combat rifle and defend yourself, even learn some combat tactics, shouldn't be illegal, provided they're not training to commit treasonous, terroristic acts against the United States. That can be easily identified by the FBI or some other law enforcement agency by planting some informants or undercover agents. If they're training with the intention of starting a civil war or committing acts of terrorism, then that would be illegal.
It's hilarious to watch these armchair warriors cheerlead the governments efforts go go abroad and train illiterate peasants to not only defend themselves from; but to over throw their govenments... But then piss themselves, and cower behind Big Daddy Govs legs when Americans hell bent on keeping their freedoms do anything remotely similar...
You'll note, they are banning all of it. Who gets to decide? If someone does something illegal, arrest them.
Damn vague law.

"Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation introduced in response to a firearms training facility built without permits that neighbors called a menace.

Violators face up to five years in prison or a fine up to $50,000 or both, according to the law. It prohibits a person from teaching, training, or demonstrating to anyone else the use, application, or making of a firearm, explosive, or incendiary device capable of causing injury or death that will be used in or in furtherance of a civil disorder. It also bans a person from assembling with others for such training, instruction or practice."

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