Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law

I am not here to condemn anybody, Sparky. I am here to convince women not to execute their unborn children.

I think it is deleterious to not only the psyche, but the future of a woman who has her child done away with.

Human life has many stages, I'll just name a few:

(1) It starts a human sexual act in which the male's sperm travels into the fallopian tube and unites with an ovum.
(2) Immediately afterwards, the ovum travels down the fallopian tube intelligently searching out its first home in the uterus of the woman participant.
Those are two of many stages for the new human.
(3) birth is a stage of human development
(4) first breath
(5) being nurtured with mother's milk or the formula in a bottle with a nipple on it
(6) taking its first step
(7) saying its first word
(8) first day of school
(9) learning to tie a pair of shoes
(10) puberty
(11) getting a job
(12) learning to cook
(13) marrying
(14) retirement from work
(15) dying a natural death​

All of these are stages, provided one is living in a peaceful world.

It all starts with conception. I believe that that is where life begins. I'm against artificially killing a human being at any of its stages of development. And the last time I looked, the First Amendment said I can say what I think and what I believe. I believe every human being should be given the freedom to live and move and have its being with the right to pursue happiness.

Playing dodge ball with an abortionist's cannula is also a sign of intelligence and a desire to live and be left alone.

Please have mercy on the unborn. We've already lost 60 million American unborn human beings to this verboten practice of years past.
Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?
Why do you believe in "rights" without responsibility.

Take care of the child you create or we'll throw your irresponsible ass in jail.

What a load.

Millions of American children are not taken care of by their fathers.

Millions of American men walk away from their own flesh and blood without even looking back to see what they've caused. Millions of American men deny their own flesh and blood causing DNA tests to be required needlessly.

I have never heard of any man being thrown in jail for not taking care of his child even though millions of men do just that every day here in America.

No one has any problem with it either.

We need to see men being thrown in jail for not taking care of their child. If we're going to ban abortion I would include men who get those women pregnant. Cause an unplanned pregnancy and you go to prison for a few years. Then have to forfeit your wages to care for that child through college.

That doesn't happen in America. We do dump all over the woman for having a child and needing help from public assistance though.
Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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Perhaps if we get lucky they will also pass a post birth abortion law and we can finally dispatch commie Bernie Sanders!
Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?
Why do you believe in "rights" without responsibility.

Take care of the child you create or we'll throw your irresponsible ass in jail.

What a load.

Millions of American children are not taken care of by their fathers.

Millions of American men walk away from their own flesh and blood without even looking back to see what they've caused. Millions of American men deny their own flesh and blood causing DNA tests to be required needlessly.

I have never heard of any man being thrown in jail for not taking care of his child even though millions of men do just that every day here in America.

No one has any problem with it either.

We need to see men being thrown in jail for not taking care of their child. If we're going to ban abortion I would include men who get those women pregnant. Cause an unplanned pregnancy and you go to prison for a few years. Then have to forfeit your wages to care for that child through college.

That doesn't happen in America. We do dump all over the woman for having a child and needing help from public assistance though.
YOU need to keep your legs together or get a steady girlfriend!

It all starts with conception. I believe that that is where life begins

If you believe a zygote has a soul then a cyst rates the same...

We need to see men being thrown in jail for not taking care of their child. If we're going to ban abortion I would include men who get those women pregnant. Cause an unplanned pregnancy and you go to prison for a few years. Then have to forfeit your wages to care for that child through college.

That doesn't happen in America. We do dump all over the woman for having a child and needing help from public assistance though.

That millions of women use their bodies as puppy mills w/ multiple fathers for the sake of public assistance rates criminal as well then

Respecting life is more than conception>birth

Liberals love to murder babies, but convicted murderers that confess are OK.
Democrats want convicted murderers to VOTE. They don't care how they get votes, they just want to get all the votes they can from anywhere they can. It's like blood money. I guess we should say Democrats want BLOOD VOTES.

Bernie Sanders wants everyone to vote.

Bernie is not a Democrat.

Not all people in prison are Democrats.
Conservatives break the law as well.

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There are far fewer conservatives in jail than whack job Democrats. It is the nature of crime to be Democrat as they are easier on crime.
There are far fewer conservatives in jail than whack job Democrats. It is the nature of crime to be Democrat as they are easier on crime.

Prove it.

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Can you prove the vast majority of prisoners don't identify as Democrats? Conservatives by nature have no reason to break the law. They like their circumstances, and don't need to break the law to change them. They have too much at risk.
Vermont is a combination of hippies that invaded Vermont and the result of fake news national media not reporting on how many blacks babies have been killed by democrat run PP.
There are far fewer conservatives in jail than whack job Democrats. It is the nature of crime to be Democrat as they are easier on crime.

Prove it.

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Can you prove the vast majority of prisoners don't identify as Democrats? Conservatives by nature have no reason to break the law. They like their circumstances, and don't need to break the law to change them. They have too much at risk.

No I can’t and I never claimed to. What I said was not all people in prison are Democrats.
Conservatives do commit crimes.
Michael Cohen for example.

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Vermont is a combination of hippies that invaded Vermont and the result of fake news national media not reporting on how many blacks babies have been killed by democrat run PP.

How long have you lived here in Vermont?

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I live in Boston and I work in restaurants,.. they all delusional on what’s actually going on in urban cities, because of fake news national media. They have deep white guilt.. but many Vermonters are ex hippies from Boston and New York who wanted a place to smoke weed all day haha
Vermont is a combination of hippies that invaded Vermont and the result of fake news national media not reporting on how many blacks babies have been killed by democrat run PP.

How long have you lived here in Vermont?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I live in Boston and I work in restaurants,.. they all delusional on what’s actually going on in urban cities, because of fake news national media. They have deep white guilt.. but many Vermonters are ex hippies from Boston and New York who wanted a place to smoke weed all day haha

I have lived here all my life and your previous post was 100% bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vermont is a combination of hippies that invaded Vermont and the result of fake news national media not reporting on how many blacks babies have been killed by democrat run PP.

How long have you lived here in Vermont?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I live in Boston and I work in restaurants,.. they all delusional on what’s actually going on in urban cities, because of fake news national media. They have deep white guilt.. but many Vermonters are ex hippies from Boston and New York who wanted a place to smoke weed all day haha

I have lived here all my life and your previous post was 100% bullshit.

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Do know the disproportional amount of black babies getting murdered? Why are you ok with the less blacks being born? Who’s the racist?? Me or you?
Vermont is a combination of hippies that invaded Vermont and the result of fake news national media not reporting on how many blacks babies have been killed by democrat run PP.

How long have you lived here in Vermont?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I live in Boston and I work in restaurants,.. they all delusional on what’s actually going on in urban cities, because of fake news national media. They have deep white guilt.. but many Vermonters are ex hippies from Boston and New York who wanted a place to smoke weed all day haha

I have lived here all my life and your previous post was 100% bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do know the disproportional amount of black babies getting murdered? Why are you ok with the less blacks being born? Who’s the racist?? Me or you?

What does that have to do with what kind of people live in Vermont?[emoji848]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vermont is a combination of hippies that invaded Vermont and the result of fake news national media not reporting on how many blacks babies have been killed by democrat run PP.

How long have you lived here in Vermont?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I live in Boston and I work in restaurants,.. they all delusional on what’s actually going on in urban cities, because of fake news national media. They have deep white guilt.. but many Vermonters are ex hippies from Boston and New York who wanted a place to smoke weed all day haha

I have lived here all my life and your previous post was 100% bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do know the disproportional amount of black babies getting murdered? Why are you ok with the less blacks being born? Who’s the racist?? Me or you?

What does that have to do with what kind of people live in Vermont?[emoji848]

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This post is why lol
There are far fewer conservatives in jail than whack job Democrats. It is the nature of crime to be Democrat as they are easier on crime.

Prove it.

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Can you prove the vast majority of prisoners don't identify as Democrats? Conservatives by nature have no reason to break the law. They like their circumstances, and don't need to break the law to change them. They have too much at risk.

No I can’t and I never claimed to. What I said was not all people in prison are Democrats.
Conservatives do commit crimes.
Michael Cohen for example.

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Not REAL crimes. Almost always for violating UNCONSTITUTIONAL Democrat laws designed to enforce compliance with tyranny
Liberals love to murder babies, but convicted murderers that confess are OK.
Democrats want convicted murderers to VOTE. They don't care how they get votes, they just want to get all the votes they can from anywhere they can. It's like blood money. I guess we should say Democrats want BLOOD VOTES.

Bernie Sanders wants everyone to vote.

Bernie is not a Democrat.

Not all people in prison are Democrats.
Conservatives break the law as well.

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No he doesn't.

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