Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law

It's immoral.

Is it as immoral as invading a foreign country and killing it’s inhabitants?

Is it as immoral as slavery?

Not giving women health care choices is immoral.

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Pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion has little to do with health care.

Who claimed it was a disease?
It is a health care issue.

Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?

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Since you want diseased illegal immigration, how many are you willing to accept into your household?

How many babies are you willing to adopt?

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How many illegals have your taken into your house? There are 10 of thousands of people on the waiting list to adopt babies, but when you kill most of them, the supply makes it very hard to get an adoption. But with 100s of thousands of illegals crossing the border I would say you should take into your house, because you want them here, around 1000 or so.
Take a ski vacation and be able to hire someone to terminate the life inside you. I can see it in the Vermont brochures.
My cousins had to wait SIX YEARS to adopt a baby they just recently got. There is a huge demand for adoptions today.
It's immoral.

Is it as immoral as invading a foreign country and killing it’s inhabitants?

Is it as immoral as slavery?

Not giving women health care choices is immoral.

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Pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion has little to do with health care.

Who claimed it was a disease?
It is a health care issue.

Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?

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Since you want diseased illegal immigration, how many are you willing to accept into your household?

How many babies are you willing to adopt?

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I think this guy hates gays, because they naturally cannot have a baby, so when you kill them in the millions all those gay people just cant live the American dream..Liberals only want gays for the vote, otherwise they would make the gays happy.
Perhaps more and more women choosing not to have kids will continue to will help this issue immensely and not a bad thing.
Perhaps more and more women choosing not to have kids will continue to will help this issue immensely and not a bad thing.
yeah, maybe we can get more liberal women to not have sex and that could be the end of the Democrat Party...I could only hope.

Pro-abortion-rights activist Alyssa Milano says she is 'pro-life'
Actress Alyssa Milano may have shocked viewers of Cuomo Prime Time Tuesday when she said that she is “pro-life.” Milano made headlines last week when she called for a sex strike in response to Georgia’s recently passed “heartbeat bill,” which many activists believe will make abortion all but illegal in the state.
Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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Nothing to be proud of...unless you support the murder of the most innocent of all.
That is idiot logic.
It's actually...yours (you and your ilk).
The idea that for someone to be pro life they must be willing to take in the children they saved from
Planned Parenthood butchers makes as much sense as claiming firemen must be willing to take in the people they rescue from fires in order for your absurd idea to be consistent logically.
So own it.
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Nothing wrong with taxpayer money supporting the child given up.....much better than abortion.
Vermont Governor Phil Scott sounds about as republican as the offspring of Mitt Romney and Joe Scarborough mating. And just as appealing, I mean appalling.
That's going all-out to piss on the state of Alabama.

Vermont's new law, much like all pro-death legislation and decisions/rulings, is built upon the altar-of-self. Written upon the ideology or life philosophy that self, or the needs of self, can, must, and should come before the needs of any thing or anyone else. Abortion ideology is the justification and the out. Rationally and logically and without paying lip service to compassion and basic humanity, a civilization cannot stand or survive running on a cult of the self; on a life approach where everyone has the ultimate freedom to do whatever, whenever and to whomever he or she likes without punishment for misdeeds. Personal responsibility for one's own actions will always be in conflict with the concept of personal freedom. Too much freedom and a people destroy themselves. In this case, by opting to murder their unborn children. Too little freedom and that same people slog through lives of endless oppression. Of course, all of that philosophical inanity is purely academic and excludes basic morality and the truth of human reproductive biology. In order for our species to survive, we do not murder our unborn, we welcome them among us with joy and celebration. As a people who hold new human life as life's most sacred form, we do not kill our young. Somewhere in shadows between the gaps and disconnects of political fervor and ideological indoctrination, those most basic and vital truths become lost.
Wow is that what God went through when he genocide the human race?
to god moon it was like pulling weeds out of his garden...
Liberals love to murder babies, but convicted murderers that confess are OK.
Democrats want convicted murderers to VOTE. They don't care how they get votes, they just want to get all the votes they can from anywhere they can. It's like blood money. I guess we should say Democrats want BLOOD VOTES.

No fetus can beat us
You rape 'em, we scrape 'em

Their killing is very painful to them. We can't post them, but there are videos of ultrasounds recording abortions, and every stab was met with the fetus moving quickly away from the jabs. Other equipment monitors showed stress throughout the abortions, and other measuring methods indicated severe pain when their body parts were being removed piecemeal so Planned Parenthood could make some dough from the parts.

You scrape them? I didn't think you were a sadist, Sparky. I'm disappointed in you.
Correct. Some people mistakenly think a declining birthrate is a bad thing.
It is when killing is used rather than the prevention of a condom. The only thing the declining birthrate has brought is millions of people pushing themselves on the taxpayers who are controlled by control freak Congresscritters who think it's ok to take retirement income away from seniors who barely have enough to live on, but have to pay taxes through the nose to maintain an inheritance and a future for our own.

What really takes the cake, though, is children who were allowed to be born here are being shoved to the back of the bus at school when the teachers have to spend more time with children who cannot read and write in English. We decided a long time ago in our earliest Congress that English would be the language of the United States of America. The Democrats want to turn America into the Tower of Babel. It's just nuts.
I didn't think you were a sadist, Sparky. I'm disappointed in you

complete total unforgiving misathropist would be more themark Bueatress

what you need is perspective , a moment of pain vs. a life of it.

the sick twisted existence of children living wretched lives until DFS resues them , by women whom openly subscribe to being vessels for a $$$ are lightyears more sadistic

one would think the sisterhood out there condenm them , i know my sister emt's certianly did


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