Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law

That's going all-out to piss on the state of Alabama.

Vermont's new law, much like all pro-death legislation and decisions/rulings, is built upon the altar-of-self. Written upon the ideology or life philosophy that self, or the needs of self, can, must, and should come before the needs of any thing or anyone else. Abortion ideology is the justification and the out. Rationally and logically and without paying lip service to compassion and basic humanity, a civilization cannot stand or survive running on a cult of the self; on a life approach where everyone has the ultimate freedom to do whatever, whenever and to whomever he or she likes without punishment for misdeeds. Personal responsibility for one's own actions will always be in conflict with the concept of personal freedom. Too much freedom and a people destroy themselves. In this case, by opting to murder their unborn children. Too little freedom and that same people slog through lives of endless oppression. Of course, all of that philosophical inanity is purely academic and excludes basic morality and the truth of human reproductive biology. In order for our species to survive, we do not murder our unborn, we welcome them among us with joy and celebration. As a people who hold new human life as life's most sacred form, we do not kill our young. Somewhere in shadows between the gaps and disconnects of political fervor and ideological indoctrination, those most basic and vital truths become lost.
Wow is that what God went through when he genocide the human race?
That's silly. You're here, aren't you? That kinda puts another oh-duh on your pants-down answer.
he did leave a couple but you can't deny the mass murderer his due..
You bein' God's judge again? :lmao:
Somebody better keep an eye on that cult leader.
Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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Now if they said any women who wants an abortion, has to pay for her own abortion, you would see that rate of killing born and unborn babies plummet. My wife cant stand a liberal woman because not only is she a slut with open legs, but then expects the rest of US to pay for her murder of a child...
And when nuns are sexually abused they are sluts also that can't pay fer their own abortions..??
Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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State's rights! Where have I heard that before?
Civics class. :2cents:
It's immoral.

They've unabashedly abandoned "safe, legal and rare" for anytime, anywhere for any reason. Why don't they just own up to what they are? Pro-death.
Nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon? Go get an abortion :beer:
Pay for it yourself, dumbo.
Sure, it’s not too expensive :beer:

No fair sneaking into the tax funds, BlackFlag. :muahaha:
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Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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So, it's a States Right issue after all.

Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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Now if they said any women who wants an abortion, has to pay for her own abortion, you would see that rate of killing born and unborn babies plummet. My wife cant stand a liberal woman because not only is she a slut with open legs, but then expects the rest of US to pay for her murder of a child...

While there's a sort of wisdom expressed here, a necessary wisdom at that, seems to me any woman seeking to slaughter their unborn child these days will find some organization or entity to fund it for them. In other words, they want to do it, it will get done. But you've hit dead-center a particularly gruesome and aggravating nail on the head. What is ultimate human evil and how does the average American abstain from staining his or her soul with it? Well, that's tougher to do nowadays, isn't it? Considering we have little control over what our tax dollars fund. I suppose one could make a case for the accusation that just about every last tax-paying American is complicit in modern day child sacrifice. Well, that's depressing, huh? And yet, I see no mobs of pissed off villagers storming the castle by torchlight. That's where they get us. In doing our best to be law abiding citizens, we surrender more and more of what it means to be human.
Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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State's rights! Where have I heard that before?
Civics class. :2cents:
So, the Confederates were right?
Gov. Phil Scott intends to allow a sweeping abortion-rights bill to become law, spokesperson Rebecca Kelley said Monday night.

According to Kelley, the Republican governor "has ruled out a veto" of H.57, which codifies the right to an abortion and prohibits public entities from interfering with a woman's right to choose. "It will become law," Kelley said.
Once again Vermont does the right thing despite having a republican governor.

Vermont to Enact Abortion Rights Law, Gov. Scott's Aide Says

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It's good to see some states try to catch up with mine.

We passed the same type of law by ballot initiative in 1991. The people voted in a large majority that no matter what any judge says, no matter what any congress says, no matter what anyone says or does, abortion stays legal and safe in my state.

I voted with that large majority.

The issue of abortion has been on the ballot for the people of my state 3 times in my lifetime. Every single time the people voted for choice. Those who don't believe in the right to choose have always lost big time.
It's immoral.

Is it as immoral as invading a foreign country and killing it’s inhabitants?

Is it as immoral as slavery?

Not giving women health care choices is immoral.

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Pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion has little to do with health care.

Who claimed it was a disease?
It is a health care issue.

Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?

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Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?
Why do you believe in "rights" without responsibility.

Take care of the child you create or we'll throw your irresponsible ass in jail.
Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?
Why do you believe in "rights" without responsibility.

Take care of the child you create or we'll throw your irresponsible ass in jail.

If you throw my irresponsible ass in jail, who is going to take care of the child I created?

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Is it as immoral as invading a foreign country and killing it’s inhabitants?

Is it as immoral as slavery?

Not giving women health care choices is immoral.
It's exactly as immoral as slavery! Neither slave owners nor pro abortion zealots recognize the humanity of the respective human beings (slave or child in utero) they control through evil immoral holes in US law.

They are non persons under law and pro abortion zealots, just like slave masters, refuse to acknowledge that they are actual living breathing feeling thinking human beings..
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It's immoral.

Is it as immoral as invading a foreign country and killing it’s inhabitants?

Is it as immoral as slavery?

Not giving women health care choices is immoral.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion has little to do with health care.

Who claimed it was a disease?
It is a health care issue.

Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?

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Since you want diseased illegal immigration, how many are you willing to accept into your household?
Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?
Why do you believe in "rights" without responsibility.

Take care of the child you create or we'll throw your irresponsible ass in jail.

If you throw my irresponsible ass in jail, who is going to take care of the child I created?

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You will. We'll make jail something you'll beg to get out of.
Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?
Why do you believe in "rights" without responsibility.

Take care of the child you create or we'll throw your irresponsible ass in jail.

If you throw my irresponsible ass in jail, who is going to take care of the child I created?

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I pray that you abort any child you conceive, since liberals love to kill of their own children, the Democrat Party was going extinct until Obama opened the flood gates to diseased future Democrat voters, which will one day, kill your sorry ass.
It's immoral.

Is it as immoral as invading a foreign country and killing it’s inhabitants?

Is it as immoral as slavery?

Not giving women health care choices is immoral.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion has little to do with health care.

Who claimed it was a disease?
It is a health care issue.

Answer this.
If abortion becomes illegal nationwide and people give up babies for adoption , how many are you going to adopt since you conservatives care about children so much?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Since you want diseased illegal immigration, how many are you willing to accept into your household?

How many babies are you willing to adopt?

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Liberals love to murder babies, but convicted murderers that confess are OK.
yes with liberalism the world is totally upside down. People have rap sheets a mile long and get up to 20 years with good behavior. An innocent baby, born or unborn, hasn't even proved itself and it is ripped from the mothers womb or laying on the table, and is sectioned for profit. Just fucking disgusting.

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