Very cool reception for Obama at West Point.

I'm appalled. Bush and the Republicans SHIT all over our military. Keeping them in Iraq tour after unlawful tour. Cutting their benefits. Sending them out with old and rusty equipment while giving themselves tax cuts.


how bout the voters you brain dead fuck up

Voters who were tricked and misled. The last presidential election kind of gave an indication what the "voters" thought, wouldn't you say you piece of stepped on and smeared rat shit.

Zogby International

•Almost 90% think war is retaliation for Saddam's role in 9/11 (hint, they are talking about the military)

tricked and misled???? HAHAHAHAHAHA......................what happened to your buds at ACORN and the black panthers back then ???? oh that's right they showed up in 08. yep your from gangster town all right HEHEHEHEHE............

you mean Saddam Hussein??? duh isn't he dead ???? and a bomb fell on Pearl Harbor. that's what your gangster leaders says. anymore history lessons child???? :lol::lol:
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how bout the voters you brain dead fuck up

Voters who were tricked and misled. The last presidential election kind of gave an indication what the "voters" thought, wouldn't you say you piece of stepped on and smeared rat shit.

Zogby International

•Almost 90% think war is retaliation for Saddam's role in 9/11 (hint, they are talking about the military)

tricked and misled???? HAHAHAHAHAHA......................what happened to your buds at ACORN and the black panthers back then ???? oh that's right they showed up in 08. yep your from gangster town all right HEHEHEHEHE............

you mean Saddam Hussein??? duh isn't he dead ???? and a bomb fell on Pearl Harbor. that's what your gangster leaders says. anymore history lessons child???? :lol::lol:

I love you guys. As soon as you start exposing the right for the losers they are, they go over the top. They start insisting the outcome of the last election was something ACORN did.

So ask them, "How many instances was ACORN found to be guilty of "voter fraud"?

100 million?

100 thousand?




You guys really must stop proving how desparate you are. It only reinforces your title as the third step on the podium:

Voters who were tricked and misled. The last presidential election kind of gave an indication what the "voters" thought, wouldn't you say you piece of stepped on and smeared rat shit.

Zogby International

•Almost 90% think war is retaliation for Saddam's role in 9/11 (hint, they are talking about the military)

tricked and misled???? HAHAHAHAHAHA......................what happened to your buds at ACORN and the black panthers back then ???? oh that's right they showed up in 08. yep your from gangster town all right HEHEHEHEHE............

you mean Saddam Hussein??? duh isn't he dead ???? and a bomb fell on Pearl Harbor. that's what your gangster leaders says. anymore history lessons child???? :lol::lol:

I love you guys. As soon as you start exposing the right for the losers they are, they go over the top. They start insisting the outcome of the last election was something ACORN did.

So ask them, "How many instances was ACORN found to be guilty of "voter fraud"?

100 million?

100 thousand?




You guys really must stop proving how desparate you are. It only reinforces your title as the third step on the podium:


you guys???? your a figment of your own imagination
tricked and misled???? HAHAHAHAHAHA......................what happened to your buds at ACORN and the black panthers back then ???? oh that's right they showed up in 08. yep your from gangster town all right HEHEHEHEHE............

you mean Saddam Hussein??? duh isn't he dead ???? and a bomb fell on Pearl Harbor. that's what your gangster leaders says. anymore history lessons child???? :lol::lol:

I love you guys. As soon as you start exposing the right for the losers they are, they go over the top. They start insisting the outcome of the last election was something ACORN did.

So ask them, "How many instances was ACORN found to be guilty of "voter fraud"?

100 million?

100 thousand?




You guys really must stop proving how desparate you are. It only reinforces your title as the third step on the podium:


you guys???? your a figment of your own imagination

Yea, YOU guys!
Point one, the far reactionary wing cost the GOP the election: the mainstream of America finally realized these folks only want to direct the rest of America with their quirky and wacky stupidity, and screw democratic process if it gets in the way.

Point two, the Officer Corps will support Obama's decisions or resign and/or retire. That's what we did with Reagan when we realized how he had betrayed the military.

Point three, my best advice to the reactionaries `` stop the damn whining, grow up and own up to your deficiencies, correct them, and try to create a better America.

We lost because of your moronic ways, and you have not stopped them!
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I'm appalled. Bush and the Republicans SHIT all over our military. Keeping them in Iraq tour after unlawful tour. Cutting their benefits. Sending them out with old and rusty equipment while giving themselves tax cuts.


how bout the voters you brain dead fuck up

namvet's version of civilized discourse. Impressive, no? :eusa_whistle:
Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted. HAVE no personal experience in uniform?

got it.

I do. I was commissioned. I am an academy graduate. We were and current classes are the cream of the officer corp and we certainly were and are the cream of society. We did not, nor do current classes consider themselves merely a representative sample of society, but the best of society - those who want to join the warrior profession for a lifelong career.

If you in fact are an academy graduate and a member of the officer corp. I thank you for your service.

I do, in fact, have a difficult time believing that. I do know those who are and have been in the military and who are academy graduates who are left of center in their basic sociopolitical philosophy.

I have NEVER met one, however, who promoted the views that you promote or who holds such a convoluted view of history as you hold or who would use the racist metaphors to describe national leaders as you use. That isn't to say that I haven't met others like you or that this necessarily makes you a bad person. But it sure does call the veracity of your service into question for me.

Well, now you've met two of us.
West Point graduation ceremony reveals how far out of touch Obama has become with the American people. Just watch the audience reactions to his attempts at getting applause....other than some canned applause from the cadets.....there was very little.

I'm sure this has already been covered on this thread, but military people are generally the most politically conservative folks you are going to find anywhere. Why, then, is it any big surprise that a Democratic president, who has been vilified and attacked on an hourly basis by the Republican Noise Machine ever since he has been in office, is going to get a "cool reception" at a right-wing training ground such as West Point?
I'm appalled. Bush and the Republicans SHIT all over our military. Keeping them in Iraq tour after unlawful tour. Cutting their benefits. Sending them out with old and rusty equipment while giving themselves tax cuts.


how bout the voters you brain dead fuck up

namvet's version of civilized discourse. Impressive, no? :eusa_whistle:

namvet: mutter, mutter, horse, bgrith mandrake, mutter, crap, throw it, mutter, mutter. Translation of namvet: " I don't know nuttin' "
you may be surprised how many in the military, including line Officers who have serious douts about Osama's qualifications.

After what Bush and the Republicans did, I'm sure it will be many years before the members of the military fully trust the government.

Come on. They tricked America into invading a country and replaced the government with an extreme Islamic government and they supported Kasai in Afghanistan and let Bin Laden go. How would you feel if you were putting your life on the line and your government fucked up in such an extreme way over and over again?
you may be surprised how many in the military, including line Officers who have serious douts about Osama's qualifications.

Did you tell them the one where he was born in Kenya?

I dout it
West Point graduation ceremony reveals how far out of touch Obama has become with the American people. Just watch the audience reactions to his attempts at getting applause....other than some canned applause from the cadets.....there was very little.

Since when is the military officer corps representative of the American public?

It doesn't get any BETTER THAN THAT, kids...

A Progressive coming to demonstrate the monumental delusion; the profound ignorance of basic human nature and the absolute disconnect from common sense which is common to the ideological Left, across the board and on the whole.​

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