very soon, very soon - quickly

Trump was passed a very simple mop-up operation. ISIS was down for the count. All Trump had to do was come in and clean up.

But Putin wants us out of Syria so Assad can bomb the shit out of civilians and terrorists alike. Putin has assigned Trump the job of turning away the civilian refugees.
"I'll defeat ISIS ON DAY ONE"

then ^^^^^^^^ -

and now ...

Who stands to gain if Trump pulls the US out of Syria? - CNNPolitics

his fat ass doesn't have a clue what his old mouth ever says ..
who benefited from us going in there?

what was the point of us getting involved?

honestly we need to leave the world alone and let it kill itself.

wilson, fdr had it wrong, time to admit the Old World will never stop and get back to caring about ourselves.

I disagree.

The issue is how to be involved. Call me an uber pro-American Empiricist from Canada, I don't care, that's my preference. I prefer governments who support the U.S fully and who want to follow democratic principles and capitalism. The world is better when the world follows in Americas footsteps. Be it Japan, S Korea, Germany or others.

This doesn't necessarily mean 24/7 war, it does mean influence however that is achieved.
Trump was passed a very simple mop-up operation. ISIS was down for the count. All Trump had to do was come in and clean up.

But Putin wants us out of Syria so Assad can bomb the shit out of civilians and terrorists alike. Putin has assigned Trump the job of turning away the civilian refugees.

All Trump had to do was come in and clean up.
He didn't even have to do that much. All he had to do was let the anti-ISIS initiatives already underway continue as planned and being undertaken.

Putin wants us out of Syria so Assad can bomb the shit out of civilians and terrorists alike.
Oh, come on. That's not a claim anyone with any sense or knowledge of the goings on in Syria, not even Putin's most ardent opposers, would make or support. Assad may do just that, but allowing him to do it isn't at all why Putin wants the U.S. out of Syria.

Putin wants the U.S. out of Syria because Syria is Russia's/Putin's only ally on the western Mediterranean. Syria provides Russia with a naval base. If the U.S. were to convert Syria away from the Assad regime, that base would most probably go bye-bye.
One need only look at a map to see why Putin doesn't want the U.S. on the ground in Syria influencing the turn of events there.

Syria needs to be left to Syrians. The west should never have attempted to help Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey try to overthrow Assad who by the way has a secular government and Syrians have many freedoms that other countries don't have.

Why the hell any of our governments wanted to submit Syrians to sharia is mind freaking boggling beyond belief.
point being during the campaign Cheeto slobbered "I'll crush ISIS" and RW's humped each other in the streets ..


now he wants out the Generals say no - his drones are humping each other again.
point being during the campaign Cheeto slobbered "I'll crush ISIS" and RW's humped each other in the streets ..


now he wants out the Generals say no - his drones are humping each other again.

Are you sad you voted for him?
point being during the campaign Cheeto slobbered "I'll crush ISIS" and RW's humped each other in the streets ..


now he wants out the Generals say no - his drones are humping each other again.

Dude, ISIS is decimated. Where have you been?

Trump, Mattis turn military loose on ISIS, leaving terror caliphate in tatters

remembering how loud RW's squealed when Obama sent troops to Syria ... LIKE LITTLE BITCHES.

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