Veteran who lost leg in Iraq takes on David Hogg in rant all of America needs to see God the progressive mind is so f*****..... and gun owners know it too. Gun owners know that progressives can't separate the difference between good intentions and results. Gun owners know that the progressive mind is driven purely by emotion. Gun owners know that every gun grabber on this board.... their goal is a gun ban.

Gun owners also know that there is a 100% certainty that that is never going to happen!!
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that

Wow...the stupid is strong with you....a piece of paper doesn't stop government thugs from murdering journalists......just ask all the Mexican journalists killed by the Mexican police and military who work with the drug cartels......their Freedom of Speech didn't stop bullets.
Over 200 years a right to free speech, a free press and a right to vote has kept government in check

We have never needed a second amendment and have paid a massive price is citizen deaths because of it
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that

Wow...the stupid is strong with you....a piece of paper doesn't stop government thugs from murdering journalists......just ask all the Mexican journalists killed by the Mexican police and military who work with the drug cartels......their Freedom of Speech didn't stop bullets.
Over 200 years a right to free speech, a free press and a right to vote has kept government in check

We have never needed a second amendment and have paid a massive price is citizen deaths because of it

You really are stupid.......the Free press only exists when it is protected by good people with guns...the first thing socialists do when they take power is murder journalists and take over the press.....

You are such a moron......they have extreme gun control in Mexico...and their Press aren't bullet proof....

Number Of Journalists Killed In Mexico Reaches 'Historical High,' Report Says
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that

Wow...the stupid is strong with you....a piece of paper doesn't stop government thugs from murdering journalists......just ask all the Mexican journalists killed by the Mexican police and military who work with the drug cartels......their Freedom of Speech didn't stop bullets.
Over 200 years a right to free speech, a free press and a right to vote has kept government in check

We have never needed a second amendment and have paid a massive price is citizen deaths because of it

You really are stupid.......the Free press only exists when it is protected by good people with guns...the first thing socialists do when they take power is murder journalists and take over the press.....

You are such a moron......they have extreme gun control in Mexico...and their Press aren't bullet proof....

Number Of Journalists Killed In Mexico Reaches 'Historical High,' Report Says
Gun nut mythology

Our armed populace has never defended our constitution. Those guns have only been used to kill 30,000 Americans a year
Well now, here we go again. Kids are kind of traumatized by seeing their classmates shot to pieces by some fucker that is like 2aguy, and should never have been allowed to have any kind of gun, let alone a weapon of war.
An AR-15 is not a weapon of war.
Well now, here we go again. Kids are kind of traumatized by seeing their classmates shot to pieces by some fucker that is like 2aguy, and should never have been allowed to have any kind of gun, let alone a weapon of war.
I know liberal policy let the killer buy the gun. So we can thank people like yourself for this tragedy.
Asshole, it was not a gun free zone. There was an armed security guard who was afraid to go up against the fellow with the AR. 58 dead in Vegas, 500 wounded. 21 dead in Texas, many wounded. 17 dead in Florida, many wounded. But we need more AR's out on the street. Fuck you, you murdering bastard, you and the rest of the gun nuts are accessories to murder. Without you and that terrorist organization, the NRA, we would have some reasonable gun laws concerning war weapons and citizens.
Yes, we need more ar's because of people like yourself.
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that

Wow...the stupid is strong with you....a piece of paper doesn't stop government thugs from murdering journalists......just ask all the Mexican journalists killed by the Mexican police and military who work with the drug cartels......their Freedom of Speech didn't stop bullets.
Over 200 years a right to free speech, a free press and a right to vote has kept government in check

We have never needed a second amendment and have paid a massive price is citizen deaths because of it

You really are stupid.......the Free press only exists when it is protected by good people with guns...the first thing socialists do when they take power is murder journalists and take over the press.....

You are such a moron......they have extreme gun control in Mexico...and their Press aren't bullet proof....

Number Of Journalists Killed In Mexico Reaches 'Historical High,' Report Says
Gun nut mythology

Our armed populace has never defended our constitution. Those guns have only been used to kill 30,000 Americans a year
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that
Yeah tell that to the Jews that Hitler disarmed. We need the second amendment to protect us from liberals taking over. Liberals the new hitler.
Asshole, it was not a gun free zone. There was an armed security guard who was afraid to go up against the fellow with the AR. 58 dead in Vegas, 500 wounded. 21 dead in Texas, many wounded. 17 dead in Florida, many wounded. But we need more AR's out on the street. Fuck you, you murdering bastard, you and the rest of the gun nuts are accessories to murder. Without you and that terrorist organization, the NRA, we would have some reasonable gun laws concerning war weapons and citizens.

There was one guard for 2,000 students, and staff and multiple dumb ass.....that is as gun free as it gets.....

He had no idea what the guy was using because he never saw the guy...dumb fuck.

The shooter in Vegas used 2 rifles, fired over 1,000 rounds into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, and only managed to kill 58 people.....

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and in 5 minutes murdered 86 people......dumb ass.

The Texas church shooter was stopped by an NRA instructor who used his own AR-15 civilian rifle ......and he saved, at minimum 26 lives by forcing the shooter to run away, long before the police arrived with their AR-15 civilian rifles.

Dumb ass.....there are over 8,000,000 AR-15 civilian rifles......I know you cant count past 10 on your fingers and toes....but 8,000,000 is more than the 3 shooters you mention....

The problem....dumb that the local, state and federal cops failed to deal with the Florida shooter when they were told....over and over and over again that he was going to shoot up a school.....and because of asswipes like you, you created a democrat gun free zone......and obama and his Promise Program kept the shooter from having a criminal record which would have prevented him from getting his 3 guns legally....that is on you asswipes...

The NRA didn't kill anyone.......that is on you morons who create democrat gun free zones, and then you keep letting violent criminals out of jail...gun criminals...the ones doing the actual guys let them out, not the NRA...

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

California democrats passed a bill to let violent criminals out of prison early, the NRA fought against it...

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...

Wow! This might be the biggest ass whipping anyone has ever dished out on this forum! Nicely done.
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that
Yeah tell that to the Jews that Hitler disarmed. We need the second amendment to protect us from liberals taking over. Liberals the new hitler.View attachment 185785 View attachment 185785
A myth

No armed citizens anywhere in Europe were able to hold off the Nazis.
The Jews would have done no better
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.


Wounded Warrior’s Response To David Hogg Is Going Viral
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that
Yeah tell that to the Jews that Hitler disarmed. We need the second amendment to protect us from liberals taking over. Liberals the new hitler.View attachment 185785 View attachment 185785
Old fake quotes. Both quotes are made up. Neither Hitler nor Clinton said these quotes.
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that
Yeah tell that to the Jews that Hitler disarmed. We need the second amendment to protect us from liberals taking over. Liberals the new hitler.View attachment 185785 View attachment 185785
A myth

No armed citizens anywhere in Europe were able to hold off the Nazis.
The Jews would have done no better
Could it be, because their gun rights were taken?
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that
Yeah tell that to the Jews that Hitler disarmed. We need the second amendment to protect us from liberals taking over. Liberals the new hitler.View attachment 185785 View attachment 185785

For some reason the rejects of society have no clue about history. It makes one really wonder what in the fk is wrong with these brain dead fks.

It also goes to prove how indoctrination takes place in the education system. Dumbing down America ( using the education system) couldn't appear to be more true.
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that
Yeah tell that to the Jews that Hitler disarmed. We need the second amendment to protect us from liberals taking over. Liberals the new hitler.View attachment 185785 View attachment 185785
Old fake quotes. Both quotes are made up. Neither Hitler nor Clinton said these quotes.
Lol, Hillary wrote a book entitled, it takes a village. Lol

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