Veterans pissed For Trump Not Knowing How to spell Marine Corps.

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we are waiting for you to prove you were USMC-- can look crap up on Google---since you haven't responded when asked about units served, this makes it more likely you never served
...then we would have to query details about those units/etc--especially since you didn't respond quick enough
...if you don't want to prove it--that's Stolen Honor
Who are you talking to asshole? Who pretended to be USMC?
You need a psychiatrist.
If you're referring to the OP it was clear who the marine was. He gave his name.
It's frightening someone as stupid as you is in the USMC but if you're a trump supporter you're probably lying about that too.
That doesn't mean it wan'y a typo, jackass.

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Agree on the typo, but as President, he should be more careful if this is even true.

That's why I Google many phrases and words before I post. That's not easy though to do when you're on Twitter on your phone
indeed, I make many many typos, sometimes changing the intent of my post. It's easy to do and although I try not to and know how to spell, age is a factor.
Guess who Trumpis talking about. View attachment 182847
Trump owns you freaks. With a 5 second tweet he has you moonbats foaming at the mouth for days. He’s laughing his head off at you right now.
The world laughs or is appalled by his tweets. Even his most fervent supporters say they hate it. Figures low hanging fruit like you loves it.
Harmonica couldn't read the OP correctly. I guess another graduate of the bogus Trump University.
That doesn't mean it wan'y a typo, jackass.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Agree on the typo, but as President, he should be more careful if this is even true.

That's why I Google many phrases and words before I post. That's not easy though to do when you're on Twitter on your phone
indeed, I make many many typos, sometimes changing the intent of my post. It's easy to do and although I try not to and know how to spell, age is a factor.
Guess who Trumpis talking about. View attachment 182847
Trump owns you freaks. With a 5 second tweet he has you moonbats foaming at the mouth for days. He’s laughing his head off at you right now.
Yes the lowest rated president in history " owns us"
" The whole world will be watching this election."
After Trump is humiliated by the anti Trump vote he laughably says" Lamb won because he's like me."
Just think you idiots support this buffoon.

Yes the world loves and respects Trump.
Sergeant @OIFvetUSMC02

If it truly was your honor you would know it’s Marine CORPS, not CORE. And throwing a military parade costing millions of dollars for yourself on a day for veterans when that money could be used for homeless veterans and vet mental health is dishonorable. #MARINESagainstTrump

I like how you said in one sentence that you care about Marines in one sentence and then in the next sentence you don't.

And if it was truly YOUR honor, you'd know it's pronounced Marine Corps, not Marine Corpse Men
Idiot thinks these tweets are by me. Lol

Idiot thinks a few already leftist marines speak for the majority of the marine corps

No one ever accused him of being reasonable
we are waiting for you to prove you were USMC-- can look crap up on Google---since you haven't responded when asked about units served, this makes it more likely you never served
...then we would have to query details about those units/etc--especially since you didn't respond quick enough
...if you don't want to prove it--that's Stolen Honor
Who are you talking to asshole? Who pretended to be USMC?
You need a psychiatrist.
If you're referring to the OP it was clear who the marine was. He gave his name.
It's frightening someone as stupid as you is in the USMC but if you're a trump supporter you're probably lying about that too.
1--you did it again--you didn't cap Marine!!
2--you are evading trying to prove you were USMC
3--if you were a Marine, you don't seem too proud of being one since you didn't cap it--TWICE now...I make sure I cap it since I was USMC and proud of it
4--prove you were a Marine by answering a few questions
Yeah, right. You liked Trump until he did that, right?
No I’m not a racist, misogynist or idiot. I saw his con job from a mile away.
You didn’t. You fell for it..

Neither is Trump, moron. You proved you're a sucker and a douchebag by voting for Hillary.
I love how you cult members constantly lie for the Liar in Chief.
You know what your job is.
Brit-fart is hysterical.
When have I ever lied?
You just said Trump isn’t a racist or misogynistic. Lol
The League of Conservation Voters you called “ The League of Communist Voters.”
And then the classic” Fact checks are fake news.”
Ha ha ha ha

Trump isn't a racist or misogynist.

If you think he is you don't know what those words mean
When have I ever lied?
You just said Trump isn’t a racist or misogynistic. Lol
The League of Conservation Voters you called “ The League of Communist Voters.”
And then the classic” Fact checks are fake news.”
Ha ha ha ha

I stand by all three statements.
Of course you do. You’re an idiot. You support Cadet Bone Spurs. You’re a deplorable.

Yeah, calling Americans worked out well for your queen, didn't it?
She was wrong. 50% of Deplorables aren't racist. It's more like 80%.

You lie like that and are shocked when people you falsely accuse don't vote for you
You just said Trump isn’t a racist or misogynistic. Lol
The League of Conservation Voters you called “ The League of Communist Voters.”
And then the classic” Fact checks are fake news.”
Ha ha ha ha

I stand by all three statements.
Of course you do. You’re an idiot. You support Cadet Bone Spurs. You’re a deplorable.

Yeah, calling Americans worked out well for your queen, didn't it?
She was wrong. 50% of Deplorables aren't racist. It's more like 80%.

You lie like that and are shocked when people you falsely accuse don't vote for you
In English this time. No lie fake lawyer.
It's been my personal experience that 80% of trumpidiots are racist. They heard his dog whistle early in his campaign and latched on to him.
more than TWENTY years served??
that means you should be SUPER dedicated..
not many people serve for MORE than 20
not many at all!!!!!!!! very few
not many serve 20 !!
I'm calling BS big time here!!!
I served for more than 20 years in the Marine Corps.
more than TWENTY years served??
that means you should be SUPER dedicated..
not many people serve for MORE than 20
not many at all!!!!!!!! very few
I'm calling BS big time here!!!
I served for more than 20 years in the Marine Corps.
Idiot still hasn't figured out that wasn't my tweet even though I told him. Too damn funny.
more than TWENTY years served??
that means you should be SUPER dedicated..
not many people serve for MORE than 20
not many at all!!!!!!!! very few
I'm calling BS big time here!!!
I served for more than 20 years in the Marine Corps.
Idiot still hasn't figured out that wasn't my tweet even though I told him. Too damn funny.
I served for more than 20 years in the Marine Corps. I know that he doesn't read, but the fact that our Commander-in-Chief doesn't know the difference between a Corps and a "Core" is more than a spelling error. Wrap yourself in the flag all you like - actual veterans have had it.
NO QUOTATION MARKS..that means you are typing it
I stand by all three statements.
Of course you do. You’re an idiot. You support Cadet Bone Spurs. You’re a deplorable.

Yeah, calling Americans worked out well for your queen, didn't it?
She was wrong. 50% of Deplorables aren't racist. It's more like 80%.

You lie like that and are shocked when people you falsely accuse don't vote for you
In English this time. No lie fake lawyer.
It's been my personal experience that 80% of trumpidiots are racist. They heard his dog whistle early in his campaign and latched on to him.

I wrote in plain English. If you can't read it it's not my problem
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