Veterans pissed For Trump Not Knowing How to spell Marine Corps.

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I don't care if he lies/cheats/steals so I definitely don't care if he spells wonnnngggg
I understand. You know you'll never have yourself another white supremacist prez again so you're holding on for dear life.
what units were you with?
I don't care if he lies/cheats/steals so I definitely don't care if he spells wonnnngggg
I understand. You know you'll never have yourself another white supremacist prez again so you're holding on for dear life.
Obama is the black supremacist who hates whites and America
''GOD DAMN America''' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America

he sent his AG--who is supposed to be ANTI-criminal--to comfort the family of a black criminal who ATTACKED a white cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson

Obama needed a black--not a white --to get the White House--RACIST!!!!
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
How anyone can have even a modicum of respect for this POS prez that watches TV 8 hours a day, refuses to read his intelligence briefs but instead gets his info from Fox and Friends.

Mispronouncing simple words is one thing... but putting our country at risk because he's too damn lazy to do his job is another.
I don't care if he lies/cheats/steals so I definitely don't care if he spells wonnnngggg
I understand. You know you'll never have yourself another white supremacist prez again so you're holding on for dear life.
Obama is the black supremacist who hates whites and America
''GOD DAMN America''' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America

he sent his AG--who is supposed to be ANTI-criminal--to comfort the family of a black criminal who ATTACKED a white cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson

Obama needed a black--not a white --to get the White House--RACIST!!!!
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
I had you pegged as a white supremacist to a T. You're just too transparent.
So was Obama a Christian going to Rev Wright's church or is he a Muslim?
You fuctards just tie yourselves into a pretzel all the time for our amusement.
Yeah, right. You liked Trump until he did that, right?
No I’m not a racist, misogynist or idiot. I saw his con job from a mile away.
You didn’t. You fell for it..

Neither is Trump, moron. You proved you're a sucker and a douchebag by voting for Hillary.
I love how you cult members constantly lie for the Liar in Chief.
You know what your job is.
Brit-fart is hysterical.
When have I ever lied?

C'mon man. We know what leftists are right. We just wont' admit it because we're bible thumping, gun hugging lovers of corporations and the wealthy and haters of the poor. We know they're right on every issue. We just can't admit it, so we lie. Everything we say is a lie of course

Now don't be too hard on yourself. Why I remember just last week when you took the side of the State to hover over the Delta corporation like a giant dowel-wielding nun with an attitude.

Member that? Good times.
I can see by the links this fake soldier uses he's on the level of Alex Jones. A racist and a conspiracy theorist.
Trump attracts the worst people in the country.
View attachment 182806 Matt Morgan@MorganForMI

I served for more than 20 years in the Marine Corps. I know that he doesn't read, but the fact that our Commander-in-Chief doesn't know the difference between a Corps and a "Core" is more than a spelling error. Wrap yourself in the flag all you like - actual veterans have had it.

Veterans Are Pissed At Trump For Not Knowing How To Spell Marine Corps

I am a retired Marine and this is a pretty stupid thing to get upset about.
Add the above to the ever-growing list of confirmation that Trump is a fucking moron........LOL
Auto spell vs saying CORPSE.

Yep, Obama is the biggest moron, you second for bringing up the subject.
Editor of the Harvard Law review is a " moron." Too damn funny
Affirmative action.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Another lie you can't back up.,Nothing but lies comes out of your orange lips from blowing your liar in chief.
I was in the USMC and I don't care...could be a simple typo!!!!!!!!!!!
It was corrected by his staff. Nice try. Lol
That doesn't mean it wan'y a typo, jackass.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Agree on the typo, but as President, he should be more careful if this is even true.

That's why I Google many phrases and words before I post. That's not easy though to do when you're on Twitter on your phone
indeed, I make many many typos, sometimes changing the intent of my post. It's easy to do and although I try not to and know how to spell, age is a factor.
Guess who Trumpis talking about.
we are waiting for you to prove you were USMC-- can look crap up on Google---since you haven't responded when asked about units served, this makes it more likely you never served
...then we would have to query details about those units/etc--especially since you didn't respond quick enough
...if you don't want to prove it--that's Stolen Honor
Add the above to the ever-growing list of confirmation that Trump is a fucking moron........LOL
Auto spell vs saying CORPSE.

Yep, Obama is the biggest moron, you second for bringing up the subject.
Editor of the Harvard Law review is a " moron." Too damn funny
Affirmative action.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Another lie you can't back up.,Nothing but lies comes out of your orange lips from blowing your liar in chief.
Every Corpse man agrees
It was corrected by his staff. Nice try. Lol
That doesn't mean it wan'y a typo, jackass.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Agree on the typo, but as President, he should be more careful if this is even true.

That's why I Google many phrases and words before I post. That's not easy though to do when you're on Twitter on your phone
indeed, I make many many typos, sometimes changing the intent of my post. It's easy to do and although I try not to and know how to spell, age is a factor.
Guess who Trumpis talking about. View attachment 182847
Trump owns you freaks. With a 5 second tweet he has you moonbats foaming at the mouth for days. He’s laughing his head off at you right now.
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