Vets urge Trump impeachment

Looks like some Vets got paid by Sorros. They are not going to be popular with there fellow Vets when they see there sellout friends.

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Or maybe they are expressing how they actually feel. Did you ever think of that?
If you wanted to express how you feel, would you do it in a soros ad? ANY AD? write a blog and make your point. An ad is an ad for gain of those running it. That's it.
True and I’d imagine that a Trump supporting vet wouldn’t be in a political ad speaking against the things he believes. Don’t you?
It would be an ad. If paid by the person running it great. They may likely also believe it. If Trump is paying for it he's buying the association and getting something for his investment.

If soros OR Trump paid then who knows if the one talking is even a vet.

So... If soros paid for it then is it really the voice of a vet or someone playing a paid part so Trump would get a negative connotation?
I have no clue. Could be either. It would make much more sense to find Vets with the right POV for the ad as there are several
Vet groups that oppose Trump. But like I said, I don’t know anything about this particular situation.
maybe - but all i am saying is if soros is funding this, i don't really believe it has shit to do with vets but soros painting an image for others to see however he wants you to see it.

same as anyone else paying for an ad.
Or maybe they are expressing how they actually feel. Did you ever think of that?
If you wanted to express how you feel, would you do it in a soros ad? ANY AD? write a blog and make your point. An ad is an ad for gain of those running it. That's it.
True and I’d imagine that a Trump supporting vet wouldn’t be in a political ad speaking against the things he believes. Don’t you?
It would be an ad. If paid by the person running it great. They may likely also believe it. If Trump is paying for it he's buying the association and getting something for his investment.

If soros OR Trump paid then who knows if the one talking is even a vet.

So... If soros paid for it then is it really the voice of a vet or someone playing a paid part so Trump would get a negative connotation?
I have no clue. Could be either. It would make much more sense to find Vets with the right POV for the ad as there are several
Vet groups that oppose Trump. But like I said, I don’t know anything about this particular situation.
maybe - but all i am saying is if soros is funding this, i don't really believe it has shit to do with vets but soros painting an image for others to see however he wants you to see it.

same as anyone else paying for an ad.
true, ads are made to push the message of those who pay for the ads. I wouldn’t expect you to believe or support anything from Soros
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.

Are you old enough to remember Lt. Calley?

Only One Man Was Found Guilty for His Role in the My Lai Massacre. This Is What It Was Like to Cover His Trial

I too served in the Military ('67-'69), the UCMJ covers Voluntary Manslaughter - 134-4 and Homicide 134-25; The SEAL was convicted and Donald (bone spur) Trump has no business interfering in the matter. trump set a dangerous precedent.

He was not convicted, you stupid POS! How the fuck can you get that wrong?

Yeah, only Lt. Calley was convicted, and his company killed the civilians. You're punk, and a coward.

You get it wrong, and then insult my honor. Great job, dumbass!

You have no honor, you're a hack.

William Laws Calley Jr. Miami, Florida, U.S. William Laws Calley Jr. (born June 8, 1943) is an American former United States Army officer convicted by court-martial of murdering 22 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War.

What did I get wrong? Murder is murder. No one with a moral compass would do what was done by the SEAL Capt.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

Nope...he's an E-7. NOT a Chief.

Guess the Admiral doesn't know that when someone is referred to by their paygrade rather than their rank, they are being dissed by the person saying it. There are several people I've known over the years who while they did manage to advance to E-7, they never actually became a Chief, as they refused to go through CPO initiation. And yeah, that leaves a black mark on someone's record personally. All the other Chiefs in the command will freeze them out.

I've also known some E-7's who were miserable people, and weren't referred to as a Chief, but rather as the E-7 in whichever office was being talked about.
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.
Then why was it OK for the DNC to go to the Ukraine for dirt on Trump?

Hypocrisy is fascinating.
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.
Then why was it OK for the DNC to go to the Ukraine for dirt on Trump?

Hypocrisy is fascinating.
Because Trump was digging for BS dirt on Biden a political rival to benefit himself Now do you understand ?
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.
Then why was it OK for the DNC to go to the Ukraine for dirt on Trump?

Hypocrisy is fascinating.
Because Trump was digging for BS dirt on Biden a political rival to benefit himself Now do you understand ?
you mean like RUSSIAN BS dirt that was made up by people and forced through the system illegally in front of FISA type of a benefit to the DNC/Hillary?

THAT type of benefit?

quit being such a fucking 1 way tool, dude. you cry out in pain that trump made a comment while you say NO THEY DIDN'T to the mass corruption the left ACTUALLY DID DO THAT YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT TRUMP TRYING TO DO.

put the hate away and just look at facts. but you can't. kinda sad.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

Nope...he's an E-7. NOT a Chief.

Guess the Admiral doesn't know that when someone is referred to by their paygrade rather than their rank, they are being dissed by the person saying it. There are several people I've known over the years who while they did manage to advance to E-7, they never actually became a Chief, as they refused to go through CPO initiation. And yeah, that leaves a black mark on someone's record personally. All the other Chiefs in the command will freeze them out.

I've also known some E-7's who were miserable people, and weren't referred to as a Chief, but rather as the E-7 in whichever office was being talked about.

I guess that just proves how fucked up your commands were. Nothing more, titless WAVE!

I'll bet they referred to you as Recruit during your entire tour.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

You Squids always make things so difficult.
An O-4 in the Army, Air Force, and Marines is a Major. :11:
I suppose that the Officers and college educated enlisted personnel are more than disappointed with Trump. His behavior, rhetoric and policies are not in the best interest of our country or the citizens, in uniform or not.

Okay Troll, be specific.
I have NEVER met someone in the military, at any grade, that did not support the president and express their pleasure at what he had done and is doing for the military - and every citizen on this country.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

Well when I was in an E-7 not only was your pay grade it was referred to as your rank also.

What the hell kind of military outfit were you in?
The RANK is and always has been the most important identifier for those in service - active, reserve, and national guard.
I suppose that the Officers and college educated enlisted personnel are more than disappointed with Trump. His behavior, rhetoric and policies are not in the best interest of our country or the citizens, in uniform or not.

That is 180 degrees from the truth. How can you ALWAYS be wrong? You would think that you would screw up and get something right occasionally, but it never happens!

Have you polled all the officers and enlisted personnel with a college education? Your opinion put aside, do you think the personnel were proud and happy to be told to surrender an air base to the Russians, and become guards to the oil fields which are not US Property?

If all you have are personnel attacks do what the DICK Cheney told a US Senator to do, i.e. "go fuck yourself".

First, do you know what the mission of US troops in the area was?
Second, can you tell us exactly what kind of unit was at the airfield?
Third, the oil fields are providing funds so the Kurds can support themselves. Do you have specifics as to why that shouldn't be?
Fourth, do you have detailed intelligence about the situation on the ground?

If not - SHUT UP!
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.

Let's get something straight - President Trump did not personally hold back the aid packet to the Ukraine. That was done by a State Department office responsible for ensuring the money would be used for its intended purpose by determining that corruption in the intended recipient was done. That office was following rules and regulations approved by the usual practice of announcing them in the Federal Register.

Vice President Biden DID apply pressure to the previous president of the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son.

Can't you see the difference?

Just curious. If you're a 20 year Navy vet, would you care to share your rank/pay grade with us?

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

You Squids always make things so difficult.
An O-4 in the Army, Air Force, and Marines is a Major. :11:

I was in the Navy. The only thing "major" about me is that I am a major pain in the ass!
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.

Let's get something straight - President Trump did not personally hold back the aid packet to the Ukraine. That was done by a State Department office responsible for ensuring the money would be used for its intended purpose by determining that corruption in the intended recipient was done. That office was following rules and regulations approved by the usual practice of announcing them in the Federal Register.

Vice President Biden DID apply pressure to the previous president of the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son.

Can't you see the difference?

Just curious. If you're a 20 year Navy vet, would you care to share your rank/pay grade with us?

I believe he was a Titless WAVE 3rd class. Some morons on him would have called him E-4 Sailorwithkneepads.
You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

Well when I was in an E-7 not only was your pay grade it was referred to as your rank also.

What the hell kind of military outfit were you in?
The RANK is and always has been the most important identifier for those in service - active, reserve, and national guard.
We are reading someone's posts who is engaging in 'Stolen Valor'.
E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

Well when I was in an E-7 not only was your pay grade it was referred to as your rank also.

What the hell kind of military outfit were you in?
The RANK is and always has been the most important identifier for those in service - active, reserve, and national guard.
We are reading someone's posts who is engaging in 'Stolen Valor'.

Are you referring to me?
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.
Then why was it OK for the DNC to go to the Ukraine for dirt on Trump?

Hypocrisy is fascinating.
Because Trump was digging for BS dirt on Biden a political rival to benefit himself Now do you understand ?
you mean like RUSSIAN BS dirt that was made up by people and forced through the system illegally in front of FISA type of a benefit to the DNC/Hillary?

THAT type of benefit?

quit being such a fucking 1 way tool, dude. you cry out in pain that trump made a comment while you say NO THEY DIDN'T to the mass corruption the left ACTUALLY DID DO THAT YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT TRUMP TRYING TO DO.

put the hate away and just look at facts. but you can't. kinda sad.
I love facts no matter which way they turn ,and the fact I admire the most is this garbage in our WH is the most undesirable president of all time Republicans making excuses for him and those slime in the senate I will never forgive

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