VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Normally I agree. But Trump brought up the fear the muslim card. If I'm a muslim, I'm pissed.

So you think moderate Muslims are unaware of and would be OK with extreme Muslims murdering them? It's OK, they're Muslim.

Bull. You don't know any Muslims, do you? Groups like ISIS are killing way more Muslims right now than non-Muslims. You think the Muslim community is OK with that why exactly?
You all realize that just because someone is serving in the government and or the military does not equate to them defending freedom and capitalism, yes? No? They might even be the enemy. Such as Obama-nation and the Democrats, the mainstream media, and our education institutions whom are directly responsible for us loosing our (moral and just) wars (that we all initially had won) over the past sixty years. I would give serious credibility issue over some dude complaining over some one who wants to defend our nation from his kind. Islam is not a religion. It is a geo-political totalitarian system of submission.
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

the khan family had every reason to point out that trump's anti-muslim rhetoric belittled their son's sacrifice.

I'm sorry any criticism of dumb Donald offends you
? Who's being sensitive here? Geesh.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
People have rights to do all kinds of stupid things......adults know that having "the right" to do something doesn't make it the wise thing to do. This is something that you fail to grasp.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.

And? You're a liberal, self victimization is the first expectation of you. You self victimize all the time for being gay and for being a woman. Why would having been in the military suddenly be out of bounds?
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Normally I agree. But Trump brought up the fear the muslim card. If I'm a muslim, I'm pissed.
A good point. If a Presidential candidate stated that if elected he would stop Christian immigration (whatever the reason), wouldn't American Christians feel attacked?

Well I really don't think I can understand how the typical muslims I've met feel about Trump's comments about Muslims in America (or the world). I know how I felt when Pat Robertson said Episcopalian were aligned with Satan for not condemning gays (or whatever we did that day that pissed that rancid old man off). And I was bullied as a kid.

But it has to be a horrible thing to have had a son killed in Iraq in 2004 and here 12 years later have a presidential nominee saying every muslim coming here is a potential threat. They aren't. And even if you think Muslims could tend to be more apt to join terrorism, the undisputable thread is that even radical muslims in the US tend to have been BORN here. So, what Trump says fear mongering based on prejudice.

Imo basically the Khans allowed themselves to be used to shine a light on that. I don't like Hill, but Trump's a cockroach, and he should avoid direct light.
[QUOAnd TE="kaz, post: 14911630, member: 26616"]
[QUYou OTE="kaz, post: 14911511, member: 26616"]
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.[/QUOTE]

And? You're a liberal, self victimization is the first expectation of you. You self victimize all the time for being gay and for being a woman. Why would having been in the military suddenly be out of bounds?[/QUOTE]

And why do you have such expectations? Because you've been told to have such expectations.

I never cry victim for being gay and being a woman. That's YOUR expectation....because you've been told to have such expectations. You are such a useful tool.
Christ on a stick! Can you all not see my post?!

You all realize that just because someone is serving in the government and or the military does not equate to them defending freedom and capitalism, yes? No? They might even be the enemy. Such as Obama-nation and the Democrats, the mainstream media, and our education institutions whom are directly responsible for us loosing our (moral and just) wars (that we all initially had won) over the past sixty years. I would give serious credibility issue over some dude complaining over some one who wants to defend our nation from his kind. Islam is not a religion. It is a geo-political totalitarian system of submission.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
People have rights to do all kinds of stupid things......adults know that having "the right" to do something doesn't make it the wise thing to do. This is something that you fail to grasp.

Khan could have made his point without the personal attack on Trump. Sure he had the right thing to do it......adults know that having "the right" to do something doesn't make it the wise thing to do. This is something that you fail to grasp
Trump did not attack the muslim soldier or his family. An honest person can clearly see that by listening to his response. Democrats think if they tell us something that isn't true, people will automatically believe them. They insult the intelligence of the American people.
You're a liberal, self victimization is the first expectation of you. You self victimize all the time for being gay and for being a woman. Why would having been in the military suddenly be out of bounds?

And why do you have such expectations? Because you've been told to have such expectations.

I never cry victim for being gay and being a woman. That's YOUR expectation....because you've been told to have such expectations. You are such a useful tool.

It's what you do all day every day on the board. You're a woman, you need the bar lowered, you need free birth control or you're being deprived of birth control, gays need government perks and to be confirmed. Your position on the military is always what helps Democrats.

BTW, I didn't see this except by accident as you screwed up the quote marks and it didn't tell me that you'd responded to my post
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

the khan family had every reason to point out that trump's anti-muslim rhetoric belittled their son's sacrifice.

I'm sorry any criticism of dumb Donald offends you

No one said they didn't have the right to state their opinion, air headed slut. What you are arguing is they have the right to say whatever they want about Trump in any venue they want to without being criticized back. Bull, they don't.

Khan exercised free speech, Trump did as well. Stop slutting for the Democrat party and at least accurately state the discussion
Despair in the air......
You're a liberal, self victimization is the first expectation of you. You self victimize all the time for being gay and for being a woman. Why would having been in the military suddenly be out of bounds?

And why do you have such expectations? Because you've been told to have such expectations.

I never cry victim for being gay and being a woman. That's YOUR expectation....because you've been told to have such expectations. You are such a useful tool.

It's what you do all day every day on the board. You're a woman, you need the bar lowered, you need free birth control or you're being deprived of birth control, gays need government perks and to be confirmed. Your position on the military is always what helps Democrats.

BTW, I didn't see this except by accident as you screwed up the quote marks and it didn't tell me that you'd responded to my post
"I need the bar lowered"? When have I ever asked for the bar to be lowered? I certainly don't need birth control....:lol: I'm gay, remember? And as a gay American, what government perks do I need that non-gays don't already get? Name them.

I love how you are exposing yourself here.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
People have rights to do all kinds of stupid things......adults know that having "the right" to do something doesn't make it the wise thing to do. This is something that you fail to grasp.

Khan could have made his point without the personal attack on Trump. Sure he had the right thing to do it......adults know that having "the right" to do something doesn't make it the wise thing to do. This is something that you fail to grasp
What's Khan's point ... beyond Trump being unfit?
My Congressman is a vet himself....Duncan Hunter..I will be sending him an e-mail asking what he plans to publically do about this attack on a Gold Star Family.

Last edited:
You're a liberal, self victimization is the first expectation of you. You self victimize all the time for being gay and for being a woman. Why would having been in the military suddenly be out of bounds?

And why do you have such expectations? Because you've been told to have such expectations.

I never cry victim for being gay and being a woman. That's YOUR expectation....because you've been told to have such expectations. You are such a useful tool.

It's what you do all day every day on the board. You're a woman, you need the bar lowered, you need free birth control or you're being deprived of birth control, gays need government perks and to be confirmed. Your position on the military is always what helps Democrats.

BTW, I didn't see this except by accident as you screwed up the quote marks and it didn't tell me that you'd responded to my post
"I need the bar lowered"? When have I ever asked for the bar to be lowered? I certainly don't need birth control....:lol: I'm gay, remember? And as a gay American, what government perks do I need that non-gays don't already get? Name them.

I love how you are exposing yourself here.

I thought the government descri.inates endlessly against you
You're a liberal, self victimization is the first expectation of you. You self victimize all the time for being gay and for being a woman. Why would having been in the military suddenly be out of bounds?

And why do you have such expectations? Because you've been told to have such expectations.

I never cry victim for being gay and being a woman. That's YOUR expectation....because you've been told to have such expectations. You are such a useful tool.

It's what you do all day every day on the board. You're a woman, you need the bar lowered, you need free birth control or you're being deprived of birth control, gays need government perks and to be confirmed. Your position on the military is always what helps Democrats.

BTW, I didn't see this except by accident as you screwed up the quote marks and it didn't tell me that you'd responded to my post

And you want to allow the individual states to legalize slavery.

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