Victim of Trump university--who lost husband in Iraq speaks out

Look. Another hack claiming to be a victim of Donald Trump. Who would have guessed it?

You guys are the ones who nominated this clown. You own all his baggage.

Yep they OWN all of Trump.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

We've heard a lot about Trump University--but here is someone with first hand experience with it.

Yes we know the far left is irony impaired: Whitewater Time Line

See you're having a very difficult time promoting or defending the Chimpanzee nominee you have nominated so you have to go back 30 YEARS when an investigation has already been done, and the Clinton's were cleared AGAIN of any wrong doing.

Well Guess What Moron. Trump University is already under investigation, and YOUR Chimp just may get some charges leveled at him--LOL


Yes we all know you are here to run debunked far left religious narratives.. Whitewater Special Report

"The New York lawsuit alone represents some 5,000 victims. Meanwhile, Trump — who maintains that Trump University was “a terrific school that did a fantastic job” — has tried to bully his opponents out of the suit. Lawyers for Tarla Makaeff have requested a protective order from the court “to protect her from further retaliation.”

According to court documents, Trump has threatened to sue Makaeff personally, as well as her attorneys. He’s already brought a $100 million counterclaim against the New York attorney general’s office. But it’s not working. Trump himself will have to take the witness stand in San Diego federal court sometime during the election season — and because of the timeline of the cases, a “President Trump” would be embroiled in these suits long after November."
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam, by Ian Tuttle, National Review


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Another made up Republican scandal which Ken Starr investigated at the behest of the Republicans and found Nothing implicating the Clintons.

Why did Bill lose his license?

He lied about getting a blowjob. He should have just said (Plagiarizing Sara Silverman):

I'm fucking an intern
I'm sorry but it's true
I'm fucking an intern
I'm not imagining it's you
I'm fucking an intern

On the bed, on the floor
On a towel by the door
In the tub, in the car
Up against the mini-bar

Then he should have told Ken Starr to go fuck himself.

Very nice poetry too !!
Look. Another hack claiming to be a victim of Donald Trump. Who would have guessed it?

You guys are the ones who nominated this clown. You own all his baggage.
In all fairness, Trump hijacked the GOP with his own tv audience of non college educated white males.

You can't blame the GOP.

They are as much a victim as the suckers of Trump Univ.
You want to comment on this?

Another made up Republican scandal which Ken Starr investigated at the behest of the Republicans and found Nothing implicating the Clintons.

Why did Bill lose his license?

He lied about getting a blowjob. He should have just said (Plagiarizing Sara Silverman):

I'm fucking an intern
I'm sorry but it's true
I'm fucking an intern
I'm not imagining it's you
I'm fucking an intern

On the bed, on the floor
On a towel by the door
In the tub, in the car
Up against the mini-bar

Then he should have told Ken Starr to go fuck himself.

With his wife and child upstairs.

There was no affair here. He just blew his load into this stupid ***** mouth laughing his ass off while Hillary and Chelsea were one floor above him.

It's not the disgusting act. Men and women have affairs all the time. It's his vengeance against his wife that makes this jerks jerk off painful. Bills an asshole.
You want to comment on this?

Indictments...any day now...any day now...any day now.....:lol:

Hillary was sure cute when she was younger.

I wonder what made Billy cheat?

I guess girlies were probably just throwing themselves at him.

Like Johnny Depp said in Pirates Of The Caribbean, he couldn't resist mate!

Didn't Frontline do a program on Trump Univ as well?

They interviewed lots of victims.

According to this article there's a ton of them.
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Trump is due to be in court in New York over this during this election season so it's definitely be headline material.

I can't wait. I hope all of them are trotted out. I hope they know what they are getting in to.
Yes we all know you are here to run debunked far left religious narratives.. Whitewater Special Report

Okay, here's the thing. The whole value of the Whitewater investment was 230K- 300K, most of that born by the Clintons and the McDougals. Ken Starr spent 70 MILLION dollars investigating Whitewater, and found no criminal activity by the Clintons as much as he tried to imply it in an investigation that never seemed to end.

This was the same conclusion that the Resolution Trust Corporation had come to in 1989, when this all went down.

Now, by way of comparison, the entire cost of the collapse of Madison Savings (caused more by the S&L Crisis than the Whitewater and Castle Grande investments) was 73 million. More money was spent investigating it than it actually lost.

By comparison, Neil Bush Son and brother to Presidents) was hip deep in the Silverado Savings and Loan Scandal, which cost the taxpayers 1.3 BILLION.

Neil Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or if you want to have some REAL fun. - Trump's bankruptcies have cost 4.7 BILLION.

By the Numbers: Donald Trump's $4.7 Billion in Bankruptcies - Dividend Reference

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