Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

Or WTC 3 being almost cut in half and still not collapsing:lol::lol::lol:

And why should it collapse? Was it built the same as any of the other buildings? Did it burn the same way? Was it damaged the same way? It was later demolished because of the damages wasn't it?

Better yet, what would cause the collapse? WTC 1 and 2 had large sections above the impact sites bearing down on the structure and this weight eventually caused the collapse. WTC 7 had 40 stories above the structures that failed bearing down on the structures.

So what should have caused the collapse? There was nothing weighing down on the structures of WTC 3, 4, 5, or 6 that would cause a collapse.
SHE never answered. And she did, she said "fire?" as if in disbelief. She saw it blow up.

Your again being dishonest and cannot figure out how to address eye witness account.

And didn't say it blew up for no reason, she gave no reason and did not answer if it was on fire or not. Fire! (Fuck yes it was on fire) I saw it blow up"

Use your head for a change.....
There is no way I can address this...It is another weird anomaly that has been swept under the rug. It is possible, given what you have posted and linked, that there were multiple forces of destruction, but the fact remains, that there is no way sporadic fires and asymmetrical damage caused the symmetrical straight down collapses of these 3 massive buildings, and I see that the fruit loopers are still doing what they do best. Now it appears they have been charged with resurrecting fading threads so the ones about the recent deception of OBL 10th reported death are diminished.

May Day! May Day! :lol:

So predictable that this date would be chosen for OBL "death".

Way to ramp up those rating Obama!

Indeed, and to the day of Bushs "mission accomplished" speech. You got to hand it to these psy op bastards, they are really good at the mind control, especially on such a massive scale. It is good to know that not everyone is falling for their BS, and a lot of folks are waking up, and when they do that they analyze what they are being told and shown, realizing all the times they have been duped and lied to, and the sensible person in them emerges.
The list of past deceptions is vast, the evidence is vast, all it takes is for a person to take an honest look at the big picture, including past and recent events, and it soon becomes clear to them just how much BS they have been told and believed.

O Gee, and Hitlers death was announced on May Day too.....It must be a conspiracy....
Good job. Send a mod in to cover you...You're still a dishonest troll with no meat.

You have a problem with the rules?

It's very simple. Even you can understand it.

You don't fuck with anyone's family.

That is why the mods are there. To make sure we all follow a few simple rules.

Dumb ass.
Good job. Send a mod in to cover you...You're still a dishonest troll with no meat.

You have a problem with the rules?

It's very simple. Even you can understand it.

You don't fuck with anyone's family.

That is why the mods are there. To make sure we all follow a few simple rules.

Dumb ass.

Typical truthers.

No rebuttals at all when they get their asses handed to them. They all revert to the "you're a troll" or "you're a shill/agent".

Happens every time.
LOL tell you how it collapsed?????????

LMAO you guys are killing me with this humor!

Explain why the east penthouse collapsed first into the building itself. The perimeter facade didn't collapse until later a full 7 or 8 seconds later.

Yet you keep calling the collapse "totally symmetrical".

Are you saying that the cars that ignited in the parking lot were hit by debris?
Because there are images available that show no debris, yet burning cars. You clearly havent done any homework and you are a liar to boot, Gamolon. The reason you're on ignore in the first place.

Go find your own images of the car park and FDR drive car explosion. I'm not here so you can waste my time with your dishonest posting.

Hey TakeAShit.... if Gamolon is on ignore, why are you responding to what he wrote? :lol: BUSTED AGAIN!!!!

And you're just like Triton; such a lazy fuck or so dishonest that you hope someone ELSE can do your work for you. :lol: Why bother? We all know you're a lying piece of shit! You want to make a point? Make a point. Don't sit there jacking off and pretending your bullshit is real and then telling everyone else they have to prove it for themselves.

Just thought I'd post this about the FDR drive cars igniting/on fire and what I just found...

Judy says this about toasted cars on FDR vs. being towed.
Judy Wood said:
In the debate over toasted cars ignited by this article, some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC and were loaded up and transported and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done.

I found this photo yesterday of car 2723 that I had never seen before. The red arrow on the right points to, what I eventually figured out, the words "The Millenium Hilton". Also notice the tree branch circled in red.

Here is a Google Earth photo of the same area. Notice the tree branch on the left and the words "The Millenium Hilton" on the right.

Here are the photos Judy puts on her site for the car 2327 being burned at the FDR location.


Does this constitute the non existing evidence that the car was moved to the FDR location that she claims doesn't exist?

Are you saying that the cars that ignited in the parking lot were hit by debris?
Because there are images available that show no debris, yet burning cars. You clearly havent done any homework and you are a liar to boot, Gamolon. The reason you're on ignore in the first place.

Go find your own images of the car park and FDR drive car explosion. I'm not here so you can waste my time with your dishonest posting.

Hey TakeAShit.... if Gamolon is on ignore, why are you responding to what he wrote? :lol: BUSTED AGAIN!!!!

And you're just like Triton; such a lazy fuck or so dishonest that you hope someone ELSE can do your work for you. :lol: Why bother? We all know you're a lying piece of shit! You want to make a point? Make a point. Don't sit there jacking off and pretending your bullshit is real and then telling everyone else they have to prove it for themselves.

Just thought I'd post this about the FDR drive cars igniting/on fire and what I just found...

Judy says this about toasted cars on FDR vs. being towed.
Judy Wood said:
In the debate over toasted cars ignited by this article, some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC and were loaded up and transported and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done.

I found this photo yesterday of car 2723 that I had never seen before. The red arrow on the right points to, what I eventually figured out, the words "The Millenium Hilton". Also notice the tree branch circled in red.

Here is a Google Earth photo of the same area. Notice the tree branch on the left and the words "The Millenium Hilton" on the right.

Here are the photos Judy puts on her site for the car 2327 being burned at the FDR location.


Does this constitute the non existing evidence that the car was moved to the FDR location that she claims doesn't exist?



Wow. You actually took the time out to doctor a photo and repost it? You're so far beyond dishonest it's fucking great. Look at the door of both of those vehicles. Do they look similar. Drivers door? The trunk size vs. the back end of the car? Does it match up?

You're the most pathetic soul ever. In real life I would hand you your nuts so you dont reproduce.

Cite the source of your photo you agent fucking troll. :lmao:
This site is infiltrated with agents. If you have any fucking integrity here, show it now. I'm not coming here anymore. If you're the bulk of America, you're lost.
cite the fucking source then you tragic fuck. The drivers doors look VERY different. You're another dishonest fucking agent troll. :lmao:

Loser trolls.

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