Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
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View attachment 240463 View attachment 240462
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown. "

View attachment 240466


Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office


Let them march. Pelosi didn't walk out on the discussions, Trump did. If they want negotiations to begin, have them tell Trump to get them started.

Are their losses greater than the parents who lost children at Sandy Hook? Are their losses greater than the parents of the 14,000 people who have died in the opioid crisis just since last September, a number of deaths so staggering that it is reducing the life expectancy of the entire American population.

If people have been deported several times and they're still getting back into the USA, no wall will stop them. We've have criminals who have been subject to deportation getting back into Canada and killing people too, and it's an outrage that they can get in, but in our case,, they're going to the USA and crossing illegally into Canada along your northern border. Nobody is marching on Ottawa and sayin "build a wall".
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
Exploiting these emotionally wrought people for political purposes is the epitome of disgusting tactics.

Illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than we Americans.
,, they're going to the USA and crossing illegally into Canada along your northern border. Nobody is marching on Ottawa and sayin "build a wall".
They are "going to the USA|", which you don't mind, yet "crossing illegally" into Canada, which you do.

Are all Canadians idiots?
How many of those crimes were done with guns ?

Immigration status doesn’t kill people, people kill people . ........ sound familiar?
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
Exploiting these emotionally wrought people for political purposes is the epitome of disgusting tactics.

Illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than we Americans.
got a stat to back that up rainbow man?
Let them march. Pelosi didn't walk out on the discussions, Trump did.

Yeah, Pelosi and Schumer are not the types who WALK OUT
- they are the types who JUST DON'T SHOW UP. :p


Much like Pelosi has not shown up as a serious Speaker of the House YET!

If they want negotiations to begin, have them tell Trump to get them started.

Wow, you are as clueless not only to how bills / laws get passed in this country as Pelosi is and just as ignorant to what has been going on, too.

According to the Constitution (I suggest you read it), the Executive Branch is not responsible for writing / passing Legislation, which involves NEGOTIATION and COMPROMISE, none of which Pelosi is willing to do. It is Congress' job to write and pass bills for the President to sign.

Pelosi has single-handedly shut down the government by refusing to negotiate or compromise. Instead, she has driven her fellow Democrats in the House to pass her EDICTS, or should I say 'hostage demands' and has insisted that the other 2/3rds of the US government meet those demands or the govt will stay closed, hurting the American people - all so she can deny the President a political 'win' in hopes that it will destroy his chances for re-election in 202o.

Even her own fellow Democrats know this is NOT how things get done, and many of them oppose her, many would rather negotiate and compromise with the President:

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ):
“If I had the opportunity to vote for some sort of a deal, I would”

Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA):
“I hope that we can all come to a compromise because that’s the way things get done. If we don’t compromise, the American people are the ones who get hurt. Right now, they are hanging in the balance.”

WHY can Democrats see and understand this but you and crazy Nancy, siding with illegals instead of Americans, see and understand this?

Freshman Dems Turn on Pelosi Over Border Wall, Seek Deal with Trump

By the way, Trump and the GOP did start the negotiations. They have offered several compromises so far - to include DACA, everything they asked for....TWICE...and Pelosi rejected it because denying Trump his wall and hurting him in the 2020 elections is more important to her that dying Americans, border security, or DACA for Latinos and the Democrats promise to get that for them.
there's a time to be rational and there's a time to freak the fuck out. my friends, this is the time to freak out! to run screaming in your underwear up and down the street.

there's a time to be rational and there's a time to freak the fuck out. my friends, this is the time to freak out! to run screaming in your underwear up and down the street.

Why would anyone do such a thing? Democrats and snowflakes are the proven ones driven and easily manipulated by emotion.

These victims of Illegal crime are simply visiting Pelosi so she can stare them in the eyes and tell them why she is standing with illegals instead of the American people, especially people like them who are paying the real price for her rabid partisanship, so she can tell them why she and her party supports FUNDING FOR illegal safe-haven-providing Sanctuary cities but none for the protection of Americans like their loved ones.
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
Exploiting these emotionally wrought people for political purposes is the epitome of disgusting tactics.

Illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than we Americans.
got a stat to back that up rainbow man?
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
Exploiting these emotionally wrought people for political purposes is the epitome of disgusting tactics.

Illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than we Americans.

Irrelevant. First, the left-wing exploits emotionally wrought people ALL THE TIME.

It is your very first action, when anything bad happens anywhere.

Second, we on the right-wing are not doing this. The left-wing mocked people harmed by illegal immigrant criminals. So naturally those people are lashing out. That's your fault for instigating a response from them.
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
Exploiting these emotionally wrought people for political purposes is the epitome of disgusting tactics.

Illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than we Americans.

Irrelevant. First, the left-wing exploits emotionally wrought people ALL THE TIME.

It is your very first action, when anything bad happens anywhere.

Second, we on the right-wing are not doing this. The left-wing mocked people harmed by illegal immigrant criminals. So naturally those people are lashing out. That's your fault for instigating a response from them.

uh, you left out BUT HILLARY
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
Exploiting these emotionally wrought people for political purposes is the epitome of disgusting tactics.

Illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than we Americans.
got a stat to back that up rainbow man?
and what is the % of population in relation to these numbers?
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office
Exploiting these emotionally wrought people for political purposes is the epitome of disgusting tactics.

Illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than we Americans.
got a stat to back that up rainbow man?
and what is the % of population in relation to these numbers?
In 2016, 746 native-born Texans, 32 illegal immigrants, and 28 legal immigrants were convicted of homicide. In that year, the homicide conviction rate for native-born Americans is Texas was 3.2 per 100,000 natives while it was 1.8 per 100,000 illegal immigrants and 0.9 per 100,000 legal immigrants (Figure 1). The illegal immigrant conviction rate for homicide was 44 percent below that of native-born Americans in 2016 in Texas.

The Murder of Mollie Tibbetts and Illegal Immigrant Crime: The Facts

According to an original analysis of data from the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the authors of this report, roughly 1.6 percent of immigrant males age 18-39 are incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of the native-born. This disparity in incarceration rates has existed for decades, as evidenced by data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 decennial censuses. In each of those years, the incarceration rates of the native-born were anywhere from two to five times higher than that of immigrants.


A variety of different studies using different methodologies have found that immigrants are less likely than the native-born to engage in either violent or nonviolent “antisocial” behaviors; that immigrants are less likely than the native-born to be repeat offenders among “high risk” adolescents; and that immigrant youth who were students in U.S. middle and high schools in the mid-1990s and are now young adults have among the lowest delinquency rates of all young people.

The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States

'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office

But they'll fly to Hawaii and Puerto Rico and blow our tax dollars on hookers, cocaine, and booze.
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office

There must’ve been two dozen people there. I find it shameful the way the Republican Party uses these deaths to promote their agenda of hate.

These families should be going after the Republican party for their failure to address the issue of illegal immigration for the past 30 years.

When Ronald Reagan encouraged the USA American people to give amnesty and a path to citizenship for 6 million illegals, he promised Americans that he would end illegal immigration from Mexico by ensuring Mexicans had good paying jobs at home, through NAFTA.

Democrats complained that giving amnesty to 6 million illegals would just encourage more to come. Democrats were right.

Trump did nothing about illegal immigration except make it worse. Of course it was at the lowest point in 50 years when he took office and he couldn’t justify building a wall if it was no illegal immigration to stop so he had to make it worse.

Every day there is a daily litany of articles from Breitbart and the gateway pundit neither of whom have any credibility whatsoever.

These immigrant hate threads belong in the rubber room with the stolen election bullshit.
'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown."

Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office

There must’ve been two dozen people there. I find it shameful the way the Republican Party uses these deaths to promote their agenda of hate.

These families should be going after the Republican party for their failure to address the issue of illegal immigration for the past 30 years.

When Ronald Reagan encouraged the USA American people to give amnesty and a path to citizenship for 6 million illegals, he promised Americans that he would end illegal immigration from Mexico by ensuring Mexicans had good paying jobs at home, through NAFTA.

Democrats complained that giving amnesty to 6 million illegals would just encourage more to come. Democrats were right.

Trump did nothing about illegal immigration except make it worse. Of course it was at the lowest point in 50 years when he took office and he couldn’t justify building a wall if it was no illegal immigration to stop so he had to make it worse.

Every day there is a daily litany of articles from Breitbart and the gateway pundit neither of whom have any credibility whatsoever.

These immigrant hate threads belong in the rubber room with the stolen election bullshit.
Are you crazy?

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