Victor Davis Hanson Asks the Question of Questions

Voters wanted illegals flooding into America, hyperinflation, shortages of everything, WW3, skyrocketing crime, $7 gas!!!

If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done differently than what Joe Biden has done?
Again, your savior would be dealing with ALL of this had he won re-election. A lot of these issues stem from coming out of a pandemic that he IGNORED for two solid months...and then STILL failed to respond to adequately.
You need to start reading about how things work in this country in order to have a leg to stand on.
Again, your savior would be dealing with ALL of this had he won re-election. A lot of these issues stem from coming out of a pandemic that he IGNORED for two solid months...and then STILL failed to respond to adequately.
You need to start reading about how things work in this country in order to have a leg to stand on.
Again, answer the question:
If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done?
Again, answer the question:
If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done?
Then ask a question. Not a leading alt-right tinged political statement.
I don't give a shit what this sack of human effluence has to say.

If you think Biden is solely responsible for fuel prices and inflation, then you don't need to respond to this post.
Then ask a question. Not a leading alt-right tinged political statement.
I don't give a shit what this sack of human effluence has to say.

If you think Biden is solely responsible for fuel prices and inflation, then you don't need to respond to this post.
We know why you’re terrified of answering the question.
We know why you’re terrified of answering the question.
You haven't asked one. Neither did the author of the alt-right hit piece.
He made a leading political statement...because he doesn't like the guy in the WH.
Isn't that what you idiots accused the press of doing to the last guy. :)
You haven't asked one. Neither did the author of the alt-right hit piece.
He made a leading political statement...because he doesn't like the guy in the WH.
Isn't that what you idiots accused the press of doing to the last guy. :)
You’re a pathological liar. All Leftards are. Straight forward question and you won’t answer it because Democrats are intentionally destroying America.
I have been convinced from the beginning that it is all by design, and nothing the doddering old fool has done since has convinced me otherwise.

None of it is coming from Biden, though. He is just the one reading off the teleprompter and signing the orders.
Which means his wife is complicit also. For letting him run for office when she knew and frankly he was showing signs of mental decline before the election to us all.
You’re a pathological liar. All Leftards are. Straight forward question and you won’t answer it because Democrats are intentionally destroying America.
Ask a question that isn't slanted with an alt-right political statement. C'mon, it should be easy.'s easier for you to just retreat into your little right wing bubble, isn't it? :)
Ask a question that isn't slanted with an alt-right political statement. C'mon, it should be easy.'s easier for you to just retreat into your little right wing bubble, isn't it? :)
Asking what someone who intended to destroy America would do differently than what Joe has done has only one answer.


It’s why you spin and dodge for the worst President in history.
Asking what someone who intended to destroy America would do differently than what Joe has done has only one answer.


It’s why you spin and dodge for the worst President in history.
You see, that isn't a question. It's a statement. Biden isn't INTENTIONALLY destroying America. You could make the case that with his denial of his election loss and subsequent undermining of the election process that Trump was UN-INTENTIONALLY destroying America. But that's a case where the intent was actually clear.

Biden is doing a fine job with the hand that he's been dealt. Your savior, Donald John Trump would be dealing with the same things had he been re-elected.
Just not as well. :)
None of the above.
Biden is doing the job the voters elected him to do. Making mistakes, of course. But at least interested in job of being President.
Here is a simple fact of the matter that you members of Alt-Right Nation can't get around. Your savior, Donald John Trump, would
be dealing with the EXACT same issues had he won re-election. Can you see Trump having to deal with the endless stream of
bad news, after day? Me neither. Biden has been nothing but tested since the day he took the oath of office.

Victor Davis Hanson is an alt-right hack. Nothing more, nothing less.
Dismissed. :)
If Biden is doing the job voters elected him to do, then it's time for a civil war.
You see, that isn't a question. It's a statement. Biden isn't INTENTIONALLY destroying America. You could make the case that with his denial of his election loss and subsequent undermining of the election process that Trump was UN-INTENTIONALLY destroying America. But that's a case where the intent was actually clear.

Biden is doing a fine job with the hand that he's been dealt. Your savior, Donald John Trump would be dealing with the same things had he been re-elected.
Just not as well. :)
"Biden is doing a fine job with the hand that he's been dealt."
What exactly has he done?
If Biden is doing the job voters elected him to do, then it's time for a civil war.
Well, you move on with that and let us all know how it turns out.
I'll get the popcorn. Just promise you'll vid it for upload to YouTube. :)
Now, don't forget -- Surada has taken great pains to make sure we know "she" is 107 year old Christian Woman who was a big oil exec living in the Middle east in 1950, and so "she" should know.
Don't forget, she was a favorite of General Patton and sat on his lap.
I have been convinced from the beginning that it is all by design, and nothing the doddering old fool has done since has convinced me otherwise.

None of it is coming from Biden, though. He is just the one reading off the teleprompter and signing the orders.
It's part of the great reset. Do you think skyrocketing prices for fuel, food, used and new cars, while also continued pressures through regulations are forcing American car manufacturers to abandon The Classic American V8, Sports Cars, and Muscle Cars while being forced to build EVs no one really wants is a coincidence?

That's just one example of The Government taking over our economy, and the means of production. Government forcing mandates, lockdowns and restrictions on businesses is just another out of 100s of examples of The Biden Administration executing The Great Reset Agenda.

They have to impoverish us before we will accept the chains of slavery they want to place upon us offered up as help.

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