Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

Nuland and Rubio spinng it like a top.

Rubio is a little weasel, too. I wonder who is fillling his coffer these days anyway.

That is the only one minute of that testimony... Where is the rest?

I found another video that shows Rubio's questioning to be around 5 minutes, but it it's not complete.

If you watch whole video, the complete Rubio's questioning is scrubbed and replaced with this... for full 12 minutes.


Here is the video, blackout starts at 27:00

The photo at MSN was also scrubbed after the missile attack in Lviv that showed trainees. Translation of a Russian report is forthcoming, which mentions Dilyana's journalism (above). Here is MSM's report:

2022 Mar 11
Military Pravda reports on biolabs, this one is from Lieutenant-General Kirillov:

'Ministerstvu oborony Rossii stalo izestno o razrabotke sverkhopasno Kievom v den' nachala voennoi operatsii po demilitarizatsii i denatsifikatsii vozbuditelei smertel'nykh zabolevanii -- legochnoi chumy, tuliaremii, dizenterii, kholery i sibirskoi iazvy.
The Ministry of Defense of Russia became aware of the development of extremely dangerous pathogens of deadly disease on the day of the military operation of demilitarization and denazification of Kiev - pneumonic plague, tularemia, disentery, cholera and anthrax.

General-Lietenant Igor Kirillov: "On soobshchil, chto na Ukraine byla sozdania set' iz 30 biologicheskikh laboratorii, rabotavvshchikh pod egidoi Pentagona.
Kirillov said that in Ukraine there was a network of 30 biological laboratories operating under the auspices of the Pentagon.

Prichem, po ego slovam, raboty pritsel'no velis' po "usileniiu patogennykh svoistv mikroorqanizmov s ispol'zovaniem metodov sinteticheskoi biologii."
Moreover, according to him, the work was aimed at "enhancing the pathogenic properties of microorganisms using methods of synthetic biology."

Poimichitel'no, chto podobnye opyty nad liud'mi provodilis' na Ukraine ne tol'ko amerikantsami, no i skoree svego, ital'iantsami uzhe mnogo let nazad.
It is understandable that such experiments on people were carried oout in the Ukraine not only by the Americans, but also by the Italians already many years ago.

Tak, ot mestnykh zhitelei raiona poligona Iavorovo stalo izvestno o biologicehskoi ital'iantskoi laboratorii, kotoraia v nachale nulevykh funktsionirovala na etom voennom ob'ekte.
Thus from the local residents of the area of Yavorovo test site, it became known about the biological laboratory, which at the beginning of the 2000s, functioned at this military facility.'
Kirillov continues, the controversial word "retushirovalo" Eng. 'retouched' is used to describe government conduct during the outbreak from this Yavorovo biolab:

' "Po strannomu stecheniiu obstoiatel'stv, mnogie liudi iz blizlezhashchikh naselennykh punktov zaboleli togda neponiatoi infektsiei, blizkoi po simptomatike k grippoznym virusom.
By a strange coincidence, many people from nearby settlements then fell ill with an infection that was similar in symptoms to the infleunza virus.

U mnogikh patsientov bolezn' protekala tiazhelo, no ikh nikto ne lechil, a pravitel'stvo Ukrainy vsiacheski retushirovalo ee rasprostraneniiu.
In many patients the disease was severe, but no one treated them, and the government of Ukraine retouched its spread in every possible way." '
There was apparently a website scrubbing of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, as Kirillov continues:

' "Primechatel'no, chto, po informatsii Amerikanskogo portala Strange Sounds, srazu posle nachala spetsoperatsii posol'stvo USA na Ukraine srochno sterlo na saite organizatsii ves' massive dannykh po programme Ukraine Bioweapon Lab.
It is noteworthy that, according to the information of the American portal, Strange Sounds, immediately after the start of the septic operation, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine urgently erased the entire array of data on the organization's website for the Ukrainian Bioweapons Lab program.'
They all lie and the corporate media supports them. Then just once in awhile, they let the truth slip out. That’s what that crazy warmongering neocon Nuland did.

Victoria Nuland is a completely repulsive human being, in my opinion. The damage she has done and still does to that part of the world has been incommensurable.
CIA-MI6 has scrubbed the website in post #106. But we have the entire article in hard-copy.
Readers may wish to look around for articles on Italian espionage, because there was one at Pravda yesterday.
Inexperienced and young recruits of CIA-MI6 effeminates are likely going apeshit watching (romanized Russian [italics]) being used on the internet. Unlike Cyrillic, romanized Russian gives the reader more clues as to the sound of the (spoken [it.]) language. Kirillov continues in the now-scrubbed Pravda article:

'Tot zhe angloiazychnyi resurs utochniaet, chto nad 4400 ukrainskikh voennosluzhshchikh stavilis' neponiatnye eksperimenty v ramkakh programmy UP-8.
The same English-language resource clarifies that over 4400 Ukrainian servicemen were placed in incomprehensible experiments as part of the UP-8 program.

Zapretnye issledovaniia velis' v voennykh okrugakh Khar'kova, L'vova i Odessy.
Forbidden studies were conducted in the military districts of Kharkiv, Lviv, and Odessa.

Geneticheskoe oruzhbie protiv slavian
Genetic Weapon Against the Slavs

Zabor krovi u soldat delalsia na predmet nalichiia antitel k virusu krymsko-kongolezskoi gemorragicheskoi likhoradki i khantavirusam.
Blood samples were taken from the soldiers for the presence of antibodies to Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, and hantaviruses.

Eta informatsiia stala dostoianiem glasnosti blagodaria rassledovaniiu, provedennomu bulgarskoi zhurnalistkoi Dilyanoi Gaitandzhievoi.
This information became public thanks to an investigation conducted by the Bulgarian journalist, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.
The Kirillov article continues:

'Ona takzhe soobshchila, chto na eksperimenty bylo vydeleno okolo 80 millionov dollarov.
She also reported that about $80 million had been allocated for the experiments.

Programmoi zanimalas' kompaniia Black and Veatch Special Projects Corp., rabotaiushchaia pod rukovodstvom Agenstva po umen'sheniu ugrozy oborone USA.
The program was handled by Black and Veatch Special Projects Corp., under the direction of the USA Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Eto odno iz vedomstv Pentagona.
This is one of the departments of the Pentagon.

Sleduet zametit', chto USA postoianno vedut biologicheskie issledovaniia, staviashchie chelovestvo na gran' katastrofy.
It should be noted that the USA is constantly conducting biological research that puts humanity on the brink of disaster.

Tak, dlia likvidatsii neftiatnogo razliva vv Meksikanskom zalive, proizhoshedshego v 2010 g., amerikanskie laboratorii vo glave s Nobelskii laureatom Hamilton Smith v institut Dzh. Craig Venter opasnyi iskusstvennyi organizm "Sintiia" (Mycoplasma laboratorium), kotoryi v dal'neishem predpolozhitel'no neprebralsia cherez Atlantiku i vyzval vspyshku neponiatnoi infektsii u rybakov Senegala.
For example, to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which occurred in 2010, American laboratories headed by Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith at the Institute of Craig Venter, synthesized in 2011 "Synthia" (Mycoplasma laboratorium), which was later allegedly untransformed through the Atlantic and an unknown infection in Senegalese fishermen.

Imenno v svete vysheizlozhennogo osobo strashno esche odno soobshchenie, sdelannoe na brifinge general-leitenant Kirillovym.
In light of the foregoing, one more message made at the briefing by Lieutenant-General Kirillov is especially scarey.
Krillov continues:

'Ego ser'eznost' ne byla do kontsa osovana mirovoi obshchestvennost'iu .
It's seriousness is not fully understood by the world community.

Kirillov rasskazal o peredache v spetslaboratorii USA tysiach obraztsov syvorotki krovii ukraintsev, imeiushchikh otnoshenie k slavianskomu etnosu.
Kirillov spoke about the transfer of thousands of blood serum samples from Ukrainians related to the Slavic ethnic group to a special laboratory.

Kommentiaruia informatsiiu, mozhno s bol'shoi dolei veroiatnosti predpolzhit', chto rech' idet o popytkakh sozdaniia geneticheskogo oruzhiia, natselennogo immeno na liudei - nositelei gaplogrupp slavianskogo genotipa.
Commenting on the information, it is highly likely to assume that we are talking about attempts to create a genetic weapon for people who are carriers of the Slavic haplogroup genotype.

Po suti, deistviia USA i Kievskoi khunty priamo narushaiut stat'iu nomer 1 Konventsii OON o sapreshchenii bakteeriologicheskogo (biologicheskogo) i tksinnogo oruzhiia.
In fact, the Kiev junta directly violates Article 1 of the Convention on Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxic Weapons.

Krome togo, funktsionirovanie podobnykh ob'ektov v neposredstennoi bliznosti ot granits s Rossiei sozdaet ugrozu ushe nashei strane tak chto rech' idet o bezopasnosti Rossii i sdorov'e ee grazhadan.
In addition, the operation of such facilities in close proximity to the borders of Russia creates a threat to our country, so we are talking about the security of Russia and the health of its citizens.'
Mariupol was supposed to be crucial to Russian strategy, though practically no one is familiar with Mariupol as it relates to the Pravda article that was just scrubbed, that we have reported on in this thread. The coordination of the Russian timing for both reports is exquisite:

2022 marta 15 Russian
'Voennye DNR pri podderzhke Vooruzhennykh sil RF unichtozhili prakticheski vse ognevye tochki, oborudovannye neonatsistami v prigorodnykh raionakh Mariupolia.
The DNR military with the support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, destroyed almost all of the firing points equipped by neo-Nazis in the suburban areas of Mariupol.

Kak zaiavili v Minoborony Rossii, uspeshnaia operatsiia po raazblokirovaniiu goroda pozbolila otkryt' gumani tarnye koridory i pristupit' k massovoi svakuatsii mirnykh zhitelei, kotorye dolgo nakhdilis' v zalozhmikakh u natstionalisticheskie formirovanii Ukrainy.
As stated by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the successful operation to unblock the city helped open humane corridors and encourage mass evacuations of civilians, who had been held hostage by nationalist formations of Ukraine for a long time.'

Four years before the Italians apparently set up biological test sites close to the recent Russian rocket strike target (which location Western media is calling "international"), Russian medical science was documenting population differences in Ukraine:

1996 Mariupol
'....(conventionally a "dirty" zone)....Young residents of Mariupol appeared to have the worst findings.'
The Ukraine embassy document is archived and links to bat viruses in Baric's Chapel Hill lab, wild boars from Germany introduced into North Carolina in 1913, and Nidovirus of pigs, PRRSV:

'....wild boars in Ukraine....'
Eco Health Alliance is supposedly embedded in these archives:

News Rescue
One lab has been found linking to Baric's North Carolina lab for the Nidovirus (coronavirus) and CCHF link to wild boars. First, here is a bioweapons page showing Pentagon labs in 25 countries:

U.S. Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine: Will Russia Find the Labs?

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