Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

We began to analyze the names of recipients for Pentagon funding the labs. It was suspicious not to find any published science for about ten of the supposed recipients according to the NewsRescue page, though the 11th author linked to wild boars:

2022 Feb: Nychyk S, Ukrainian Wild Boars

Though yet to find an Eco Health Alliance link, there is a Fau Chi link to Ukrainian wild boars, just as there is a Fau Chi link to wild Ukrainian birds:

2017 Dec: Nychyk S, Northern Ukrainian Wild Boars / Influenza Type A
Where exactly did Nuland mention it? In the video above?

In my op there she was talking about the bio labs in Ukraine.

That one obviously must be one of the 30 bio labs, I imagine.
No doubt Nuland is a neo-nazi. German wild boars were imported to North Carolina in 1913. Baric's lab, where the bat virus was manipulated is surrounded by wild boars.
In my op there she was talking about the bio labs in Ukraine.

That one obviously must be one of the 30 bio labs, I imagine.
She didn't mention Kiev outright, but the map shows 6 labs in Kiev, one is epidemiological. The NewsRescue page should tell the Russians the precise location of the lab so they can ask Nychyk some questions.
The Russians can find Nychyk at 30 Donetska Street, Kiev, and ask him if he knows Ralph Baric, Fau Chi, or Peter Daszak.
In post #120 is the article that mentions Baric's North Carolina. This is Nychyk's Ukrainian wild boar link. In the post #120 article, scroll down to ' Who Russia Still Seeks in Ukraine, Introduction:....2017 University of North Carolina....Wuhan bat virus....'

This is the gain-of-function bat virus of Ralph Baric, discovered in 2011 in Kunming, Yunnan China, the same virus noted in Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud's article on the un-natural aspects of SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Translation of this news is in progress, and there is another blood link to CCHF virus and COVID-19 thrombosis now in Russian media.

2022 marta 17 Nachal'nik RHB3 zaiavil, chto na Ukraine sozdavalis' komponenty biologichesko oruzhiia
Head of the RHB3 Says It Was Not Ukraine That Created the Components of Biological Weapons
The Kirillov article (post # 131) continues:

'Po ego slovam rossiiskoe Minoborony prodolzhaet izuchenie poluchennykh ot sotrudnikov ukrainskikh laboratorii materialov o realizatsii voenno-biologicheskikh programm USA i ikh soiuvnikov po NATO na territorii Ukrainy.
According to Kirillov, the Russian Ministry of Defense continues to study materials received from employees of Ukrainian laboratories on the implementation of the military-biological program of the USA and their NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine.

Kirillov otmetil, chto dokumenty soderzhat podpisi real'nykh dolzhnostnykh lits i zavereny pechatiami organizatsii.
Kirillov noted that the documents contain the signatures of real officials and are certified by the seals of the organizations.

"My schitaem, chto na territorii Ukrainy sodavalis' kompenenty biologicheskogo oruzhiia, zaiavil Kirillov.
We believe that components of biological weapons were created on the territory of Ukraine," said Kirillov.

Takzhe nachal'nik RHBZ zaiavil, chto raboty po izucheniiu putei peredachi cheloveku zabolevanii cherez letuchikh myshei provodilis' v Khar'kove sovmestno s tsentrom Lugara v Tbilisi.
The head of the RHBZ stated that the work on studying the ways of transmitting diseases to humans through bats was carried out at Kharkiv together with the Lugar Center in Tbilisi.'

Dilyana now knows about the bats, though as far as is known, does not have access to this thread.
The bat link to German wild boars is Rhinolophus germaniqus, already mentioned on another thread. Wild boars are susceptible to CCHF.
I see our Russian troll Badger and his useful idiot Skye are pounding this Russian propaganda hard...

These were Soviet era weapons labs that were converted 30 years ago to NON weapons labs.

There are thousands of similar biolabs around the world and hundreds in this country (the US)

Stop spreading Putin propaganda
I see our Russian troll Badger and his useful idiot Skye are pounding this Russian propaganda hard...

These were Soviet era weapons labs that were converted 30 years ago to NON weapons labs.

There are thousands of similar biolabs around the world and hundreds in this country (the US)

Stop spreading Putin propaganda
You can't argue the science. That's why your demise rests in our citations.
The Heartland virus, fatal in Tennessee and Missouri, links to the thrombotic symptom of SARS-CoV-2 in today's Russian report:

2022 marta 14
'Pavel Trakhtman Minzdrava Rossii,
Russian Ministry of Health
"chto COVID-19 chasto privodit k razbalansirovke svertyvaiushchie sistemy krovi i razvitiiu tromboza.
COVID-19 often leads to serious violation of the blood coagulation system and the development of thrombosis.

Poetomu vo vse Rekomedatsii po lecheniiu koronavirusnoi infektsii vkhodit v tom chisle ispol'zovanie antikoaguliatnov, skazal Trakhtman.
....all recommendations for the treatment of coronavirus includes the use of anticoagulants," said Trakhtman

On otmetil, chto koronavirus mozhet sprovotsirovat' ukhudshenie sostoianiia zdorov'ia.
He noted that coronavirus can provoke a deterioration in health.

Naprimer, mozhet prosikhodit' oprazovanie mikrotromboz srazu vo mnogikh kapilliariakh, i eto mozhet privesti k tiazhelym posledstviami.
For example, microthrombosis can occur immediately in many capillaries, this can lead to serious consequences.

Pri etom vyiavit' ikh nel-zia, potomu chto protiazhennost' sosudistogo v organizme ochen' velika.
At the same time, it is impossible to identify them because of the length of the vascular field in the body." '

A double-tick connection, one of which is the fatal Heartland vector ( a Phelbovirus) links to NIH, NIAD, Brazil and the Czech Republic:

2015 Hyalomma / Haemaphysalis
'....Hyalomma marginatum, vector of CCHF....Haemaphysalis longicornis....'

H. longicornis is the Asian Longhorned tick linked to Yong-Zhen Zhang of the Beijing CDC for the fatal Dabieshan Phelobovirus. Zhang co-authored papers with Australia's Holmes, mentioned at Edward Hooper's AIDS Origins website.
The Heartland virus, fatal in Tennessee and Missouri, links to the thrombotic symptom of SARS-CoV-2 in today's Russian report:

2022 marta 14
'Pavel Trakhtman Minzdrava Rossii,
Russian Ministry of Health
"chto COVID-19 chasto privodit k razbalansirovke svertyvaiushchie sistemy krovi i razvitiiu tromboza.
COVID-19 often leads to serious violation of the blood coagulation system and the development of thrombosis.

Poetomu vo vse Rekomedatsii po lecheniiu koronavirusnoi infektsii vkhodit v tom chisle ispol'zovanie antikoaguliatnov, skazal Trakhtman.
....all recommendations for the treatment of coronavirus includes the use of anticoagulants," said Trakhtman

On otmetil, chto koronavirus mozhet sprovotsirovat' ukhudshenie sostoianiia zdorov'ia.
He noted that coronavirus can provoke a deterioration in health.

Naprimer, mozhet prosikhodit' oprazovanie mikrotromboz srazu vo mnogikh kapilliariakh, i eto mozhet privesti k tiazhelym posledstviami.
For example, microthrombosis can occur immediately in many capillaries, this can lead to serious consequences.

Pri etom vyiavit' ikh nel-zia, potomu chto protiazhennost' sosudistogo v organizme ochen' velika.
At the same time, it is impossible to identify them because of the length of the vascular field in the body." '

A double-tick connection, one of which is the fatal Heartland vector ( a Phelbovirus) links to NIH, NIAD, Brazil and the Czech Republic:

2015 Hyalomma / Haemaphysalis
'....Hyalomma marginatum, vector of CCHF....Haemaphysalis longicornis....'

H. longicornis is the Asian Longhorned tick linked to Yong-Zhen Zhang of the Beijing CDC for the fatal Dabieshan Phelobovirus. Zhang co-authored papers with Australia's Holmes, mentioned at Edward Hooper's AIDS Origins website.
Come ON dude....

At least pretend you aren't a Russian sock puppet..

Thus, the anti-coagulants used in SARS-CoV-2 treatment link to the ticks that vector Phleoboviruses.

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