Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

Goes back to the Obama administration I heard today. Yes, what's up with all these Lab's being uncovered now ? Were we outsourcing such work because we didn't want to do it on our soil ????? Was it illegal to do on our soil ? Yes many questions need answering.
Goes back to the Obama administration I heard today. Yes, what's up with all these Lab's being uncovered now ? Were we outsourcing such work because we didn't want to do it on our soil ????? Was it illegal to do on our soil ? Yes many questions need answering.
Because you told the truth about Obama corruption dnc paid shill commie loving America hater bodecea got pissed and tried to laugh off those facts sense you exposed his hero. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: The other one who put the thumbs down is a resident troll as well.
Victoria Nuland is an evil Neo-Lib.

She's probably 2/3 responsible for the mess in Ukraine right now.
What’s less known is so is the opponent he ran against Romney.elections are a joke the fact it is a one party system and both candidates have the same exact policys,trump the exception.
Kennedy had already published on bioweapons Before the Russian operation in Ukraine.

'War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State. History of Bioweapons.
The United States began its first large-scale offensive bioweapons research during World War II in the spring of 1943 on orders from President Franklin Roosevelt, as a collaboration between the US military and its pharmaceutical industry partners. Pharma titan George W. Merck ran the Pentagon's offensive bioweapons program while simultaneously directing his drug manufacturing behemoth. Merck boasted that his team could deliver biowarfare agents without vast expenditures or constructing huge facilities. Another advantage of bioweapons, he remarked, was that their development could proceed under the guise of legitimate medical research.

The intelligence agencies were involved in the top secret program from the outset. George Merck's hands-on employee, Frank Olson, was an American bacteriologist, biological warfare scientist, and CIA officer. He worked for the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories (USBWL) at Fort Detrick with Merck and the US military developing the US bioweapons and psywarfare arsenal.
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 378)

The Arab son fronting as a black, Obama, visited Perm, Russia with Lugar in 2005. Dilyana Gaytandzhieva confronting the entomologist at the Lugar Research Center (see video link, USMB), links to Lugar's vote in 1983:

Wiki for Lugar says: 'On July 13, 1983, Lugar
1983 Jul 14 NYT, Nerve Gas Arms Are Authorized in Senate
A major bombing target for Hitler was Terra Haute, Indiana, which links to the Lugar Center for Rural Health located there. Terra Haute also contained the largest food producing facility under one roof in the world, Quaker Maid, and was an important railway hub for Western cattle, coal and railroad repair factories. Hitler's main target was American food.

Biolab 5 Verified, Lugar Research Center
In the video (post #164), the Filipinos who died and got sick could have been poisoned from nerve gas. What better place than the Lugar Center to experiment on insects with nerve gas? The document shown in the video states (while Biden was Vice President) that,

Timepoint 3: 02
'....increase in funding was largest between FY 2007 and FY 2008, when DoD planned to expand U.S. biosafety and bio-security assistance in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia. The request reflected the growing concern about the threat of biological weapons proliferation. But some believed this increase would not be sufficient. Senator Richard Lugar sought to add $100 million for the CTR program in FY 2008, with the express purpose of expanding and accelerating biological weapons non-proliferation programs.

The Senate decreased this amount but still added $50 million to the program for FY 2008....The name was also changed from Biological Threat Reduction (BTR) to Cooperative Biological Engagement (CBE), to reflect the sensitivity of new partner countries to being termed a "threat"....the shift in CTR's bioweapons program mirrors a similar shift in focus for CTR programs overall, from a focus on threat reduction in the former Soviet Union to the prevention of WMD terrorism....from.....worldwide.'

The rest of the text is lost in the video. So, while Biden was Vice President, Lugar gets $50 million extra funding, the same Lugar who voted for nerve gas bombs.
Big Pharma and the boycotting of Russia is short-sighted considering climate change, emerging pathogens, and economic alternatives Russia is exploring. The Russian Parliament will meet to discuss further the Ukrainian biolabs.

Not far from the Pentagon, Judy Twigg, speaks:

2022 Ap 1 Big Pharma Grapples with Russia Boycott Push
'....Judy Twigg, a professor at Virginia Commonwelth University...."They're very deliberately trying to demonstrate that if they are going to continue providing essential medical support for the Russian population -- who they are argue are not responsible for the war and shouldn't be punished -- then they are making it clear thay aren't going to benefit financially from those sales, and will channel profits to Ukraine." '

This move should not suffice for intelligent Homo sapiens. Big Pharma's earlier profits are being questioned, which includes the possibility of a U.S. man-made origin for SARS-CoV-2, which viral spike electronics, as we have shown, links to Kharkiv, Ukraine near the Russian border.

Emerging pathogens should remain a problem, so to boycott a geography let alone a population and then try to divert the finances is oxymoronic.
We can now begin to link the electronics at the Kharkiv lab to SARS-CoV-2 electronics. A review of Sorensen, et al, is on order.
While the Russian Parliament is supposedly meeting again today (4th in Russia) on the biolabs issue, we review Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud on SARS-CoV-2 electronics and compare this with electronic low-temperature physics at Kharkiv. Note that there is a sequential rule of science that must be followed, and puts to task those claiming a zoonotic origin of the virus:

In short, SARS-CoV-2 is possessed of dual action capability.
Koroche govoria SARS-CoV-2 obladaet sposobnost'iu dvoinogo destviia.

In this paper we argue that the likelihood of this being the result of natural processes is very small.
V etoi stat'e my utverzhdaem, chto veroiatnost' togo, chto eto rezul'tat estestvennykh protsessov, ochen mala.

This reconstructed historical aetiology meets the criteria of means, timing, agent and place to produce sufficient confidence to reverse the burden of proof.
Eta rekonstruirovannaia istoricheskaia etiologiia sootvetstvuet kriteriami sredstva, vremeni, agenta i mesta, chtoby proizvesti dostatochnuiu everennost', chtoby sniat' bremia dokazyvaniia.

Henceforth, those whon would maintain that the the COVID-19 pandemic arose from zoonotic transfer need to explain precisely why this more parsimonious account is wrong before asserting that their evidence is persuasive, most especially when, as we also show, there are puzzling errors in their use of evidence.
Otnyne tem, kto budet utverzhdat', chto pandemiia COVID-19 voznikla v rezul'tate perenosa zoonozov, neobkhodimo tochno ob'asnit', pochemu eta bolee ekonomnaia versiia neverna, prezhde chem utverzhdat', chto ikh dokazytel'stva uveditel'nye, osobenno kogda kak mu takzhe pokazyvaem, v ikh vyvodakh est' zagadochnye oshibki ispol'zovanie dokazytel'stv.'
If readers have been following the thread, they know that Dilyana confronted the entomologist at the Lugar Research Center. Besides this location linking to sandflies, we can now connect ivermectin to the entomologist's blackflies in Ukraine for resonance with the biolabs there.

Donetsk: Boophthora

Ivermectin is used against blackflies, and ivermectin (physically [italics]) attaches to SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Both the POSPOTUS and his POS son want what's (under [italics]) Donetsk:

'....and with its help, Biden and others expect to roust Russia from the gas market.'
We should be hearing soon from the Russian Parliament's 4 Ap meeting.

2022 Ap 1 Russia Creates Four Working Groups to Investigate 'US-Controlled' Biolabs in Ukraine
It fizzled out on 14 Mar. Note the fascist machine still operating (in a conspiracy forum), below. This is the nazi strive for pure form, as it sends the prisoner to the left On the train platform and tries to tell the prisoner what they can/should think about in connecting the dots:

'....14 Mar "off-topic posts removed to prevent thread drift."
Dangerously enough, the posts in the Hunter thread (post #176) are not numbered. Fortunately, the post of interest is the 7th one From the top for the Metabiota contract, dated 14 Feb 2014. Hunter would not join Burisma until April 2014.

Metabiota's reports include retroviruses, though these can naturally integrate into the coronavirus genome without deliberate manipulation to produce recombinants.
This is the freshest Russian biolabs report. They mention leptospirosis, CCHF, hantavvirus, Until closer examination, the reader is free to begin to translate themselves. This is the newspaper that Google web translate rejects with attached CIA-FBI-MI6,DHS, etc, surveillance software:

2022 aprelia 6
As I'm reading about the Lugar Labs I learned that in 2016, there was an outbreak of "California Flu" in Kharkov that killed 20 soldiers and hospitalized over 200 others.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Makes me wonder if there are any similar labs near the Ebola River in Congo. Might explain why, even after 40 years of exhaustive searching, we've yet to identify the Ebola host species

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