Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

As I'm reading about the Lugar Labs I learned that in 2016, there was an outbreak of "California Flu" in Kharkov that killed 20 soldiers and hospitalized over 200 others.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Makes me wonder if there are any similar labs near the Ebola River in Congo. Might explain why, even after 40 years of exhaustive searching, we've yet to identify the Ebola host species
This flu in Kharkiv is definitely worth pursuing, because the vector of CCHF does not occur above 50 deg. N latitude. But birds can vector both flu and CCHF. These viruses vectored into Russia would be a perfect crime difficult to trace.

The American Cairns links to the Ebola river. And Russian media has said Carins put banana leaves on his scalpel wound when he contracted ebola and lived to tell about it In 1977. USMB search: cairns.
As I'm reading about the Lugar Labs I learned that in 2016, there was an outbreak of "California Flu" in Kharkov that killed 20 soldiers and hospitalized over 200 others.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Makes me wonder if there are any similar labs near the Ebola River in Congo. Might explain why, even after 40 years of exhaustive searching, we've yet to identify the Ebola host species
As long as they keep origins esoteric, dairy farming has a future.
This flu in Kharkiv is definitely worth pursuing, because the vector of CCHF does not occur above 50 deg. N latitude. But birds can vector both flu and CCHF. These viruses vectored into Russia would be a perfect crime difficult to trace.

The American Cairns links to the Ebola river. And Russian media has said Carins put banana leaves on his scalpel wound when he contracted ebola and lived to tell about it In 1977. USMB search: cairns.

Thank you for that. He had Ebola in 1972 and lived to tell the tale.

7% of locals tested showed signs of Ebola Even the "safer" version kills 50% of humans and 100% of primates.

Very strange
Thank you for that. He had Ebola in 1972 and lived to tell the tale.

7% of locals tested showed signs of Ebola Even the "safer" version kills 50% of humans and 100% of primates.

Very strange
Yes, though perhaps not that strange
Thank you for that. He had Ebola in 1972 and lived to tell the tale.

7% of locals tested showed signs of Ebola Even the "safer" version kills 50% of humans and 100% of primates.

Very strange
It was the natives who taught Tom Cairns. The natives learned to use banana leaves, and we have already dug deeper to find the links and compare with SARS-CoV-2, for example the posts that morph around #265, and it was the Russian journalist, Julia Latynina of Novaya Gazeta who first pointed it out for us:

Post #265 Banana Lectin / Julia Latynina

Putin was correct to put some kind of leash on Russian media. Look at the West's media chaos that has ensued over Ukraine.

Readers may recall Novaya Gazeta and Anna Politkovskaya. Fleeing Russia, they have started a fresh enterprise, today, and have undoubtedly heard that Russia accuses Maxim Martsinkevich as the "Butcher of Bucha."

2022 aprelia 7 Novaya Gazeta Lunches New Site

Therefore, since the connection to Martsinkevich is an associate, neo-nazi and Azov battalion member, Korotkikh, and Korotkikh is allegedly connected to one of the most powerful men in Ukraine at the time, Arsen Avakov, we can continue to connect the dots.

Two reports connect the dots to Kharkiv, site of the most intriguing Ukrainian biolab thusfar:

Korotkikh mouths off about US Capitol riots on 7 Jan:

7 Jan "We Know What To Do"

We can link Avakov to Kharkiv, because Avakov was tweaking out about a phone tap at Kharkiv:

Phone Tap on Avakov
It's uncertain if Novaya Gazeta will post archives showing Latynina's original Russian-language ebola report for Tom Cairns. Readers can follow Novaya Gazeta from this report by scrolling past the pope to see today's NG announcement at the bottom of the page:

2015 Sep 24
Russian accusations are compared with Ukrainian accusations, and Bucha also serves to divert attention away from the US-funded biolabs. We have already shown the suspicious propaganda accusing Omurbekov and the Martsinkevich-Avakov connection to Kharkiv. Here, the Ukrainians accuse Russian paratroopers and point to an artillery box. Zelenskiy's advisor is named:

Oleksiy Arestovych
If the reader has enough ambition to track Z's advisor, Arestovych, another Kharkiv connection is added to the dots file, before the Bucha massacre, but it is not yet time to link Venediktova to Kharkiv:

2022 mar 28 Arestovych / Venediktova / Kharkiv
'....Ukraine Prosecutor-General, Iryna Venediktova, said the video could not be taken at face value. "We need proof," she said, in an interview with Sky News. "If miliaries from [the] Ukrainian side are guilty, we will investigate them and take them to court."....allegedly happened in a village on the eastern outskirts of Kharkiv.

So it's time to link Avakov at Kharkiv to Venediktova at Kharkiv, all this flesh indeed is/was in proximity to the Kharkiv biolab.
Note that Venediktova's interview with Sky News above, at least for some of us with an IQ over 80, is a link to British MI6, recalling Kennedy's warning about MI6 and CIA operations in the media (The Real Anthony Fauci). Though it was in 2019 that Venediktova was mouthing off from Kharkiv (via Vienna [italics]):

2019 Feb 28 Crowdsourcer in Chief
'....But Iryna Venediktova, an advisor to Zelenskiy who heads the civil law department at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, and is currently touring European capitals to stump for her candidate, told RFERL by phone from Vienna that his experience is a benefit, not a burden. "Because Zelenskiy is open minded it allows him to find new solutions." '

Thusfar in proximity to the Kharkiv biolab(s), Avakov is paranoid of a phone tap, while Venediktova uses Vienna for a proxy phone call whose bill would likely arrive in a Kharkiv mailbox.
Kharkiv is not that far from the very origins of the swastika, so since Skye's thread was an original thread, it is fitting to show the geography involved with Ukrainian nazis studying bird flu at Kharkiv. Is Fau Chi also a nazi?

We can now definitely understand Putin's parking at Kiev and 'denazification.'

Some Paleolithic Ivory Carvings from Mezine
'Mezine, the most important paleolithic site in the Ukraine was discovered by Theodor K. Volkov in 1907. It is situated on the river Desna, in the district of Chernigov, northeast of Kiev.

Mezine: Origins of the Swastika
'....village of Mezine in southern Russia dates the swastika back to the Ice Age.'
CIA-MI6 has scrubbed post #26 of this thread that mentions Black and Veatch, a link to POSPOTUS and his POS son.
The Chernigov biolab would be a nazi lab, and closest lab to the origins of the swastika at Mezin. See map post #25.
Mezin is in Chernihiv region, and close to the origin of the swastika, Russia had a headquarters. This seems a repeat of Bucha, putting the blame on Russia.

Unverifiable source: "Rescuers found bodies of tortured people in Zoznesenska Church of Lukashivka village of Chernihiv region, where Russian Army had headquarters."

Map at post # 190 may retrieve Lukashivka village.
Ice Age origins for the swastika at Mezin may have been a map. When the reader finds Mezin on the map of post #190, they can zoom in and out to follow the Desna river south, which forms part of the Chernihiv Oblast boundary, until arriving at Koropsky Central District Hospital. To the north, by focusing in and out, the reader can see the swastika (fylfot) symbol made by the river itself. The original Ice Age carving of the swastika at Mezin may have been a map of the river.

This image can be made a screen-shot and sent to others, though we are interested in Swedish folklore for the symbol of the swastika carved on Lisa of Finshult's smojtra, a healing device. This folklore linkig to Mezin is timely, as NATO now courts Sweden in a deliriously coercive protection-racket foreplay.

Because if the umlaut in the URL, the reader must find the page for themselves at Yahoo: Sparlosagumman will retrieve the Swedish page for Spar(umlaut o) sagumman, which roughly translates here:

Wiki: Sparlosagumman
'....Lisa i Finshult....Even "Wise" who had a different legend: Anders of Alahagen who was stated to have acquired the knowledge of the driver, Wise Anna how told her daughter that she got her healing power as a 20-year-old in a dream, and Essungagumman, who was said to have been taken, connects them all to the White Snake Legend.'

So when one sees that the Desna River forms four crooks of a cross that flow sinuously in four directions, one sees the centrifugal force of the nazi fylfot. It now becomes much less surprising that near the earth's original swastika stands a hospital, linked to Swedish folklore and healing.

The best focus seems to be when the "hiker" symbol comes into view.
It's always a pleasure to offset stupidity with the scholarly realities it deserves.
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva mentioned previously, investigated Lugar Research Center (Lugar early on worked with organophosphorus nerve agents), and also reported on Porton Down and Novichok, Another organophosphorus agent:

2017 Mar 17 D. Gaytandzhieva on Porton Down

Current unverified internet discourse: "US examined possibility that Russia could disguise a chemical attack by mixing in riot-control agents."

Helen Glass: The Globalist Wolves of Ukraine
'....Upgrades to the biolabs would add a few billion to the multi-billion price tag On 13-30 labs, but rebuilding ports to upgrade the Mafia Trafficking and 'lost reenu' would likely be a priority.'
The biolabs investigation, pioneered by such journalists as Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, continues:

2022 Ap 14 Russian MoD Says It Has Evidence US Activities in Ukraine Violated Biological Weapons Convention
The biolabs investigation, pioneered by such journalists as Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, continues:

2022 Ap 14 Russian MoD Says It Has Evidence US Activities in Ukraine Violated Biological Weapons Convention

Anti USA

In either case why would anyone even doubt that the US goes beyond the rules?

We offshore most of it for a reason.

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