Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

Afraid that Russia will get hands on the viruses Xiden and company have purchased and then them back on the buyers?
These were Soviet era weapons labs that were converted 30 years ago to NON weapons labs.

There are thousands of similar biolabs around the world and hundreds in this country (the US)

Stop spreading Putin propaganda
Tbilisi for sandfly vectors of Leishmania link to both Tbilisi (already posted) and the ethnic differences of Russians infected with Leishmania, either the visceral or the cutaneous forms of Leishmania. Dilyana has already mentioned the entomologist working at the Lugar Center. This entomologist is undoubtedly especially trained in sandfly biology.
Leishmania in Tbilisi is at post #47 of this thread. Specific neighborhoods are mentioned in the report. Contradicting science, Fatal Heartland virus was the first Phebovirus found in other than a sandfly vector, in the Western Hemisphere (2009).
The Russian report above mentions Kharkiv for bats. Kharkiv is where the range of CCHF ends in latitude(50 deg. N). There are 31 species of ticks that vector CCHF. In her video, Dilyana confronts the entomologist, who is undoubtedly trained in acarology.
Fatal Heartland virus changed scientific parameters in the Western Hemisphere when it was discovered in Missouri in 2009, the first Phleobovirus that was not vectored by a sandlfy but by a tick, and would link to one of three studies mentioned in the report of post #147:

'Prichem issledovaniia nosili sistemnyi kharakter i provodilis' kak minimum s 2009 goda pod neposredstvennym kontrolem spetsialistov iz USA v ramkakh proektov P-382, P-444, i P-568.
Moreover, the studies were of a systemic nature and were carried out at least since 2009 under the direct supervision of specialists from the USA within the framework of projects P-382, P-444 and P-568.'
The bioweapon, Heartland virus, killed a Tennessean. The Tennessee flag has been found in the Donbas:

2022 marta 17

In this thread, Dilyana has lamented the Russian soldiers who fought for Bulgaria, though Bulgarian media is now claiming to speak for Bulgarians. The majority of Bulgarians? Clearly propagandist.

2022 marta 18 Bulgaria Expels Russian Diplomats
'....The Russian ambassador in Sofia repeatedly made contradictory statements about Bulgaria's position on the conflict.'

So the reader-automaton is to guess what was said and any details. Since Dilyana was fired from a Bulgarian newspaper without given a reason, rest assured Western agents are operating in the country and influencing its msm.
An earlier report came from EU Times and mentions bats and ethnic-targeting viruses:

2022 Mar 11 EU Times: Declassified Documents: U.S. Biolabs Racist Viruses in Ukraine Can Target Certain Ethnic Groups
Russian diplomats get expelled from Bulgaria, the next day the Pentagon sends in broad-shouldered marionettes to Sofia. In this arrogant media example, brain size also doesn't matter. Pentagon financing of world biolabs will continue to be investigated.

2022 Mar 19 CNN Lloyd Austin Goes To Bulgaria
'....Russia continues to make "incremental gains"....said in a joint news conference with Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov.'

One can't call this "incremental gains":

2022 marta 19 Moscow Times: ' The Kinzhal aviation missile system with hypersonic aeroballistic missiles destroyed a large underground warehouse containing missle and aviation ammunition in the village of Deliatyn in the Ivano-Frankivsk region....Vladimir Putin has termed the Kinzhal (Dagger) missile, "an ideal weapon" that flies 10 times the speed of sound and can overcome air-defense systems.'

Russia's Kinzhal strike is a clear message for the Pentagon. Austin's marionette imitation in Sofia links to Ukrainian puppetry and the Pentagon. Ivano_Frankivsk wikipage (post # 152) shows 'Twin Towns - Sister Cities: Arlington County, USA.' This is the location of the Pentagon. The Pentagon's puppet, Austin, links to Ukrainian puppetry, here:

The map in post #25 shows the Sumy biolab location as an epidemiological lab rather than a research lab. Chemicals were planted in a local elementary school, and were designed to detonate when Russians approached:

2022 marta 19 Sumy, Ukraine: Ukrainskie natsisty gotoviat provokatsii s khimishchestviami, zaiavil v Minoborony
Sumy, Ukraine: Ukrainian Nazis were Preparing Provocations with Chemicals, said the Ministry of Defense
'...."Dlia etogo v zadanie mestnoi nachal'noi shkoly uzhe zavezeny emkosti s toksichnymi khimikatami, kotorye planiruetsia podorvat' pri podkhode podrazdelenii rossiiskikh voisk," dobavil general.
These were already delivered to the building of the local elementary school, which was planned to be blown up when the division of Russian troops approached," the General added.'
The map in post #25 shows that it's an epidemiological lab at Ivano-Frankivsk, though its distance from the rocket strike is not yet determined.
Ft. Detrick links to the Kharkiv lab for CCHF, because CCHF does not occur above 50 deg. N latitude (Kharkiv lab) Temperatures mutant experiments in the Kharkiv lab would be apropo.

2019 Jan 28 Ft. Detrick / CCHF
War on Science

The only recourse for low IQed and undereducated is to project propaganda. Further investigation of Fau Chi's vaccine development via Kennedy will compare with the Kiev biolab and personnel mentioned in post #121.

In addition, Obama and Lugar visited Perm, Russia.
COVID-19 in Georgia
This is where Dilyana is videotaped confronting the entomologist: Lugar Research Center began to be envisioned in 2004. The Georgian-language page is stating "2003" as the reader can see in Ref. 2. Fau Chi's H1N1 infleunza is also shown mentioned in the Georgian language.

Lugar Research Center, Reference #2

CIA effeminates and Obama-Lugar cronies have already scrubbed reference 2 when the victim-scapegoat attempts to translate the page Using Googles fascist machine. The page is blank. This is what Chumakov was saying about the biolabs:

"Tot fakt, chto vvse bylo zakrytno, svidatel'stvuet o tom, chto USA shchitaet sebia gegmonom, sootvetstvenno, eto opasno dlia vsekh.
The fakt that it is closed indicates that the USA was defending itself with a hegemon, therefore, this is dangerous for everyone."
2022 marta 16

This ahstorical, fascist, Georgian language hegemon protecting CIA-MI6 effeminates is noted, and it is at this point we introduce Kennedy's excerpt from The Real Anthony Fauci)

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