VIDEO=> Black Women Switch Parties to Vote for Donald Trump in Primaries


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
You go ladies. show them how it's done to kick out that nasty Democrat party from our lives:rock:
video at the site.

Vocal Trump supporters, Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, better known as the “Stump-for-Trump Girls,” have become a YouTube sensation with their hilarious rants and staunch support for Donald Trump.

The ladies have a YouTube Channel devoted to Donald Trump for President.

Today Diamond and Silk put their money where their mouth is and went to the board of elections and changed political parties from Democrat to Republican.

They posted the entire video to document their trip to the elections board.
They even included a catchy “Stump for Trump” rap playing in the background for effect.

all of it and video here
VIDEO=> Black Women Switch Parties to Vote for Donald Trump in Primaries - The Gateway Pundit
You go ladies. show them how it's done to kick out that nasty Democrat party from our lives:rock:
video at the site.

Vocal Trump supporters, Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, better known as the “Stump-for-Trump Girls,” have become a YouTube sensation with their hilarious rants and staunch support for Donald Trump.

The ladies have a YouTube Channel devoted to Donald Trump for President.

Today Diamond and Silk put their money where their mouth is and went to the board of elections and changed political parties from Democrat to Republican.

They posted the entire video to document their trip to the elections board.
They even included a catchy “Stump for Trump” rap playing in the background for effect.

all of it and video here
VIDEO=> Black Women Switch Parties to Vote for Donald Trump in Primaries - The Gateway Pundit

Let me get this straight, we have in this country 300 million plus people, of that 300 plus million, 40 plus million being black and you got the audacity to make a thread because 1 stupid black bitch voted for Donald Dumb??????? We have got to find you a hobby, LOLOLOLOLO
wow, that didn't take long for the dnc troll. I hardly pressed post and walla there is dnc partisan hack, it's a shame they don't have integrity about other people's postings
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It is indeed refreshing to see that not all black women want to rely on government handouts.
It is indeed refreshing to see that not all black women want to rely on government handouts.
Bitch get the fuck out of women and white males are the leaders in economic growth for their communities and in the job market. Its us bringing home the bacon, motherfucka!!
It is indeed refreshing to see that not all black women want to rely on government handouts.
Bitch get the fuck out of women and white males are the leaders in economic growth for their communities and in the job market. Its us bringing home the bacon, motherfucka!!
I don't know if welfare is 'bringing home the bacon'. Still, anytime a black woman votes Republican, it means that she want to work and have a better future for her children.
It is indeed refreshing to see that not all black women want to rely on government handouts.
Bitch get the fuck out of women and white males are the leaders in economic growth for their communities and in the job market. Its us bringing home the bacon, motherfucka!!
I don't know if welfare is 'bringing home the bacon'. Still, anytime a black woman votes Republican, it means that she want to work and have a better future for her children.

No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
It is indeed refreshing to see that not all black women want to rely on government handouts.
Bitch get the fuck out of women and white males are the leaders in economic growth for their communities and in the job market. Its us bringing home the bacon, motherfucka!!
I don't know if welfare is 'bringing home the bacon'. Still, anytime a black woman votes Republican, it means that she want to work and have a better future for her children.

No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.
Just goes to show that some folks have brains and know how to cast their vote.

Trump is obviously resonating with loads of people.

Tell me, how's Hildebeast and the Dems doing on the WH trail??
Just goes to show that some folks have brains and know how to cast their vote.

Trump is obviously resonating with loads of people.

Tell me, how's Hildebeast and the Dems doing on the WH trail??

and Trump has to deal with BOTH parties coming after him along with this Lamestream dnc lapdogs in the media. people need to keep focus on what's important. not this dumb shit of defending that thug Obama
It is indeed refreshing to see that not all black women want to rely on government handouts.
Bitch get the fuck out of women and white males are the leaders in economic growth for their communities and in the job market. Its us bringing home the bacon, motherfucka!!
I don't know if welfare is 'bringing home the bacon'. Still, anytime a black woman votes Republican, it means that she want to work and have a better future for her children.

No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.

Yeah, you keep repeating that bullshit until you convince yourself of it. You mindless fucks bragged all year about the slaughter of democrats and got nothing for your votes, nothing. And just for the record and you heard it hear first....there is no way in hell, the people of this country is gonna put one of you nuts in the fuckin white house. I mean, just the thought of the crock of shit you have running for the white house should make us all want to vote TWICE!!
Just goes to show that some folks have brains and know how to cast their vote.

Trump is obviously resonating with loads of people.

Tell me, how's Hildebeast and the Dems doing on the WH trail??

Uh, if history is to repeat itself and it will....didn't McCain/Palin have a huge following before the black guy doused their plans? Didn't Mitt Robme, have the same momentum before the general election clipped his balls? I mean, this thing within your party is not for anyone to give a shit about, but you nuts....lets see how well you do in the general....where brains vote and not hooch laced hillbillies with one hand on thier nuts and the other cashing a SSI check!!
Just goes to show that some folks have brains and know how to cast their vote.

Trump is obviously resonating with loads of people.

Tell me, how's Hildebeast and the Dems doing on the WH trail??

and Trump has to deal with BOTH parties coming after him along with this Lamestream dnc lapdogs in the media. people need to keep focus on what's important. not this dumb shit of defending that thug Obama

Stephy...are you still mad that the brother is married and he can't get into those white girl panties???? Cheer up, dear, his pet dog is male and I hear hes' single!!
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It is indeed refreshing to see that not all black women want to rely on government handouts.
Bitch get the fuck out of women and white males are the leaders in economic growth for their communities and in the job market. Its us bringing home the bacon, motherfucka!!
I don't know if welfare is 'bringing home the bacon'. Still, anytime a black woman votes Republican, it means that she want to work and have a better future for her children.

No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.

Yeah, you keep repeating that bullshit until you convince yourself of it. You mindless fucks bragged all year about the slaughter of democrats and got nothing for your votes, nothing. And just for the record and you heard it hear first....there is no way in hell, the people of this country is gonna put one of you nuts in the fuckin white house. I mean, just the thought of the crock of shit you have running for the white house should make us all want to vote TWICE!!
You obviously need your English and your mind revamped. I've little doubt that you vote twice and even less doubt that you're worried about your entitlements.

As I said, it is refreshing to see black women more interested in working than free stuff. It is sad there are not more.
Bitch get the fuck out of women and white males are the leaders in economic growth for their communities and in the job market. Its us bringing home the bacon, motherfucka!!
I don't know if welfare is 'bringing home the bacon'. Still, anytime a black woman votes Republican, it means that she want to work and have a better future for her children.

No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.

Yeah, you keep repeating that bullshit until you convince yourself of it. You mindless fucks bragged all year about the slaughter of democrats and got nothing for your votes, nothing. And just for the record and you heard it hear first....there is no way in hell, the people of this country is gonna put one of you nuts in the fuckin white house. I mean, just the thought of the crock of shit you have running for the white house should make us all want to vote TWICE!!
You obviously need your English and your mind revamped. I've little doubt that you vote twice and even less doubt that you're worried about your entitlements.

As I said, it is refreshing to see black women more interested in working than free stuff. It is sad there are not more.

Do me a favor and visit the south someday.....just about every white motherfucker that lives....all is on some type of government welfare. So miss me on this tired old 1970 playbook of the GOP of only black women getting welfare....white folks in the south reeeeeeekkkkk of it!!
I don't know if welfare is 'bringing home the bacon'. Still, anytime a black woman votes Republican, it means that she want to work and have a better future for her children.

No disrespect fool, but how's that vote of 2014 doing for ya? All GOP congress, all GOP senate and the only thing you nuts have to show for your wasted vote is a appropriation study of why squirrel shit turn green during the winter months.
The 2014 elections have been beneficial on the state level. More change on the federal level will be in effect in 2017 when Obama leaves office.

Yeah, you keep repeating that bullshit until you convince yourself of it. You mindless fucks bragged all year about the slaughter of democrats and got nothing for your votes, nothing. And just for the record and you heard it hear first....there is no way in hell, the people of this country is gonna put one of you nuts in the fuckin white house. I mean, just the thought of the crock of shit you have running for the white house should make us all want to vote TWICE!!
You obviously need your English and your mind revamped. I've little doubt that you vote twice and even less doubt that you're worried about your entitlements.

As I said, it is refreshing to see black women more interested in working than free stuff. It is sad there are not more.

Do me a favor and visit the south someday.....just about every white motherfucker that lives....all is on some type of government welfare. So miss me on this tired old 1970 playbook of the GOP of only black women getting welfare....white folks in the south reeeeeeekkkkk of it!!
I understand that whites get welfare. I don't think it was ever meant to be a black-only entitlement program despite their dominance. My God, it has practically become a way of life for black women from Seattle to Miami.

It is for just that reason that the women the OP mentioned are refreshing.

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