Video Captures EXACTLY How Cops Treat Black People

You guys heard of the new crime-wave to hit the nation right?

Yeah, it's called #SittingWhileBlack.


Naaahhhhhh, there's no such thing as #WhitePrivilege, it simply just. doesn't. exist.

There's an uncut version of this old ass video floating around on Youtube.
Someone called the cops on him for selling weed.
The Thread title should be "Video Captures EXACTLY how these two cops treat one black person".

That being said - In the "real world", every young black male is a suspect of a crime.Why? Because if there is a crime that is being investigated, it's a 50-50 proposition that a young black male is the perp.....

Oh crap...wait this guy is WHITE!!!!
I don't can this be?
He's not black...boy MarcATL must be so disappointed.
I watched a police officer try to bait a 16 year old kid in an alternative school into punching him last week. It was a really fucking impressive display of professionalism.
So get that on camera and post it here.

Don't give us some guy giving two officers the proverbial "eff you" as he blows them off and demand we feel sorry for the guy.

Unless they had some reasonable suspicion that he was involved in criminal activity, they had zero reason to engage with him.
Who. bloody. cares?

Did they have any reason to engage with me both times I was stopped? No.

When I was escorted by two officers to the edge of a university campus, with the two of them hovering over me as though I was about to break away, did I deserve that? No.

When I was pulled out of lineups for a "random search" every single time I wore a trenchcoat to the airport--once every two weeks for a period of two years--did I deserve that? No.

Pick. your. [expletive]. battles. Submit to authority unless there's absolutely no reasonable, moral ability to do so. Exercise patience and discretion even in the face of unwarranted scrutiny. If that's "white privilege", then consider me a champion of white privilege.
MarcATL: I'm going to play devil's advocate here.
  1. What evidence do we have that this fellow was just sitting doing nothing? Was there any attempt at all to get the officers' side of the story?

  2. Black or white, warranted or not, would you not expect that refusing to stop and submit to inquiries would aggravate police officers? I don't know about you, but if a police officer insists that I stop so she can make inquiries, I stop. I don't blow her off. I don't keep walking. I don't insist 50 times that I've done nothing wrong while I continue to walk. I don't blow off the other officers who show up and warn me to my face that refusing to stop will lead to my arrest.
If this fellow was being interrogated simply because he's black, that's unfortunate. Given the video footage, I don't feel sorry for him. I've been stopped and questioned by police before. I respected they had a job to do. I answered their questions, tipped my hat, and was off.

Show me a video of a black man doing the same thing but being arrested anyway, I'll get angry about it.

There's absolutely NO evidence of him doing anything wrong. Zero.

Why do you feel the necessity to suggest or imply that there was? Why not just take his word, AND THE EVIDENCE DEPICTED IN THE VIDEO.

Do you not see the injustice of a black person having to have to answer to the police questioning him for being where he's supposed to be for no other reason than he's black?

The problem with too many white people in this country is that you think the black experience that black people report is simply in our minds.

You do virtual back-flips to justify it and to "get the cops side of the story" as if there HAS to be some logical reason why this discrimination is happening to them, because somehow they MUST have done something to deserve it.

You just don't get it do you? You simply can't.

You have to understand the mentality. Look up cognitive dissonance. To whites Blacks should comply with any order given by any white person. Its an outrage if you dont move over on the sidewalk or shuffle your feet and say "yassuh" when spoken to.

Dude, you should have quit a few concussions sooner. Anyone with a brain can see that it's a 'set up' to make the cops look bad.
Wait...OMG...these people are WHITE too!!!
How is this possible????????

When Black people question cops they end up getting shot or beaten within an inch of their lives. White people get away with some amazing things with cops. I was stopped by a cop while driving with a white girl I was dating. The cop asked her if she was ok and she flipped out on him and called him every name in the book. He took it and then left after she asked for his badge number. I thought I was going to get shot. I told her to never do that again when I was in the car with her.
MarcATL: I'm going to play devil's advocate here.
  1. What evidence do we have that this fellow was just sitting doing nothing? Was there any attempt at all to get the officers' side of the story?

  2. Black or white, warranted or not, would you not expect that refusing to stop and submit to inquiries would aggravate police officers? I don't know about you, but if a police officer insists that I stop so she can make inquiries, I stop. I don't blow her off. I don't keep walking. I don't insist 50 times that I've done nothing wrong while I continue to walk. I don't blow off the other officers who show up and warn me to my face that refusing to stop will lead to my arrest.
If this fellow was being interrogated simply because he's black, that's unfortunate. Given the video footage, I don't feel sorry for him. I've been stopped and questioned by police before. I respected they had a job to do. I answered their questions, tipped my hat, and was off.

Show me a video of a black man doing the same thing but being arrested anyway, I'll get angry about it.

There's absolutely NO evidence of him doing anything wrong. Zero.

Why do you feel the necessity to suggest or imply that there was? Why not just take his word, AND THE EVIDENCE DEPICTED IN THE VIDEO.

Do you not see the injustice of a black person having to have to answer to the police questioning him for being where he's supposed to be for no other reason than he's black?

The problem with too many white people in this country is that you think the black experience that black people report is simply in our minds.

You do virtual back-flips to justify it and to "get the cops side of the story" as if there HAS to be some logical reason why this discrimination is happening to them, because somehow they MUST have done something to deserve it.

You just don't get it do you? You simply can't.

You have to understand the mentality. Look up cognitive dissonance. To whites Blacks should comply with any order given by any white person. Its an outrage if you dont move over on the sidewalk or shuffle your feet and say "yassuh" when spoken to.

Dude, you should have quit a few concussions sooner. Anyone with a brain can see that it's a 'set up' to make the cops look bad.
How can a setup make cops harass a Black person? All they have to do is not mess with them.
Who. bloody. cares?

Only those of us who are concerned about protecting our constitutional rights. Admittedly, most people are willing to give up their rights to the police state in order to have the illusion of safety. But, anyone who thinks we're safer today than we were on September 10, 2001, is delusional.
. Submit to authority....

Sounds too much like slavery to me.

What the hell do you know about slavery?
Pretty much everything that was passed down from my ancestors. Why do you ask?

So you've never been a slave.
The Dutch were repressed by the Roman Catholic King Philip the second of Spain but you dont hear me crying about it.
No I've never been a slave. What does all that european catholic crap have to do with my statement?
The Jews were slaves in Egypt too.

Many Egyptians were black.... ergo....Blacks made the jews slaves!!

. Submit to authority....

Sounds too much like slavery to me.

What the hell do you know about slavery?
Pretty much everything that was passed down from my ancestors. Why do you ask?

So you've never been a slave.
The Dutch were repressed by the Roman Catholic King Philip the second of Spain but you dont hear me crying about it.
No I've never been a slave. What does all that european catholic crap have to do with my statement?

So it's true what they say about black people.....
Wait...OMG...these people are WHITE too!!!
How is this possible????????

When Black people question cops they end up getting shot or beaten within an inch of their lives. White people get away with some amazing things with cops. I was stopped by a cop while driving with a white girl I was dating. The cop asked her if she was ok and she flipped out on him and called him every name in the book. He took it and then left after she asked for his badge number. I thought I was going to get shot. I told her to never do that again when I was in the car with her.


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