Video: Dan Crenshaw: Unfortunately, many Republicans you trust are lying to you

Compared to Hitler maybe.
I don't think they can intellectually separate the adoration of their leader with the actual individual issues. So if someone criticizes the leader, I guess they think that person must be hard left on the issues.

For them, it all goes hand in hand, nice and simple.
Oh goody, another "maverick".....Don't get between this dude and a hot mic or teevee camera.
I don't think they can intellectually separate the adoration of their leader with the actual individual issues. So if someone criticizes the leader, I guess they think that person must be hard left on the issues.

For them, it all goes hand in hand, nice and simple.
Republican voters can afford that less than Progressive voters. Democrat voters however are in the same boat as Repubs. In a world where we had a Democratic Party instead of a Progressive Socialist Communis tone, what Crenshaw says is much more acceptable. In the end we move further left with people like this.

Video: Dan Crenshaw: Unfortunately, many Republicans you trust are lying to you​

he's very authentic. i like him


Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), a member of party leadership, said Crenshaw's "schtick is 'hey, I'm going to tell you the truth. I work with a bunch of politicians. I'm going to be the one to tell you the truth.'" That straight-shooting aura, Hudson added, wins Crenshaw followers who "like that style, like he's talking to them.”

His comments about Kinzinger stemmed from an earlier clash over legislation regarding a vaccination database: Some Freedom Caucus members turned to friendly conservative media to claim that 80 fellow House Republicans compromised individuals' privacy by voting yes, but Crenshaw and GOP leaders countered that the bill included new protections against federal government tracking.

“Unfortunately, many Republicans you trust are lying to you,” Crenshaw tweeted with an accompanied video explaining what the bill does

(see the video in Crenshaw's twitter post below)

Starting with pirate patch boi.
he's very authentic. i like him


Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), a member of party leadership, said Crenshaw's "schtick is 'hey, I'm going to tell you the truth. I work with a bunch of politicians. I'm going to be the one to tell you the truth.'" That straight-shooting aura, Hudson added, wins Crenshaw followers who "like that style, like he's talking to them.”

His comments about Kinzinger stemmed from an earlier clash over legislation regarding a vaccination database: Some Freedom Caucus members turned to friendly conservative media to claim that 80 fellow House Republicans compromised individuals' privacy by voting yes, but Crenshaw and GOP leaders countered that the bill included new protections against federal government tracking.

“Unfortunately, many Republicans you trust are lying to you,” Crenshaw tweeted with an accompanied video explaining what the bill does

(see the video in Crenshaw's twitter post below)

Establishment Rs are no better than Establishment Ds.
Crenshaw has a Bachelors degree in International Relations and Affairs from Tufts and a master of Public Policy Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

he's very authentic. i like him


Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), a member of party leadership, said Crenshaw's "schtick is 'hey, I'm going to tell you the truth. I work with a bunch of politicians. I'm going to be the one to tell you the truth.'" That straight-shooting aura, Hudson added, wins Crenshaw followers who "like that style, like he's talking to them.”

His comments about Kinzinger stemmed from an earlier clash over legislation regarding a vaccination database: Some Freedom Caucus members turned to friendly conservative media to claim that 80 fellow House Republicans compromised individuals' privacy by voting yes, but Crenshaw and GOP leaders countered that the bill included new protections against federal government tracking.

“Unfortunately, many Republicans you trust are lying to you,” Crenshaw tweeted with an accompanied video explaining what the bill does

(see the video in Crenshaw's twitter post below)

I like him...Straight forward which I am sure ruffles some feathers in DC....All the more reason to keep him in....

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