VIDEO: Democrats can’t name a Joe "Worlds Dumbest Politician & Sexual Predator" Biden accomplishment

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | 08/01/2019 at 4:05 AM EDT | Cabot Phillips

Vice President Joe Biden leads in nearly every national poll. The former vice president's critics, though, question what his actual accomplishments are. Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips traveled to Detroit to ask Democrat debate attendees what they saw as Biden's biggest accomplishment.

With the 2020 presidential primary in full swing, former Vice President Joe Biden holds a commanding lead in nearly every national poll.

Benefitting from near-universal name recognition, Biden has cruised to this point in the race, with substantial leads in early primary states like Iowa and South Carolina. Opponents of Biden say though he’s made a career in politics, he lacks a singular accomplishment. “I don’t know of a specific accomplishment of his.”

Wanting to know if Democrat voters could disprove this line of attack, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to Detroit, home of the second Democrat presidential primary debates, to talk wiD attendees about their thoughts on Biden and what they viewed as his main accomplishment.

It soon became clear that few voters had an answer.

“I’ll be honest with you, I’m drawing a blank on what he’s accomplished,” one debate attendee said, while another added, “I don’t know of a specific accomplishment of his.”

Others simply touted the fact that he was President Barack Obama’s vice president. Others flatly stated “no” when asked if they could name a specific accomplishment.

Come on I can name A FEW.....

Joe did a Great job with the Shovel Ready Jobs ,LOL

He did create safe environments for gun control advocates like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.

The Surrender Monkey, and Biden share their greatest accomplishment, the Destruction of our Health Insurance for the Citizenry.....Save $2500 on average...ROTFLMFAO....GRUBER, GRUBER, GRUBER......

“Umm, like, is riding Amtrak an accomplishment?”

He’s really good at smelling women’s and young girl’s hair!!!

He voted to cut off funding to South Vietnam and Cambodia, leading to millions slaughtered in Southeast Asia.....

He has lived almost his whole life without ever becoming Donald Trump. That counts for a lot with many Brain dead members of the Part of INFANTICIDE!!!!

See all those accomplishments......Hey, its a BIG FUCKING DEAL!
Of course, the same thing applied to HRC. When asked to name her accomplishments a small army of "feminists" came up with a list that was as long as it was hilarious. She served on committees that "were responsible for" one thing and another. She "advocated" for a lot of stuff. Actual accomplishments, pretty much nothing.

But to be a little bit callous here, what have Democrats ever accomplished that was truly a good thing with benefits that outweighed their costs? The one Bright Shining Example that everyone comes up with is SOCIAL SECURITY - the program that takes a shitload of our earnings every year (14%, actually) and promises a nice little stipend from the time we retire until we die. Whether that works for most people is actually questionable, unless you are a Democrat.

A better example might be Operation Head Start, which, we were told, would close the race gap in education. It has manifestly not done that. In fact, most reputable studies conclude that by fourth grade the academic difference between those who participated in the program and the Control Group was nonexistent. This despite the billions spent on the program since its inception. But it does provide babysitting services and lots and lots of part time jobs for otherwise unemployable child care workers.

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