Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

When someone points gun at you, weather policeman like Darren Wilson in Ferguson, or civilian McMichael in Georgia, are you saying that first reaction should be to go for a gun and disarm that person, instead to comply with their request?
I asked that question 400 times. The best I can tell based on his responses is "YES"

And, for the 400th fucking time, that was not his first reaction...
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.


You really can not see what happens in front of the truck. The only facts you know for certain are what is actually seen in the video:

As the vehicle turns a bend in a road, a black man wearing a white shirt — what Arbery was described as wearing in 911 calls — can be seen running. A white pickup truck, ostensibly the McMichaels’, blocks his path; a white man is in the street next to the driver’s side of the truck, and another stands in the flatbed. The video is blocked by the dashboard for a moment, and some unintelligible yelling can be heard. The video then shows the black man trying to run around the truck.
It’s not possible to see what happens next, but there’s a gunshot; the black man and the white man who was standing in the road reappear in the frame, engaged in a struggle, and move off the road, again leaving the video’s frame. As the man in the flatbed brings up his firearm, there’s another gunshot. The video Merritt posted ends with the struggle — seemingly over possession of a firearm — continuing. A longer version available online features a third gunshot, and the black man falling to the pavement, his shirt seemingly red with blood.

There were multiple points where those armed men could have avoided a confrontation and killing, including staying in the car and just following him. They chose NOT to.
I agree. For some reason, the people who’ve already made up their minds want to say for certain what happened.

This obviously infuriates the hell out of me. Especially when I’m trying to be reasonable about it.

Thank you for the voice of reason.

These two dudes were idiots for running this guy down. They should’ve just followed him and reported his whereabouts to police. They certainly didn’t need to do so carrying shotguns. I can understand a handgun for personal protection, but a damn shotgun?

How can you be reasonable, when you cannot address or counter my arguments?
AA WAS an attempted school shooter

The “unarmed jogger” Ahmaud Arbery was once arrested for attempting to bring a loaded gun into a high school. When the school police officer noticed the gun in his waist band, the man fled from police.

Luckily he was stoppped
I read that already. It was 2013 I believe. It was at a basketball game. What's that got to do with anything?
He attempted to shoot up a school but luckily he was stopped by a police officer who many believe was the father.. The father knew who he was so he knew he could be armed

There's no evidence, at all, that he "tried to shoot up a school".

Please try not to be stupid. It'll make everything more enjoyable for the smart folk...
You bring a loaded gun to school how do you know that’s not what he wanted to do?

I carry a gun every single day, but I don't go anywhere to "shoot up" anything.

You're being stupid. I would say you're being stupid again, but you're actually being stupid still...

Okay... Soooo, why do you carry a gun every day?

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

It looks like this black dude got killed, not because he was trespassing, but because he tried to take a gun away from somebody else. There’s no evidence that anybody threatened him with the gun.

Either way, even if somebody did threaten him with a gun. It is stupid as fuck to go try to take it away from him. That’s a good way to get dead.


Police transcripts say that the water service was called out to the "crime scene" after Arbery bolted in order to shut off water due to flooding. Does anyone know what happened here? Did he break pipes in the house?

View attachment 334704


That's not what it says at all.

It says nothing about the water service being called out to a crime scene. It says water was running towards a crime scene.

You can't even lie well...
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.

No guess work at all. Pay attention to Avery and the way he was moving fast, then darted quickly to be on the right side of the vehicle. He saw two things. He saw his brother standing in the bed of the truck with a handgun, as we all did, darted to the right to avoid the driver with the loaded shotgun on the ground, and in those two to three seconds, knew his only chance was to get quickly around the front to try and get the gun from the shooter on the ground. There were three things in that video that give it all away. He could see both shooters with guns, his forward momentum was going to take him to the front of the truck, and third, and most important, each time I watch the video, I pretend I am Avery running at that speed, and I would have done exactly what he did, because there was no other option.
What do you mean no other option?

Run off the road into the woods.

Stop and ask them what the hell they want.

Turn around and run the other way.

Don’t give me this “there was no other option” bullshit. You are telling me that you would charge at a dude holding a gun when you had the option to run the other way, or run into the woods, or ask what they want?

Oh my fucking God, I am so goddamn sick of this bullshit.

Explain to me why this dude cannot run the other way.

Explain to me why this dude cannot run off into the woods.

Explain to me why this dude cannot say “what the fuck do you want why are you holding guns?”

One unarmed black guy. Two armed white men in a truck. A third white dude in a car behind him filming it.

Southern Georgia.

My first thought would be...I’m not going to make it out of this alive.

Second thought... run for woods, or go for a gun.

Go for a gun. Smart.
would surmise that McMichael pointed the gun at Arbery while they were both in front of the truck.
You are guessing. You don’t see anything in the video.

This tells me that you had already made up your mind before you even watch the video.

That’s what I thought.


You really can not see what happens in front of the truck. The only facts you know for certain are what is actually seen in the video:

As the vehicle turns a bend in a road, a black man wearing a white shirt — what Arbery was described as wearing in 911 calls — can be seen running. A white pickup truck, ostensibly the McMichaels’, blocks his path; a white man is in the street next to the driver’s side of the truck, and another stands in the flatbed. The video is blocked by the dashboard for a moment, and some unintelligible yelling can be heard. The video then shows the black man trying to run around the truck.
It’s not possible to see what happens next, but there’s a gunshot; the black man and the white man who was standing in the road reappear in the frame, engaged in a struggle, and move off the road, again leaving the video’s frame. As the man in the flatbed brings up his firearm, there’s another gunshot. The video Merritt posted ends with the struggle — seemingly over possession of a firearm — continuing. A longer version available online features a third gunshot, and the black man falling to the pavement, his shirt seemingly red with blood.

There were multiple points where those armed men could have avoided a confrontation and killing, including staying in the car and just following him. They chose NOT to.
I agree. For some reason, the people who’ve already made up their minds want to say for certain what happened.

This obviously infuriates the hell out of me. Especially when I’m trying to be reasonable about it.

Thank you for the voice of reason.

These two dudes were idiots for running this guy down. They should’ve just followed him and reported his whereabouts to police. They certainly didn’t need to do so carrying shotguns. I can understand a handgun for personal protection, but a damn shotgun?

How can you be reasonable, when you cannot address or counter my arguments?
AA WAS an attempted school shooter

The “unarmed jogger” Ahmaud Arbery was once arrested for attempting to bring a loaded gun into a high school. When the school police officer noticed the gun in his waist band, the man fled from police.

Luckily he was stoppped
I read that already. It was 2013 I believe. It was at a basketball game. What's that got to do with anything?
He attempted to shoot up a school but luckily he was stopped by a police officer who many believe was the father.. The father knew who he was so he knew he could be armed

There's no evidence, at all, that he "tried to shoot up a school".

Please try not to be stupid. It'll make everything more enjoyable for the smart folk...
You bring a loaded gun to school how do you know that’s not what he wanted to do?

I carry a gun every single day, but I don't go anywhere to "shoot up" anything.

You're being stupid. I would say you're being stupid again, but you're actually being stupid still...

Okay... Soooo, why do you carry a gun every day?

All one needs to do is read the news about random assaults and mall shootings (I was present at one in Oregon some years back). I don't carry it to "shoot up" anything, as was suggested by someone else as being the only reason a person would carry a gun...
He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.

When Travis McMichael was standing on the driver's side of the truck, Arbery ran to the passenger side. How is that, in any way, unreasonable?

If true, they could've shoot him without leaving the truck. But they didn't, they wanted to talk to him. No intention to kill him, until he went for a gun.

Lemme ask you... why didn't he let go of the gun after first shot, but he still kept going?
Not even close.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

But if you kill someone who runs into you, despite you're holding a gun, that's self defense.

Not even close.

The McMichaels armed themselves and then pursued Arbery. Those two actions legally negate them from being able to claim self defense. The U.S. Attorney almost laughed when he read that determination by the local DA...
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.


Two huge armed white men in a truck. How would he know they wouldn’t shoot him if he ran?


They already passed by him and didn't shoot him.
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.


Two huge armed white men in a truck. How would he know they wouldn’t shoot him if he ran?


They already passed by him and didn't shoot him.
That doesn't mean anything. They blocked his path. Why would any sane person stop a truck in the middle of the street. You do that in Boston and we are swinging. That is just not a rational move. At least not here in the Northeast.
He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.

When Travis McMichael was standing on the driver's side of the truck, Arbery ran to the passenger side. How is that, in any way, unreasonable?

If true, they could've shoot him without leaving the truck. But they didn't, they wanted to talk to him. No intention to kill him, until he went for a gun.

Lemme ask you... why didn't he let go of the gun after first shot, but he still kept going?

Well, because he's been shot with a shot gun. If he starts to run, it's absolutely reasonable for him to think he'll be shot again, and he's not gonna' outrun buckshot.

You also didn't answer my question. Why was running to the passenger side unreasonable on Arbery's part? If his intent was to go for the gun, he wouldn't have done that.

You say they could've killed him from the truck, but they didn't, as if that could possibly matter. It doesn't. The intent to kill him will be proven by three things: They armed themselves, they pursued him, and he's dead.

If all they wanted to do was talk, there was no reason for them to arm themselves. But they did, and in doing so they escalated not only the entire situation, but also the charges which will land them in prison for the rest of their lives.

The local DA had this case for two months and did nothing. The US Attorney got a hold of it and they were arrested within 48 hours, charged with murder, aggravated assault and now, possibly, conspiracy to commit murder.

You can try to twist this story around in your mind to make the shooting of an unarmed black guy by two white, racist rednecks justified, but it's not. Only in places like redneck southern Georgia could that ever be justified...
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.


Two huge armed white men in a truck. How would he know they wouldn’t shoot him if he ran?


They already passed by him and didn't shoot him.
That doesn't mean anything. They blocked his path. Why would any sane person stop a truck in the middle of the street. You do that in Boston and we are swinging. That is just not a rational move. At least not here in the Northeast.
no they didn't, they have every right to stop on a street. The black man had every opportunity to avoid that truck. he ran toward it and at the dude with the gun. Fact. right? he ran at the truck. the truck did not cut him off. the black man could have continued running past the truck. neither man was in his path. neither. to say otherwise is a lie. And the video makes you that.
He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.

When Travis McMichael was standing on the driver's side of the truck, Arbery ran to the passenger side. How is that, in any way, unreasonable?

If true, they could've shoot him without leaving the truck. But they didn't, they wanted to talk to him. No intention to kill him, until he went for a gun.

Lemme ask you... why didn't he let go of the gun after first shot, but he still kept going?

Well, because he's been shot with a shot gun. If he starts to run, it's absolutely reasonable for him to think he'll be shot again, and he's not gonna' outrun buckshot.

You also didn't answer my question. Why was running to the passenger side unreasonable on Arbery's part? If his intent was to go for the gun, he wouldn't have done that.

You say they could've killed him from the truck, but they didn't, as if that could possibly matter. It doesn't. The intent to kill him will be proven by three things: They armed themselves, they pursued him, and he's dead.

If all they wanted to do was talk, there was no reason for them to arm themselves. But they did, and in doing so they escalated not only the entire situation, but also the charges which will land them in prison for the rest of their lives.

The local DA had this case for two months and did nothing. The US Attorney got a hold of it and they were arrested within 48 hours, charged with murder, aggravated assault and now, possibly, conspiracy to commit murder.

You can try to twist this story around in your mind to make the shooting of an unarmed black guy by two white, racist rednecks justified, but it's not. Only in places like redneck southern Georgia could that ever be justified...
no it isn't reasonable at all, the dude with the gun never pointed the gun at him. nor did the dude in the truck bed. neither man pointed a weapon at the black man. to say otherwise is to ignore the video evidence.

BTW, he got shot because he grabbed a gun with the holder and introduced a conflict with the holder pulling and pushing and whatever else the direction of the gun was forced, but he forced the shots fired by his grabbing.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

It looks like this black dude got killed, not because he was trespassing, but because he tried to take a gun away from somebody else. There’s no evidence that anybody threatened him with the gun.

Either way, even if somebody did threaten him with a gun. It is stupid as fuck to go try to take it away from him. That’s a good way to get dead.


Police transcripts say that the water service was called out to the "crime scene" after Arbery bolted in order to shut off water due to flooding. Does anyone know what happened here? Did he break pipes in the house?

View attachment 334704


That's not what it says at all.

It says nothing about the water service being called out to a crime scene. It says water was running towards a crime scene.

You can't even lie well...

Which one? There are two.
Not even close.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

But if you kill someone who runs into you, despite you're holding a gun, that's self defense.

Not even close.

The McMichaels armed themselves and then pursued Arbery. Those two actions legally negate them from being able to claim self defense. The U.S. Attorney almost laughed when he read that determination by the local DA...

Okay... so why do anyone arm themselves?

To make a fashion statement?
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.


Two huge armed white men in a truck. How would he know they wouldn’t shoot him if he ran?


They already passed by him and didn't shoot him.
That doesn't mean anything. They blocked his path. Why would any sane person stop a truck in the middle of the street. You do that in Boston and we are swinging. That is just not a rational move. At least not here in the Northeast.

Yes, they blocked his path. That's what you do when you want to stop someone.
Not even close.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

But if you kill someone who runs into you, despite you're holding a gun, that's self defense.

Not even close.

The McMichaels armed themselves and then pursued Arbery. Those two actions legally negate them from being able to claim self defense. The U.S. Attorney almost laughed when he read that determination by the local DA...

Okay... so why do anyone arm themselves?

To make a fashion statement?

I arm myself in case I have to defend myself. I don't arm myself so that I can go chase down someone who's running down my street so I can "talk" to him but kill him instead...
Not even close.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

But if you kill someone who runs into you, despite you're holding a gun, that's self defense.

Not even close.

The McMichaels armed themselves and then pursued Arbery. Those two actions legally negate them from being able to claim self defense. The U.S. Attorney almost laughed when he read that determination by the local DA...

Okay... so why do anyone arm themselves?

To make a fashion statement?

I arm myself in case I have to defend myself. I don't arm myself so that I can go chase down someone who's running down my street so I can "talk" to him but kill him instead...

Yes you do. You arm yourself in case you need to defend yourself.

Stopping the robber means you might need to use force, or that robber might use force against you.

Therefore gun, if that happen, you defend yourself.
Not even close.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

But if you kill someone who runs into you, despite you're holding a gun, that's self defense.

Not even close.

The McMichaels armed themselves and then pursued Arbery. Those two actions legally negate them from being able to claim self defense. The U.S. Attorney almost laughed when he read that determination by the local DA...

Who cares?

a black man armed himself and murdered two innocent white people in delaware

but you dont care about that
Not even close.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

But if you kill someone who runs into you, despite you're holding a gun, that's self defense.

Not even close.

The McMichaels armed themselves and then pursued Arbery. Those two actions legally negate them from being able to claim self defense. The U.S. Attorney almost laughed when he read that determination by the local DA...

Okay... so why do anyone arm themselves?

To make a fashion statement?

I arm myself in case I have to defend myself. I don't arm myself so that I can go chase down someone who's running down my street so I can "talk" to him but kill him instead...

Yes you do. You arm yourself in case you need to defend yourself.

Stopping the robber means you might need to use force, or that robber might use force against you.

Therefore gun, if that happen, you defend yourself.

He robbed no one, and he was unarmed. Furthermore, Travis McMichael didn't even know that Arbery was inside the construction site. He just did what Daddy told him to do (which is common among redneck racists), and his decision to listen to his father is what will put his redneck ass in jail for the rest of his life.

Again, they armed themselves and pursued him. Because of that they CANNOT claim self defense...

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