Video Emerges of Hillary Clinton Saying Illegal Immigrant Children Have to Go

The name of the book says it all. She obviously thought she was entitled to win that election. Not only that, but she ASSUMES everyone ELSE thought she was entitled to win it. This bitch is delusional, is there no one in her family who is willing to tell her the truth?
Her blatant flip flop will be dismissed by the left as no big deal, she evolved, the sun was in her eyes when she said that.
Liberals know that liberal politicians have to lie to get elected. You can throw this in their face but it doesn't phase them.
Politics is a dirty game, where the honest are few and far between. I wish I had the money to pony up $2400
and meet her at her book signing in Toronto, I would ask some honest questions that would probably result in a very quite ushering out the side door by her henchmen. I always try to see the good in people, but I think her pursuit of the highest office on the planet changed her dramatically. The insulation from her handlers doesn't help either, it was optics and PR 24/7, little substance.

What's scary is that she was still a better choice than Sanders. Though Sanders probably had a much better chance at beating Trump.

Flashback clip shows Clinton saying illegal immigrant children ‘should be sent back’

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is encouraging her supporters to “fight with everything” they've got to defend the Obama-era program that stops illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. at a young age from being deported.

But just a few years ago, in an interview that has resurfaced online, Clinton called for sending back illegal immigrant children who crossed the border to “send a clear message” that such crossings won’t be tolerated by the United States.
"Clinton, though, was not speaking about DACA recipients -- rather, she was referring to the surge of illegal immigrant children crossing the border from Central America.

Clinton argued the children should be reunited with their families."

She should have asked Bernie to be her VP instead of what'shisname.
The high majority of people are followers. The less intelligent and weaker someone is, the more likely they speak a narrative, no matter how dumb. The liberal elite understands and exploits this, which is why they attract the most vulnerable.

Here's a great example how these people "think".

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