Video} Inner-City Blacks Sound Off On Why They Are Abandoning Obama And The Democrat

Blacks aren't going to flock anywhere. They will smoke some crack and shoot up a bus stop instead of vote.
Wow, refreshing to see people not towing the party line...they've certainly seen the light and have a realistic view of the games politicians play. They need to run as Independents within their local communities and exhibit real leadership as a model for others.
{Video} Inner-City Blacks Sound Off On Why They Are Abandoning Obama And The Democrat Party ? The Free Patriot All you have to look at is all the Democratic controlled cities and see that the Democratic party is not helping your communities.. Detroit, St Louis, Chicago, Los Angles just to name a few

More cities may find that Democrats do not have the answers, but Democrats and Republicans working together may. I liked it when one gentleman claimed that the Democrats weren't working for the American families, rather than just the black families.

Our representatives should be working for all of us, not just one section of the population.
McKinley--who has been convicted of 6 felony counts and served nearly 20 years behind bars for armed robberies, aggravated battery, and burglaries--refers to himself as an "ex-offender" who wants to get other ex-offenders to work.

McKinley was also arrested 11 times from 2003 to 2007, mostly for protesting. Records show he also owes $14,147 in federal taxes.

There are dozens of districts where very few voters bother to participate in Republican primaries, setting the stage for ugly surprises. Remember entertainer "Spanky the Clown?" He won the GOP nomination to face Mayor Daley in 1995. That may have been good for a laugh. But those who dream of rebuilding the Republican Party in Chicago aren't laughing at the apparent nomination of convicted armed robber Paul McKinley.

"He's not a Republican, obviously, and he doesn't represent the Republican Party," says GOP activist Chris Robling.

Read more: Ex-con Paul McKinley declared primary GOP winner in 2nd district - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News

This is the guy we are supposed to take serious in the Breitbart video?

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