Video is PROOF that no racial comments were made.

If this were the ONLY incident where racsim has shown its self in association with this movement then you may have a point.


Still waiting. Please show me others from a respected news organization. I will accept ABC, NBC, CBS or BBS.

I will not accept CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Kos, Huff, NYT or some left wing blog.
Likewise, I will not accept a commentary piece or an OP ED.

Go ahead. I dare you.
Personally, I love listening to you lefties screaming like insane douchebags. It's pretty damned funny.

You know I feel the same about you tea bagging righties screaming like insane douchebags. Although, it's more than funny when you realize that more than likely a majority of them probably attacked lefties for expressing their rights. Then on top of that most of them probably have no clue as to what they are there for as they scream about socialism, communism when they lack the IQ to grasp the concepts. LOL

Unlike you, I did not simply cherry pick one line and leave the rest out so the line can be taken out of context.

Ok I will explain this slowly so you can follow along. What I am doing now is seperating the independent statements in your post so I can respond to each of them individually and you know exactly which part I am referring to. This is NOT cherry picking and YOUR WHOLE POST IS LISTED AND RESPONDED TO. However, if you can show me a post where I did cut out ONE single sentence and ONLY responded to that one sentence from the post please do so. If you can't then you need to retract your false allegation and admit that you LIED.

But the line I put in bold?

Soggy was referring to you as you ridicule people speaking their minds to government.

You are referring to those that are speaking their minds to government.

If you do not see the difference, then you have a bigger issue than simply being a boring poster on this board.

Really?? Is that what soggy is doing?? or is he actually ridiculing lefties for speaking their minds as he calls them "insane douchebags"? Yeah, I responded in kind and gave him back what he tried to dish out so it's funny that you would read it backwards like that.
How can you honestly take my response to soggy's statement and then try to claim that his statement was actually made to respond to something that came AFTER his statement?
Last edited:
You know I feel the same about you tea bagging righties screaming like insane douchebags. Although, it's more than funny when you realize that more than likely a majority of them probably attacked lefties for expressing their rights. Then on top of that most of them probably have no clue as to what they are there for as they scream about socialism, communism when they lack the IQ to grasp the concepts. LOL

Unlike you, I did not simply cherry pick one line and leave the rest out so the line can be taken out of context.

Ok I will explain this slowly so you can follow along. What I am doing now is seperating the independent statements in your post so I can respond to each of them individually and you know exactly which part I am referring to. This is NOT cherry picking and YOUR WHOLE POST IS LISTED AND RESPONDED TO. However, if you can show me a post where I did cut out ONE single sentence and ONLY responded to that one sentence from the post please do so. If you can't then you need to retract your false allegation and admit that you LIED.

But the line I put in bold?

Soggy was referring to you as you ridicule people speaking their minds to government.

You are referring to those that are speaking their minds to government.

If you do not see the difference, then you have a bigger issue than simply being a boring poster on this board.

Really?? Is that what soggy is doing?? or is he actually ridiculing lefties for speaking their minds as he calls them "insane douchebags"? Yeah, I responded in kind and gave him back what he tried to dish out so it's funny that you would read it backwards like that.


You did it yesterday and I pointed it out.
Go find it yourself.

Now I am done with you as I said yesterday. I will no longer play your silly game.
If this were the ONLY incident where racsim has shown its self in association with this movement then you may have a point.


Still waiting. Please show me others from a respected news organization. I will accept ABC, NBC, CBS or BBS.

I will not accept CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Kos, Huff, NYT or some left wing blog.
Likewise, I will not accept a commentary piece or an OP ED.

Go ahead. I dare you.

There is no other incident you have heard of?

MY computor is oln the fritz and I cant get any videos to load ,Ill be working on it.

The thing is you pretend there are no other incidents, really?

You dont have the honesty to remember the pictures of Obama as a african chief with a bone through his nose?

You dont remember the Obama sock monkeys?

You dont remember the Tea party leader with the sign with niggar on it?

I will keep tryong to fix my computor.
If this were the ONLY incident where racsim has shown its self in association with this movement then you may have a point.


Still waiting. Please show me others from a respected news organization. I will accept ABC, NBC, CBS or BBS.

I will not accept CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Kos, Huff, NYT or some left wing blog.
Likewise, I will not accept a commentary piece or an OP ED.

Go ahead. I dare you.

There is no other incident you have heard of?

MY computor is oln the fritz and I cant get any videos to load ,Ill be working on it.

The thing is you pretend there are no other incidents, really?

You dont have the honesty to remember the pictures of Obama as a african chief with a bone through his nose?

You dont remember the Obama sock monkeys?

You dont remember the Tea party leader with the sign with niggar on it?

I will keep tryong to fix my computor.

No. I do not recall any respected news agancy that reported on that sign held by a tea party leader.

If you need help with the computer, PM me. I may be able to help you trouble shoot it.
Unlike you, I did not simply cherry pick one line and leave the rest out so the line can be taken out of context.

Ok I will explain this slowly so you can follow along. What I am doing now is seperating the independent statements in your post so I can respond to each of them individually and you know exactly which part I am referring to. This is NOT cherry picking and YOUR WHOLE POST IS LISTED AND RESPONDED TO. However, if you can show me a post where I did cut out ONE single sentence and ONLY responded to that one sentence from the post please do so. If you can't then you need to retract your false allegation and admit that you LIED.

But the line I put in bold?

Soggy was referring to you as you ridicule people speaking their minds to government.

You are referring to those that are speaking their minds to government.

If you do not see the difference, then you have a bigger issue than simply being a boring poster on this board.

Really?? Is that what soggy is doing?? or is he actually ridiculing lefties for speaking their minds as he calls them "insane douchebags"? Yeah, I responded in kind and gave him back what he tried to dish out so it's funny that you would read it backwards like that.


You did it yesterday and I pointed it out.
Go find it yourself.

Now I am done with you as I said yesterday. I will no longer play your silly game.

NO you didn't point it out. You first made the FALSE claim that I cherry picked in post #143 when all I did was seperate the independent arguments from your post and responded to them ALL individually. Then you repeated that FALSE allegation in post #146.

and here is your original post #26

Partisan comment.
You are simply against the tea partyers and that is fine with me.

I am against code pinkl Fine with you I am sure.

But I noticed that you did not respond to what I said.

One racial slur and an entire movement is branded as racists?

I would think you would be proud of the fact that a thousand angry, mostly white people and only one racial slur.

Do you not see that as imporvement over, say, 25 years ago?

and here is my response

If it comes down to believing John Lewis or believing the Tea Party protesters, I will believe John Lewis every time

John Lewis is a REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT while the Tea Party is just pretenders

Partisan comment.

Pot, kettle, BLACK.
You are simply against the tea partyers and that is fine with me.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

I am against code pinkl Fine with you I am sure.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

But I noticed that you did not respond to what I said.

One racial slur and an entire movement is branded as racists?

I would think you would be proud of the fact that a thousand angry, mostly white people and only one racial slur.

Do you not see that as imporvement over, say, 25 years ago?

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.
so please explain what excatly did I cherry pick or leave out?? Fact is that I did NOT cherry pick and you are merely being dishonest as you try to LIE and discredit me in a lame attempt to justify your avoidance of giving a response to my posts.
Oh and jarhead, then there is the fact that you misrepresented the exchange between soggy and I and refuse to admit that you were WRONG yet again. So it's no surprise that you would continue to lie about me all so you can avoid admitting that you were WRONG.
Smith AND truthmatters in one thread? The IQ level of all other threads has increased dramatically.

Ok I will explain this slowly so you can follow along. What I am doing now is seperating the independent statements in your post so I can respond to each of them individually and you know exactly which part I am referring to. This is NOT cherry picking and YOUR WHOLE POST IS LISTED AND RESPONDED TO. However, if you can show me a post where I did cut out ONE single sentence and ONLY responded to that one sentence from the post please do so. If you can't then you need to retract your false allegation and admit that you LIED.

Really?? Is that what soggy is doing?? or is he actually ridiculing lefties for speaking their minds as he calls them "insane douchebags"? Yeah, I responded in kind and gave him back what he tried to dish out so it's funny that you would read it backwards like that.


You did it yesterday and I pointed it out.
Go find it yourself.

Now I am done with you as I said yesterday. I will no longer play your silly game.

NO you didn't point it out. You first made the FALSE claim that I cherry picked in post #143 when all I did was seperate the independent arguments from your post and responded to them ALL individually. Then you repeated that FALSE allegation in post #146.

and here is your original post #26

and here is my response

Pot, kettle, BLACK.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

But I noticed that you did not respond to what I said.

One racial slur and an entire movement is branded as racists?

I would think you would be proud of the fact that a thousand angry, mostly white people and only one racial slur.

Do you not see that as imporvement over, say, 25 years ago?

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.
so please explain what excatly did I cherry pick or leave out?? Fact is that I did NOT cherry pick and you are merely being dishonest as you try to LIE and discredit me in a lame attempt to justify your avoidance of giving a response to my posts.

You provided my proof.

You did not post the entire comment. You posted it line by line and it certainly came across the way you wanted it to; line by line.
The entire post together made it quite clear that I was not insulting him, but instead pointing out that we are the same with different views; thus the Code Pink.
But you put Code pink in a separate line and then criticized me for using it.

Rightwinger did not find my response as you did.

You found the need to cherry pick individual lines and take them out of context.

I will not respond any longer to you Smith as you are not my type of people.
Smith AND truthmatters in one thread? The IQ level of all other threads has increased dramatically.


LOL I just love it when losers I have owned in the past chime in to attack me personally. Shows that I must be doing something right if they feel the need to go out of their way to try and tear me down. Thanks for the support Si.
Smith AND truthmatters in one thread? The IQ level of all other threads has increased dramatically.


LOL I just love it when losers I have owned in the past chime in to attack me personally. Shows that I must be doing something right if they feel the need to go out of their way to try and tear me down. Thanks for the support Si.
If you mowed me, only you noticed.

You did it yesterday and I pointed it out.
Go find it yourself.

Now I am done with you as I said yesterday. I will no longer play your silly game.

NO you didn't point it out. You first made the FALSE claim that I cherry picked in post #143 when all I did was seperate the independent arguments from your post and responded to them ALL individually. Then you repeated that FALSE allegation in post #146.

and here is your original post #26

and here is my response

Pot, kettle, BLACK.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.
so please explain what excatly did I cherry pick or leave out?? Fact is that I did NOT cherry pick and you are merely being dishonest as you try to LIE and discredit me in a lame attempt to justify your avoidance of giving a response to my posts.

You provided my proof.

You did not post the entire comment. You posted it line by line and it certainly came across the way you wanted it to; line by line.
The entire post together made it quite clear that I was not insulting him, but instead pointing out that we are the same with different views; thus the Code Pink.
But you put Code pink in a separate line and then criticized me for using it.

Rightwinger did not find my response as you did.

You found the need to cherry pick individual lines and take them out of context.

I will not respond any longer to you Smith as you are not my type of people.

I agree with Jarhead....his response was edited out of context

You did it yesterday and I pointed it out.
Go find it yourself.

Now I am done with you as I said yesterday. I will no longer play your silly game.

NO you didn't point it out. You first made the FALSE claim that I cherry picked in post #143 when all I did was seperate the independent arguments from your post and responded to them ALL individually. Then you repeated that FALSE allegation in post #146.

and here is your original post #26

and here is my response

Pot, kettle, BLACK.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.
so please explain what excatly did I cherry pick or leave out?? Fact is that I did NOT cherry pick and you are merely being dishonest as you try to LIE and discredit me in a lame attempt to justify your avoidance of giving a response to my posts.

You provided my proof.

You did not post the entire comment. You posted it line by line and it certainly came across the way you wanted it to; line by line.
The entire post together made it quite clear that I was not insulting him, but instead pointing out that we are the same with different views; thus the Code Pink.
But you put Code pink in a separate line and then criticized me for using it.

Rightwinger did not find my response as you did.

You found the need to cherry pick individual lines and take them out of context.

I will not respond any longer to you Smith as you are not my type of people.

You are a good judge of character, Jarhead. This is dr. smitty's mo, and he always pawns the other person.....only in his head. He's not worth the time and effort.

You did it yesterday and I pointed it out.
Go find it yourself.

Now I am done with you as I said yesterday. I will no longer play your silly game.

NO you didn't point it out. You first made the FALSE claim that I cherry picked in post #143 when all I did was seperate the independent arguments from your post and responded to them ALL individually. Then you repeated that FALSE allegation in post #146.

and here is your original post #26

and here is my response

Pot, kettle, BLACK.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.
so please explain what excatly did I cherry pick or leave out?? Fact is that I did NOT cherry pick and you are merely being dishonest as you try to LIE and discredit me in a lame attempt to justify your avoidance of giving a response to my posts.

You provided my proof.

You did not post the entire comment. You posted it line by line and it certainly came across the way you wanted it to; line by line.
The entire post together made it quite clear that I was not insulting him, but instead pointing out that we are the same with different views; thus the Code Pink.
But you put Code pink in a separate line and then criticized me for using it.

Rightwinger did not find my response as you did.

You found the need to cherry pick individual lines and take them out of context.

I will not respond any longer to you Smith as you are not my type of people.


It was all there and was all responded to and you trying so desperately to discredt me as you hide behind this to run away from the debate shows how little integrity you actually have.

here is the definition of cherry pick for you.



1. select only best: to select only the most lucrative or profitable opportunities, especially in business

2. select only what you like: to sift through, e.g., evidence or options, selecting only what you like or what supports your strategy, plans, or preconceived notions

I did not cherry pick based on the definition. In FACT, I responded to your ENTIRE post. You are just being dishonest in a desperate attempt to CYA and avoid a debate. I wodner why??

Oh and I love the NEW lie that you are telling that I took something out of context while you show NOTHING to back up that false accusation. Once again you make accusations that are not supported by the FACTS and you try to attack me as you run away. So go ahead and run. Your dishonesty and cowardice has no bearing on me. LOL

BTW you are not even talking about my response to your post.

1. I never said that you were insulting him in my post I merely said that you were as partisan as you percieved him to be.
2. I did not criticize you for using a code pink referense I ASKED what it had to do with the debate.
3. I asked you a question about the core of your argument where you try to shift the arguemt to how much progress we made.

So once again you misrepresent the facts concerning an instance to try and discredit me. Why can't you be honest and actually talk about what was said and did instead of making shite up?
NO you didn't point it out. You first made the FALSE claim that I cherry picked in post #143 when all I did was seperate the independent arguments from your post and responded to them ALL individually. Then you repeated that FALSE allegation in post #146.

and here is your original post #26

and here is my response

so please explain what excatly did I cherry pick or leave out?? Fact is that I did NOT cherry pick and you are merely being dishonest as you try to LIE and discredit me in a lame attempt to justify your avoidance of giving a response to my posts.

You provided my proof.

You did not post the entire comment. You posted it line by line and it certainly came across the way you wanted it to; line by line.
The entire post together made it quite clear that I was not insulting him, but instead pointing out that we are the same with different views; thus the Code Pink.
But you put Code pink in a separate line and then criticized me for using it.

Rightwinger did not find my response as you did.

You found the need to cherry pick individual lines and take them out of context.

I will not respond any longer to you Smith as you are not my type of people.

I agree with Jarhead....his response was edited out of context

I am sorry but I don't see how asking him questions about his statements edited anything out of context??
NO you didn't point it out. You first made the FALSE claim that I cherry picked in post #143 when all I did was seperate the independent arguments from your post and responded to them ALL individually. Then you repeated that FALSE allegation in post #146.

and here is your original post #26

and here is my response

so please explain what excatly did I cherry pick or leave out?? Fact is that I did NOT cherry pick and you are merely being dishonest as you try to LIE and discredit me in a lame attempt to justify your avoidance of giving a response to my posts.

You provided my proof.

You did not post the entire comment. You posted it line by line and it certainly came across the way you wanted it to; line by line.
The entire post together made it quite clear that I was not insulting him, but instead pointing out that we are the same with different views; thus the Code Pink.
But you put Code pink in a separate line and then criticized me for using it.

Rightwinger did not find my response as you did.

You found the need to cherry pick individual lines and take them out of context.

I will not respond any longer to you Smith as you are not my type of people.

You are a good judge of character, Jarhead. This is dr. smitty's mo, and he always pawns the other person.....only in his head. He's not worth the time and effort.

WOW imagine that, more baseless personal attacks. How typical. It's only a matter of tuime before they start attacking me as a group as if that somehow justifies their attacks. LOL
You provided my proof.

You did not post the entire comment. You posted it line by line and it certainly came across the way you wanted it to; line by line.
The entire post together made it quite clear that I was not insulting him, but instead pointing out that we are the same with different views; thus the Code Pink.
But you put Code pink in a separate line and then criticized me for using it.

Rightwinger did not find my response as you did.

You found the need to cherry pick individual lines and take them out of context.

I will not respond any longer to you Smith as you are not my type of people.

I agree with Jarhead....his response was edited out of context

I am sorry but I don't see how asking him questions about his statements edited anything out of context??

And there lies your problem. :eusa_whistle:
I agree with Jarhead....his response was edited out of context

I am sorry but I don't see how asking him questions about his statements edited anything out of context??

And there lies your problem. :eusa_whistle:

LOL keep it coming. Like I said I must be doing something right if my post draw this much attention from hacks like you. LOL

Seriously though, all I did was ask him questions about his statements so it's hilarious that he SAW it the way he did which was far from the reality of what was actually said.

What is so wrong with asking someone questions about their own statements and expecting them to have the ability to explain them?? I guess I did expect too much. I will make sure to avoid making that mistake in the furture.

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