Video is PROOF that no racial comments were made.

Who in this country speaks for you that makes it so you dont have to condem it yourself?

Why is it OK to not say anything to discourage violence yet its OK to call the people who are saying the violence should be discouraged partisans and infer they only mention it for political reasons?

I give people the benefit of the doubt. I assume you condemn the actions of those that acted with violence against the Iraq war. I assume you condemn those that felt it necessary to cast a black mark on a funeral for a fallen soldier. I assume you condemn the act of murder inflicted on the pro life "sit in" guy. I assume you condemn the act of murder on the abortion doctor as well, as I do.

I do not ask my neighbor to confirm his HUMANITY with words. I assume he is a compassionate humane person by default. It is up to him to prove otherwise.

Correct me if I am worng, but I believe you assume all those with conservative beliefs are inhumane by default and it is up to us individually to prove otherwsie.

Am I correct?

Heres the post Immie,How was I supposed to say yes or no when thered is all types of assumptions to adress?

For you answering the only question (and there was only one question) in post #68 would have been easy. One simple word would have been all it took: "Yes", because you clearly do assume that those with conservative beliefs are inhumane by default. If you don't believe that, then you could have answered "No", but I highly doubt many who have been here more than a week or two would believe you.

That is all you had to do. If you wanted to clarify your answer in reference to his other assumptions you could have done so as well.

By the way: I don't remember you condemning those who acted in violence against the war in Iraq, but I suppose I will have to take your word for it and if I push it, you will ask me to go quote everyone of your 75000 posts over four websites to prove that you did not.

If it comes down to believing John Lewis or believing the Tea Party protesters, I will believe John Lewis every time

John Lewis is a REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT while the Tea Party is just pretenders

Partisan comment.

Pot, kettle, BLACK.
You are simply against the tea partyers and that is fine with me.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

I am against code pinkl Fine with you I am sure.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

But I noticed that you did not respond to what I said.

One racial slur and an entire movement is branded as racists?

I would think you would be proud of the fact that a thousand angry, mostly white people and only one racial slur.

Do you not see that as imporvement over, say, 25 years ago?

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.
If it comes down to believing John Lewis or believing the Tea Party protesters, I will believe John Lewis every time

John Lewis is a REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT while the Tea Party is just pretenders

Partisan comment.

Pot, kettle, BLACK.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

I am against code pinkl Fine with you I am sure.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

But I noticed that you did not respond to what I said.

One racial slur and an entire movement is branded as racists?

I would think you would be proud of the fact that a thousand angry, mostly white people and only one racial slur.

Do you not see that as imporvement over, say, 25 years ago?

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.

You cherry pick lines out of my posts?

Only a spineless character with no conficnece would cherry pick lines to take the high road.

Done. God as my witness, I heard "traitor", and not the 'N' word. Sorry. but it is what it is.

You are hearing what you want to hear

WOW! Did you actually understand what you just said? I heard what I heard what you you see the irony?
yet, no major news organization has used this video clip, hmmmmm

Uh do youactually believe that any major news organization would air that word being uttered in that context?? I am guessing that if they did air the video they would bleep the word and you would still be doubting that it was ever said.
Why is Lewis a REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT and the Tea Partiers pretenders??

Tea Partiers protest against a government that they declare is Socialist, Fascist and run by a Dictator who is denying them their Liberty. Yet, in spite of this extreme rhetoric coming from the demonstrators....I have yet to see this evil government lock them up, break up the protest, use tear gas or send in police to break up the rallies

John Lewis is a REAL PATRIOT who engaged in peaceful protest against a government that was, in fact, denying him his LIBERTY. The government, in this case used dogs, fire hoses, arrested protesters and in John Lewis' case split his skull open while he was kneeling to pray at Selma.

You are very much not in touch with the reality of the tea party movement.

I do not blame you.

I blame the media.

Then correct him instead of merely attacking him. Show him how he got everything he said WRONG. However, in the typical fashion of a majority of rightwing posters on this board you merely tell the poster they are wrong and insult them.
Tea Partiers protest against a government that they declare is Socialist, Fascist and run by a Dictator who is denying them their Liberty. Yet, in spite of this extreme rhetoric coming from the demonstrators....I have yet to see this evil government lock them up, break up the protest, use tear gas or send in police to break up the rallies

John Lewis is a REAL PATRIOT who engaged in peaceful protest against a government that was, in fact, denying him his LIBERTY. The government, in this case used dogs, fire hoses, arrested protesters and in John Lewis' case split his skull open while he was kneeling to pray at Selma.

You are very much not in touch with the reality of the tea party movement.

I do not blame you.

I blame the media.

Then correct him instead of merely attacking him. Show him how he got everything he said WRONG. However, in the typical fashion of a majority of rightwing posters on this board you merely tell the poster they are wrong and insult them.

You sir, are a trouble maker.

You were not involved in the debate nor did you bother to see how the debate transpired.
He made a comment and I responded with my sentiments.
He then backed his up, and I then backed mine up.
He thanked me for a civil debate and I thanked him as well.

And we both moved on.

Then a spinless cherry picking loon like you comes in to try to stir things up.

I believe it is people like you that ruin the advantages of robust debate in America.

So I again say to you:

Yes. It most certainly can be seen as offensive. And anyone who used a racial slur was not just out of line, but disresepctful to all African Americans.

But most were not there to show disrespect to Mr. Lewis as a member of the civil rights movement. Most were there to protest all of congress and to have their voices heard as is their right.

I am disturbed that many are blaming the actions of a few on the masses overall. I respect Code Pink and their views. I do not necessarily agree with them, but in no way to I diminish their cause becuase of the actions of one woman yesterday. Although I will admit that I was disturbed to find out that she was one of the founders of Code Pink.

But regardless. I know many that are with the CP movement. I do not hold them responsible for yesterday's outburst nor do I say the tactics of a few define the rest of the cause.

I agree that the entire movement should not be liable for the actions of a few.

However, these scenes have been documented at numerous high profile rallies and are starting to indicate a trend. The high pitched rhetoric, the tactics of screaming down your opposition, the preprinted signs all point to a leadership that encourages this type of behavior but not to the extent of calling someone ******.

They have created the monster and are now claiming no responsibility for how this monster behaves

Then blame those that are responsible.

Do not blmae or minimize the intent of the masses.

As I do not minimize the intent of code pink.

Rightwinger, protest is what makes this country great. Please do not take that away from us.

WOW where were all of the righties who are now talking about how dissent is patriotic back when those on the left who dared express their rights and disagree with W were shouted down and called unpatriotic, un-American, traitorius surrender monkeys??

BTW those who incite the anger and the rage are just as responsible as those who have been incited.
I think 95% of all black males and 96% of all black women backing Obama in the elections is all the proof any sane person would need to recognize that racism is alive and well in this nation. Ask them.
I agree that the entire movement should not be liable for the actions of a few.

However, these scenes have been documented at numerous high profile rallies and are starting to indicate a trend. The high pitched rhetoric, the tactics of screaming down your opposition, the preprinted signs all point to a leadership that encourages this type of behavior but not to the extent of calling someone ******.

They have created the monster and are now claiming no responsibility for how this monster behaves

Then blame those that are responsible.

Do not blmae or minimize the intent of the masses.

As I do not minimize the intent of code pink.

Rightwinger, protest is what makes this country great. Please do not take that away from us.

WOW where were all of the righties who are now talking about how dissent is patriotic back when those on the left who dared express their rights and disagree with W were shouted down and called unpatriotic, un-American, traitorius surrender monkeys??

BTW those who incite the anger and the rage are just as responsible as those who have been incited.

Personally, I love listening to you lefties screaming like insane douchebags. It's pretty damned funny.
I agree that the entire movement should not be liable for the actions of a few.

However, these scenes have been documented at numerous high profile rallies and are starting to indicate a trend. The high pitched rhetoric, the tactics of screaming down your opposition, the preprinted signs all point to a leadership that encourages this type of behavior but not to the extent of calling someone ******.

They have created the monster and are now claiming no responsibility for how this monster behaves

Then blame those that are responsible.

Do not blmae or minimize the intent of the masses.

As I do not minimize the intent of code pink.

Rightwinger, protest is what makes this country great. Please do not take that away from us.

WOW where were all of the righties who are now talking about how dissent is patriotic back when those on the left who dared express their rights and disagree with W were shouted down and called unpatriotic, un-American, traitorius surrender monkeys??

BTW those who incite the anger and the rage are just as responsible as those who have been incited.

Wow.. what a fucking idiot. Oh, it's drsmith.
And you speak of a very small minority of the tea party movement.

DO I hold thoset hat were against the Iraq conflict responsible for those that had posters of Bush as Hitler? Or Bush with a bullet in his head?

Rightwinger, I fear you may be just as guilty as those that criticized Cindy Sheehan.

Be fair and allow those you disagree with to speak their mind and do not hold them responsible for the few loons out there that jump in for the free beer.

Like I said before. These few loons are becoming a problem for your movement. The tone, tactics and rhetoric for these rallies is established by the organizers. They can't just sit back and say...this is not us

There is not more that they can do Rightwinger. They believe in free speech.
Just as I do not recall anti war protestors denouncing those that carried signes of Cheney in a noose. They simply brushed them off as fringe loons. Just as the tea partyers are doing.

Nice but do you recall what rightwing talking heads did with those "fringe loons"? Did they use them to attack and label the movement as a whole?? Did they demand that democratic and movement leaders denounce these fringe loons??
You are hearing what you want to hear

WOW! Did you actually understand what you just said? I heard what I heard what you you see the irony?
yet, no major news organization has used this video clip, hmmmmm

Uh do youactually believe that any major news organization would air that word being uttered in that context?? I am guessing that if they did air the video they would bleep the word and you would still be doubting that it was ever said.

Yes, I do believe the major news organizations would put it on television to smear the Tea Party. There is no doubt in my mind that they would do that.
How many people were there?? I have heard it was only a few hundred and yet I am now hearing that it was a thousand or more. So which is it and where is the proof that thousands of protesters were there??

Based on the facts there is no way you can PROVE that racial comments were not made. Thus far all you have offered are assumption based conclusions where you claim IF it had happened there would be proof and that is just beyond absurd.

Based on the evidence at hand you can't prove it didn't happen and that is a FACT. So at this point it's nothing more than a battle of "he said, she said."

I never said anything of the kind.

I would gladly interact with you in this debate if you wish, but I ask that you not misquote me.

Uh I didn't quote anything so how did i misquote you??

I assume most likely at least a few slurs were tossed. I mean, lets be real. A thousand mostly white angry people and this is America where racism is dying but not dead yet.

So you are saying it DID happen but it should be ignored?? My how partisan of you.

As for the amount of protestors. I heard the DC police estimated it at aboput 1500. But I do not need to prove it as I am not declaring it as fact and I really am not that concerned about how many are there.

LOL so you are not concerned about whether you a fluffing up the numbers or not?

But I know one thing for sure.

As appalled as I am at one racial slur; or two; or three; I am proud to be an American when hundreds if not thousands of Americans can gather and racial slurs are not the norm.

We have come a long way.

Would be nioce if the media noticed that and made a comment about that.

So your idea is that the media should be promoting the fact that we as a country are not as racist as we once were and ignore the fact that racism still exists and is part of the tea party movement which it's supporters choose to ignore because according to spin it was an isolated incident???

Are you serious??
Partisan comment.

Pot, kettle, BLACK.

and you are simply against democrats and wish to believe that nothing happened and that the congressmen lied.

code pink?? what does that group ahve to do with thsi dsicsussion??

But I noticed that you did not respond to what I said.

One racial slur and an entire movement is branded as racists?

I would think you would be proud of the fact that a thousand angry, mostly white people and only one racial slur.

Do you not see that as imporvement over, say, 25 years ago?

Why would anyone waste time to respond to statements that are meant to defend or excuse current racial comments because we have made improvements over 25 years.

You cherry pick lines out of my posts?

Only a spineless character with no conficnece would cherry pick lines to take the high road.


I did NOT cherry pick anything I responded to your post in it's entirety. It's all there I merely responded to the different arguments that you made within that one post.

However, thanks for showing that you have NO integrity and can't debate honestly and instead you choose to be dishonest and make false accusations attacking the poster as you ignore the content of the response.

Seems to me that your avoidance of the content shows that you have no valid response to offer.
You are very much not in touch with the reality of the tea party movement.

I do not blame you.

I blame the media.

Then correct him instead of merely attacking him. Show him how he got everything he said WRONG. However, in the typical fashion of a majority of rightwing posters on this board you merely tell the poster they are wrong and insult them.

You sir, are a trouble maker.

You were not involved in the debate nor did you bother to see how the debate transpired.
He made a comment and I responded with my sentiments.
He then backed his up, and I then backed mine up.
He thanked me for a civil debate and I thanked him as well.

And we both moved on.

Then a spinless cherry picking loon like you comes in to try to stir things up.

I believe it is people like you that ruin the advantages of robust debate in America.

So I again say to you:


LOL you weren't in a debate at that time, you chose to attack another poster claiming that they were wrong as you failed to present anything to show that they were wrong.

I called you out for it and in response you start acting like a child, make your false allegations again, attack me personally and then run away from the debate showing that you have nothing valid to offer and instead choose to attack the poster.

Like I said before, it's the typical tactic of the majority of rightwing posters on this board so it's no surprise that it shows up again. LOL
I think 95% of all black males and 96% of all black women backing Obama in the elections is all the proof any sane person would need to recognize that racism is alive and well in this nation. Ask them.

Caging (voter suppression) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."[5]

[edit] 2004 US Election
BBC journalist Greg Palast obtained an RNC document entitled "State Implementation Template III.doc" that described Republican election operations for caging plans in numerous states. The paragraph in the document pertaining to caging was:

V. Pre Election Day Operations New Registration Mailing
At whatever point registration in the state closes, a first class mailing should be sent to all new registrants as well as purged/inactive voters. This mailing should welcome the recipient to the voter rolls. It is important that a return address is clearly identifiable. Any mail returned as undeliverable for any reason, should be used to generate a list of problematic registrations. Poll watchers should have this list and be prepared to challenge anyone from this list attempting to vote.[6][7]

Shortly before the 2004 election, Palast also obtained a caging list for Jacksonville, Florida, which contained a high number of African Americans and registered Democrats. The caging list was attached to an email which a Florida Republican party official was sending to RNC headquarters official Tim Griffin. [7] [8] [9]
The Republican National Committee sent letters to predominately urban minority areas in Ohio. When 35,000 letters were returned as undeliverable, the party employed poll watchers to challenge the voters. Voting rights groups challenged the RNC in a case that went to the Supreme Court, but the RNC was not stopped from challenging those voters. Similarly, the RNC sent out 130,000 letters in Philadelphia hoping to cage voters there. Philadelphia is a city with a majority African American population that votes heavily Democratic. The Republicans were attempting to cage votes by people who were likely to vote for the Democratic candidates. [10]
In the Ohio court challenge, the RNC submitted a caging list that targeted urban and African-American areas in and around Cleveland.[11]
Journalists found evidence that the Republican National Committee (RNC) attempted to use caging to suppress votes in five states in the 2004 US presidential election. For example, in New Jersey RNC officials used caging lists to challenge absentee ballots and absentee ballot requests.[11]

That video only covers a very small section of the crowd.

Yeah...but the AUDIO DOESN'T!!!!! Try giving it a listen if you can...the Congressmen said IT WAS A LOUD do know what the definition of chorus is........

Please don't bring up Fox News in defense of the Congressmen's blatant lies about what happened. You know as well as I do they had their cell phones in camcorder mode and IF A SINGLE RACIAL EPITAPH WAS RECORDED it would STILL be being played every 5 minutes 24 hours a day 7 days a week until the 2012 election.

C'mon now.....

a chorus...
[ame=]YouTube - Hail the Bomb![/ame]
Then blame those that are responsible.

Do not blmae or minimize the intent of the masses.

As I do not minimize the intent of code pink.

Rightwinger, protest is what makes this country great. Please do not take that away from us.

WOW where were all of the righties who are now talking about how dissent is patriotic back when those on the left who dared express their rights and disagree with W were shouted down and called unpatriotic, un-American, traitorius surrender monkeys??

BTW those who incite the anger and the rage are just as responsible as those who have been incited.

Personally, I love listening to you lefties screaming like insane douchebags. It's pretty damned funny.

You know I feel the same about you tea bagging righties screaming like insane douchebags. Although, it's more than funny when you realize that more than likely a majority of them probably attacked lefties for expressing their rights. Then on top of that most of them probably have no clue as to what they are there for as they scream about socialism, communism when they lack the IQ to grasp the concepts. LOL
I have to laugh.

Several thousand people. Most of them white. Most of them angry.

One accusation of a racial slur.

Sound to me that whether or not there was a racial slur is irrelevant.

We should be proud as a nation that there were not hundreds of racial slurs, as there most certainly would have been 25 years ago.

We have made great strides as a nation. Yet we want to make a big deal out of one racial slur.

Give it a rest and be proud.


And I believe the only arrest made following the healthcare vote was due to attacks against a Republican by a crackpot Obama supporter. ( the guys is clearly nuts and does not reflect on all other Obamabots, who are not all nuts persay - just stupid...:eusa_angel:)

According to the affidavit, Leboon allegedly said in the video: “Remember Eric . . . our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you’re a pig, a greedy [expletive] pig. You’re an abomination. You receive my bullets in your office. Remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations.”

Norman Leboon: Obama Supporter Arrested for Threatening to Kill Rep. Eric Cantor Right Pundits
I have to laugh.

Several thousand people. Most of them white. Most of them angry.

One accusation of a racial slur.

Sound to me that whether or not there was a racial slur is irrelevant.

We should be proud as a nation that there were not hundreds of racial slurs, as there most certainly would have been 25 years ago.

We have made great strides as a nation. Yet we want to make a big deal out of one racial slur.

Give it a rest and be proud.


And I believe the only arrest made following the healthcare vote was due to attacks against a Republican by a crackpot Obama supporter. ( the guys is clearly nuts and does not reflect on all other Obamabots, who are not all nuts persay - just stupid...:eusa_angel:)

According to the affidavit, Leboon allegedly said in the video: “Remember Eric . . . our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you’re a pig, a greedy [expletive] pig. You’re an abomination. You receive my bullets in your office. Remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations.”

Norman Leboon: Obama Supporter Arrested for Threatening to Kill Rep. Eric Cantor Right Pundits

I believe he was heard singing a chorus of racial slurs that are offensive to caucasions such as "honky", "cracker", "charlie" and "redneck"....allegedly.
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