VIDEO: Joe Biden Candidacy Haunted by Beyond Bizarre Creepy Photo


If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


Go down with the ship. I get it. Maybe it is.

Again, Have you ever posted anything that wasn't a lie?

Yes. List my lies for the class.

How’s that Trump Putin stole the election lie working out for your team?
In all of politics, and perhaps anywhere, it would be hard to top this beyond bizarre CREEPY photo of Joe Biden. Forget all the pics you've already seen of Biden with his hands inappropriately upon young girls and women. The photo revealed in this video is way beyond anything you've seen before of creepy Biden. It is so beyond belief bizarre, that you can be forgiven if you think it was photoshopped. However, I assure you this photo is for real. And if Biden ever gets around to making his Big Announcement, it is almost certain the photo will be used by guerilla artist Sabo

That dude on the right looks like uncle Joe from pettiecoat Junction.

If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


Go down with the ship. I get it. Maybe it is.

Again, Have you ever posted anything that wasn't a lie?

Yes. List my lies for the class.

How’s that Trump Putin stole the election lie working out for your team?

So you believe Putin over our own investigative agencies just like Trump does. That's expected from crazy right wingers.

If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


Go down with the ship. I get it. Maybe it is.

Again, Have you ever posted anything that wasn't a lie?

You have not committed murder.

You are the reason people make fun of crazy Trump supporters.

If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


Go down with the ship. I get it. Maybe it is.

Again, Have you ever posted anything that wasn't a lie?

You have not committed murder.

You are the reason people make fun of crazy Trump supporters.
Yes and you pedophile DeathRATS we dont make fun of.we are dead serious when we think you need to be dispatched.....YOU are a big problem for NORMAL people.

If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


I just blew it up and Bidens hands have been added. The Texture is different. I will admit that the person that did the photoshop was pretty good but if you look at Biden's right hand and blow it up you will see where the edges have been feathered. You Strumpets must be really terrified of him. You should be.

If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


I just blew it up and Bidens hands have been added. The Texture is different. I will admit that the person that did the photoshop was pretty good but if you look at Biden's right hand and blow it up you will see where the edges have been feathered. You Strumpets must be really terrified of him. You should be.

He's a Pedophile.

In all of politics, and perhaps anywhere, it would be hard to top this beyond bizarre CREEPY photo of Joe Biden. Forget all the pics you've already seen of Biden with his hands inappropriately upon young girls and women. The photo revealed in this video is way beyond anything you've seen before of creepy Biden. It is so beyond belief bizarre, that you can be forgiven if you think it was photoshopped. However, I assure you this photo is for real. And if Biden ever gets around to making his Big Announcement, it is almost certain the photo will be used by guerilla artist Sabo

Do these people not have any code of dress or do they just wear the free stuff from the church?
Joe scares the hell out of you, don't he?
Yes. Pedophiles and sexual abusers that are DeathRATS scare me for the harm they will do to my country....scumbag!

OH, I see. If Biden were a Republican he would be a GOD to you then whether the charges were true or not. Afterall, you worship your Orange Child Molester, Rapist, Bigamist Orange Deity.

If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


Prove it

No need. It's obvious.

I gave the proof that it's been photo shopped. No matter how good a Photo Shop is, there are always telltaling things left. I am good but even I ain't that good.

He's a Pedo


If this was Trump, the pearl clutching liberal cvnts would be losing their minds, but it’s a Dem, so it’s ok.


Prove it

No need. It's obvious.

I gave the proof that it's been photo shopped. No matter how good a Photo Shop is, there are always telltaling things left. I am good but even I ain't that good.
Their job is pretty bad.....But the rubes that dress like a hand-me-down apparel shop will believe anything the echo chamber feeds them...

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