VIDEO: NBC predicts race war; tells Americans they have no hope

There wont be a race war. The inbred white racists are too afraid. Drumpf hasnt made them brave enough yet.
There wont be a race war. The inbred white racists are too afraid. Drumpf hasnt made them brave enough yet.
Interesting comment.
There's about a half a dozen Black families here in Magic Valley.
Half are inbred with whites. And the other half are Mormons.
InfoWars which is airing this, is a fringe group headed by a conspiracy theorist named Alex Jones. If there is going to be a civil war, it will be because of:
a. Muslim numbers increased to the point whereby they would be threatening the very Constitution's survival.
b. Firearm ownership by private citizens is revoked and firearms owners rebel.
Your problem and too bad your an indoctrinated MSM zombie. No wonder you think that. YOu believe paid off controlled bs that keeps your heads stuck up the politcal ass gearing you right where they want you.
Wow! I was in Uniondale and Hempstead today and all the Blacks and Hispanics were in a pretty good mood.

All you zombies think infowars is a conspiracy because these jackasses tell you that is what they are, like mentioned above it's to keep you stupid and in their Control meaning MSM/Gov.

9. Whoever controls language controls the population
Have you read George Orwell´s classic novel 1984 yet? It´s become a clichéd reference in today´s dystopia, that´s true, but with good reason. There are many- too many- parallels between Orwell´s dark imaginary future and our current reality, but one important part of his vision concerned language. Orwell coined the word ´Newspeak´ to describe a simplistic version of the English language with the aim of limiting free thought on issues that would challenge the status quo (creativity, peace, and individualism for example). The concept of Newspeak includes what Orwell called ´DoubleThink´- how language is made ambiguous or even inverted to convey the opposite of what is true. In his book, the Ministry of War is known as the Ministry of Love, for example, while the Ministry of Truth deals with propaganda and entertainment. Sound familiar yet? Another book that delves into this topic deeper is Unspeak, a must-read for anyone interested in language and power and specifically how words are distorted for

4. Corporate press is in bed with the government
Aside from the obvious, one of the most disturbing facts to emerge from Murdoch´s News International phone hacking scandal (background information here ) was the exposure of shady connections between top government officials and press tycoons. During the scandal, and throughout the subsequent Leveson inquiry into British press ethics (or lack of them), we learned of secret meetings, threats by Murdoch to politicians who didn´t do as he wanted, and that Prime Minister David Cameron has a very close friendship with The Sun´s then editor-in-chief (and CEO of News International) Rebekah Brooks. How can journalists do their job of holding politicians to account when they are vacationing together or rubbing shoulders at private dinner parties? Clearly, they don´t intend to. But the support works both ways- Cameron´s government tried to help Murdoch´s son win a bid for BSkyB, while bizarrely, warmongering ex Prime Minister Tony Blair is godfather to Murdoch´s daughter Grace. As well as ensuring an overwhelming bias in news coverage and election campaigns, flooding newspapers with cheap and easy

Read More: 10 Compelling Reasons You Can Never Trust The Mainstream Media
Wow! I was in Uniondale and Hempstead today and all the Blacks and Hispanics were in a pretty good mood.
They weren't paid by Soro's and they wised up to the Democratic idiots raping them of their livelihood.
aris2chat I almost agree, "inciting a riot" or some such, but in the end freedom of speech. I do think it's reckless given the apparently ultra fragile state of some folks.

Moving right along:

1. Denial and isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
aris2chat I almost agree, "inciting a riot" or some such, but in the end freedom of speech. I do think it's reckless given the apparently ultra fragile state of some folks.

Moving right along:

1. Denial and isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

I hope this "steam" is done by Monday and people are ready to shake hands is sponsoring most of this. cuff the organizers and sent everyone home

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