Video: Nikki Haley calls Trump “most disliked politician in America”

Another useless bag of human feces speaks up to trash our Greatest President of modern times. She/He/it who has never done one useful thing for the Country and dumb as a bag of washers. Big old Bimbo advanced how? Took down SC flag too. She sucketh.
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Haley is certainly not a listless vessel.

I thought it was Joe Biden but the beautiful and smart Nikki Haley fact checked me and now I realize it’s Trump.
See 2:19 into the video:

The most hated politician in America is Joe Biden

He's the one who hears chants of "FUCK JOE BIDEN" everywhere he goes.
Haley is certainly not a listless vessel.

I thought it was Joe Biden but the beautiful and smart Nikki Haley fact checked me and now I realize it’s Trump.
See 2:19 into the video:

Oh come on Dimbot from Dunwoody, we all know Trump is not a politician. He is the anti-politician which is why the America hating Reich despises him as they do. He stands for American values and enforcement of its laws, the very things your ilk hates.
Another useless bag of human feces speaks up to trash our Greatest President of modern times. She/He/it who has never done one useful thing for the Country and dumb as a bag of washers. Big old Bimbo advanced how? Took down SC flag too. She sucketh.


Nimrata didn't mind serving our beloved President Trump as his ambassador to the UN.

Yes the flag thingy was ridiculous
Oh come on Dimbot from Dunwoody, we all know Trump is not a politician. He is the anti-politician which is why the America hating Reich despises him as they do. He stands for American values and enforcement of its laws, the very things your ilk hates.

Nikki is W with tits.

She disqualified herself for any consideration for anything other than dog catcher when the filthy ass bitch took down the Confederate flag in South Carolina. What a piece of shit. She can go fuck herself.

Nimrata didn't mind serving our beloved President Trump as his ambassador to the UN.

Yes the flag thingy was ridiculous

She rented a Manhattan penthouse at some ungodly price like $30K/mo? She had it re-done with $58K renovations including new fancy window coverings? All during $20T debt bomb issue after Obiden 1.0 was a big issue to American citizens.
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I think that if she was running for President on the Republican ticket I would do like I did in 2008 and 2012 and vote Libertarian.

RINOs may be better than the Democrat trash but not by much. Hardly measurable.

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