Video: Obama ordered operation Fast and Furious in March 2009, now lies about it!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
[ame=]Obama ordered operation Fast and Furious in March 2009, now lies about it to Congress - YouTube[/ame]
The media is complicit. That's the only reason that Barry ever even got the job. Clinton is right; he is "an amateur."
Congress gonna get to the bottom of it...
Boehner: House may sue over 'Fast and Furious' documents
Jul 01, 2012 - House Speaker John Boehner said today that his chamber will likely file a civil suit seeking more Justice Department documents on the "Fast and Furious" gun trafficking case.
"The American people have a right to know what happened," Boehner said on CBS' Face The Nation, adding that a suit could come over "the next several weeks." The lawsuit would be spearheaded by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Attorney General Eric Holder, held in civil and criminal contempt of Congress on a House vote last week, has said his department has turned over thousands documents, and that Issa and some Republicans are playing politics with the Fast and Furious incident.

Because of the contempt vote, "an unnecessary court conflict will ensue," Holder said recently. "My efforts to resolve this matter short of such a battle were rebuffed by Congressman Issa and his supporters." At Holder's request, President Obama asserted executive privilege on the House's most recent document requests, setting up a potential legal battle. Appearing this morning on CNN's State of the Union, White House chief of staff Jack Lew said that "this is about a (House) committee that is on a path towards turning a review of policy into a political witch hunt."

The House is looking into "Fast and Furious," a failed gun trafficking operation that allowed hundreds of firearms to fall into the hands of violent drug cartel enforcers in Mexico. Two such weapons were found at the site of the murder of a U.S. border patrol agent. In votes last week largely on party lines, the House held Holder in both criminal and civil contempt of Congress. The Justice Department said Friday that it would not prosecute Holder on the criminal contempt citation. The civil contempt vote clears the way for a House lawsuit against the Obama administration.

[ame=]Democrats Walk Out Of Congress In Protest Of Holder Contempt Vote - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for the video. I guess it's pretty hard to pretend Obama didn't know about it.
House targets Bush aides; GOP stages walkout - CNN

House targets Bush aides; GOP stages walkout

The House voted Thursday to hold White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and former White House lawyer Harriet Miers in contempt in its probe of the 2006 firings of U.S. attorneys.

The House voted 223-23 to hold the two Bush aides in contempt of Congress.

Three Republicans who did not take part in the walkout -- including current presidential hopeful Ron Paul of Texas -- supported the resolution, while one Democrat, Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, opposed it.

February 14, 2008

nothing new with votes involving Executive Privilege ...
Democrats Walk Out Of Congress In Protest Of Holder Contempt Vote -

Hopefully they stay out. And the left says that they don't continually play the race card.

That's right. Pelosi says it's all because the FIRST BLACK AG is fighting voter surrpression. now she or he has not explained to us yet why they want illegals to vote. I just don't get it do you?
Democrats Walk Out Of Congress In Protest Of Holder Contempt Vote -

Hopefully they stay out. And the left says that they don't continually play the race card.

They were just showing us all that they to have contempt for Congress. Contempt for the System that forces them to work with the Other side. Longing for the days of Near Super majorities when they could have made sure something like F and F never saw the light of day.

Pathetic and Disgraceful of them to walk out on their Duty. Should have stayed and voted against the Resolution and been on Record. I am sure they Received orders from the Boss at 1600 Pen Ave.

Cool, blacks, hispanics and asians walking out.

Guess the groups ain't voting Republican.

Um no, what you see are all Democrats leaving, and they were not going to be voting GOP anyways lol.

I know your bigoted mind can not get this, but Minorities do not fit into your Stereotypes. They actually have Diversity of Political beliefs despite you thinking they are all the same.

Operation Wide Receiver (under Bush) and Operation Fast and Furious (under your Dear Leader, Obama) are both under Project Gunrunner.

Bush is the daddy of Operation Wide Receiver and owns its failure.

Obama is the daddy of Fast and Furious and owns its failure...including the death of a border agent.

Obama is LYING about Fast and Furious...and so is the asshole, Eric Holder.

You just can't stand to hear the fuckin' truth!

Try some reading comprehension lessons. What I said above is clearly spelled out in your linked WikiShit article.
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