Video of Police moving the barrier for the MAGA Mob at the Capital

I had heard rumors that cops were letting these cretins into the Capitol but I shrugged it off as hyperbole.


They are responsible. They need to see the inside of jail cells

These people knew exactly where the Parliamentarians offices were. They were able to get to private offices that even congressional members did not know how to get to. trump cooked this entire episode up. The scary part if, there may have been people in Intel agencies helping him in his effort to be "president for life." They are still out there. They are hiding within the bowels of government. Is there another attempt at an incursion going to happen? trump has two weeks to get the job done, while Repubs sit on their thumbs and say..."He is leaving anyway...."

It’s similar to yelling “uno!” Or “Yahtzee!”.
At least that’s what I’ve learned in this board.
Once someone declares something debonked, the vanquished opponent has, at times, been known to commit suicide in disgrace.
The power of the debonking is an awesome and terrible thing, surpassed only by the hand of God Himself.

I had heard rumors that cops were letting these cretins into the Capitol but I shrugged it off as hyperbole.


They are responsible. They need to see the inside of jail cells

These people knew exactly where the Parliamentarians offices were. They were able to get to private offices that even congressional members did not know how to get to. trump cooked this entire episode up. The scary part if, there may have been people in Intel agencies helping him in his effort to be "president for life." They are still out there. They are hiding within the bowels of government. Is there another attempt at an incursion going to happen? trump has two weeks to get the job done, while Repubs sit on their thumbs and say..."He is leaving anyway...."


Fuck. He knows to much.
Now granted maybe Trump's greed would have forced him to charge that.
American Flag Vintage Washed Full Fabric Charcoal Gray - RANGE HAT
His Made in China ties were going cheap?

How can you compare a generic, high-volume item with small batch, custom made stuff? Just how many hats do you think he was selling anyway?

You idiots make me laugh: you obsess over where Trump made his hats (only because it was Trump), yet couldn't give a flying crap about Joe's sordid ties to China.

Joe was in perfect form on TV today: first he called the people in the Washington protest "thugs," despite refusing to hear their case, then without skipping a beat went on how his FIRST MISSION and HIGHEST DUTY in office would be to "unite" the country.


Had the Democrat run a straight up transparent election or any of the courts fairly weighed their evidence of election tampering, NONE OF THIS would have happened.


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Now granted maybe Trump's greed would have forced him to charge that.
American Flag Vintage Washed Full Fabric Charcoal Gray - RANGE HAT
His Made in China ties were going cheap?

How can you compare a generic, high-volume item with small batch, custom made stuff? Just how many hats do you think he was selling anyway?

You idiots make me laugh: you obsess over where Trump made his hats (only because it was Trump), yet couldn't give a flying crap about Joe's sordid ties to China.

Joe was in perfect form on TV today: first he called the people in the Washington protest "thugs," despite refusing to hear their case, then without skipping a beat went on how his FIRST MISSION and HIGHEST DUTY in office would be to "unit" the country.

View attachment 439770
I might ask where Piglosi got her personalized "articles of impeachment" pens.
Now granted maybe Trump's greed would have forced him to charge that.
American Flag Vintage Washed Full Fabric Charcoal Gray - RANGE HAT
His Made in China ties were going cheap?

How can you compare a generic, high-volume item with small batch, custom made stuff? Just how many hats do you think he was selling anyway?

Did you see how many of these hats were available? A very limited number.

You idiots make me laugh: you obsess over where Trump made his hats (only because it was Trump), yet couldn't give a flying crap about Joe's sordid ties to China.

I did NOT vote for Joe so give it a rest. Trump was massively hypocritical regardless of how corrupt Joe might be. I imagine Trump's entire China thing likely revolved around some personal slight he perceived at one time. Maybe they charged him extra shipping and he long held the grudge. That is Trump.

If it would have been about bringing jobs back he would have done something to see that was done. He did not.

Joe was in perfect form on TV today: first he called the people in the Washington protest "thugs," despite refusing to hear their case, then without skipping a beat went on how his FIRST MISSION and HIGHEST DUTY in office would be to "unite" the country.

View attachment 439770

Had the Democrat run a straight up transparent election or any of the courts fairly weighed their evidence of election tampering, NONE OF THIS would have happened.



See you are a part of the cult. You automatically fall into this mode.

You see someone condemning Trump and you jump right to the idea they are doing it because they support the other bozo. I'm sure Biden will give me plenty to condemn him on but this is about Trump.
You see someone condemning Trump and you jump right to the idea they are doing it because they support the other bozo.

If you actually knew anything, Bozo, you'd know that I never even voted for Trump, and I've criticized him many times. The guy has massive flaws--- --- it just so happens he's about a million times better than any other politician I can think of. He actually got a lot of good shit done.
You see someone condemning Trump and you jump right to the idea they are doing it because they support the other bozo.

If you actually knew anything, Bozo, you'd know that I never even voted for Trump, and I've criticized him many times. The guy has massive flaws--- --- it just so happens he's about a million times better than any other politician I can think of. He actually got a lot of good shit done.

So you voted for someone a million times worse?
So you voted for someone a million times worse?

Nope, in 2016, I went to vote for Trump in the summer primaries and was REFUSED to be allowed by the Democrat there because I was registered as an "Independent" republican. Then come election day I was sick with a bad cold. This time I realized there was no point really as I live in a very DEEP BLUE city and my one vote could not possibly turn my district red and it just wasn't worth the risk going to the poll with all the other Covid uncertainties.
So you voted for someone a million times worse?

Nope, in 2016, I went to vote for Trump in the summer primaries and was REFUSED to be allowed by the Democrat there because I was registered as an "Independent" republican. Then come election day I was sick with a bad cold. This time I realized there was no point really as I live in a very DEEP BLUE city and my one vote could not possibly turn my district red and it just wasn't worth the risk going to the poll with all the other Covid uncertainties.

You can't register as an "Independent Republican". There is no such thing.

So if anything you were not registered as a Republican and were rightfully and legally turned away by the election official. Did you want them to allow you to cheat?
You can't register as an "Independent Republican". There is no such thing.


Junior, you idiots are always so much fun to prove wrong because there is so much you say you think you know without a doubt that you don't have a fucking CLUE about!

Someone on the inside helped the mob. trump came home early from his Florida whorehouse. Maybe he came home to arrange for this attempted Coup? I has been boasting for weeks that something special was going to happen. I think it will come out in the Investigation. He needs to be jailed.

Nancy ordered them to let the Antifa gang
There is no such thing, hence you were not permitted to vote.

I just showed you a FUCKING PHOTO OF THE CARD. You're a fucking delusional idiot in denial.

Were you allowed to vote?

ARE YOU FUCKING HARD OF READING? What did I tell you before you total idiot! That's my card. It is an available registration option in my state. Period. YOU WERE WRONG and don't have a fucking clue what you talk about.
There is no such thing, hence you were not permitted to vote.

I just showed you a FUCKING PHOTO OF THE CARD. You're a fucking delusional idiot in denial.

Were you allowed to vote?

ARE YOU FUCKING HARD OF READING? What did I tell you before you total idiot! That's my card. It is an available registration option in my state. Period. YOU WERE WRONG and don't have a fucking clue what you talk about.

I'm getting there. You weren't allowed to vote, right?
There is no such thing, hence you were not permitted to vote.

I just showed you a FUCKING PHOTO OF THE CARD. You're a fucking delusional idiot in denial.

Were you allowed to vote?

ARE YOU FUCKING HARD OF READING? What did I tell you before you total idiot! That's my card. It is an available registration option in my state. Period. YOU WERE WRONG and don't have a fucking clue what you talk about.

I'm getting there. You weren't allowed to vote, right?

Nope. Denied by a democrat running the polling place. He even had a long conversation with someone on the phone about it. I couldn't vote for the republican Trump because I was an independent republican. :uhoh3: After the DMV told me the change wouldn't affect my ability to vote. I would have taken it up with my state rep but I had too many more important things to deal with.

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