Video: riot police applauded for arresting ANTIFA traffic blockers

The communist terrorist organization ANTIFA is financed by George Soros. Mr. Soros should be arrested and tried in Hague for funding terrorism since ANTIFA is wide spread in Europe, thus became an international terrorist organization, where it was "imported" from into the U.S.

George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, anti-European, left-wing agit -
Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
Gawwwwwd do I hope so.

What you said :thup:
These people have to be dealt with and harshly. I also want to see the professors who spew anti-american, hatred towards whites, and promote degeneracy out on their ass at the least and pushing up daisies after a trial at the most.
Video out of Portland shows people cheering and applauding riot police after they arrested a group of Antifa leftists who were blocking traffic.

The protesters were blocking traffic at the intersection of Southwest Yamhill and 6th Avenue. Motorists and one bus driver appear irate as the anarchists scream and lean on vehicles.

View attachment 108791

Video: Riot Police Applauded For Arresting Antifa Traffic Blockers

Pretty much anyone who isn't a communist would agree to their arrest. These trouble making losers should all sit and rot. Useless to society .

Yes here's some footage, the duration of the below video is forty seven seconds.

Round up the human filth Antifa, throw them in dungeons, let the Communist filth rot.

The Antifa's worst nightmare is going to happen this year, they never thought this day of reckoning would come and it's going to be glorious for all Western Patriots.


These police were very very quick to arrest those two protesters! :omg:
Anyway people don't want riots or damages everywhere. That's why I guess police were applauded! ;)
Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes and do it in response to the felonious violent protests he organizes and sends into unsuspecting peaceful US cities.

"I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes"

President Trump can do this, he's an Alpha male he's not a Beta Cuck.

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe.

Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes and do it in response to the felonious violent protests he organizes and sends into unsuspecting peaceful US cities.

"I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes"

President Trump can do this, he's an Alpha male he's not a Beta Cuck.

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe.

God Emperor of the Universe! Wow! Better than the Holy Roman Emperor in the European Middle Ages :D
The far leftists that dominate practically every single institution of influence should be tried for subversive activities. It has to happen.

"The far leftists that dominate practically every single institution of influence should be tried for subversive activities. It has to happen."

That also includes those in the MSM.

For example CNN are getting dangerously near to actual sedition and incitement.
Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes and do it in response to the felonious violent protests he organizes and sends into unsuspecting peaceful US cities.

"I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes"

President Trump can do this, he's an Alpha male he's not a Beta Cuck.

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe.

God Emperor of the Universe! Wow! Better than the Holy Roman Emperor in the European Middle Ages :D

Yes times 1,000 :smile:
The far leftists that dominate practically every single institution of influence should be tried for subversive activities. It has to happen.

"The far leftists that dominate practically every single institution of influence should be tried for subversive activities. It has to happen."

That also includes those in the MSM.

For example CNN are getting dangerously near to actual sedition and incitement.
If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.

They seek to destroy society, they hate everything Western Civilisation stands for, this is a rabid dog with rabies situation, do you allow a rabid dog with rabies to be running around on the streets?
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.
They seek to destroy society, they hate everything Western Civilisation stands for, this is a rabid dog with rabies situation, do you allow a rabid dog with rabies to be running around on the streets?
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.
No, think of it as eradicating societal AIDS.
Nope. That's the methods of the totalitarian scum. We are NOT them. We only kill to defend life.

Nipping communism in the bud with a few well executed disappearances is sure to save countless lives.

No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.
No, think of it as eradicating societal AIDS.

See the post above.
No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
Sure my style of thinking works.

Pinochet saved his nation from communist take over as did Franco, and both nations are prosperous Democracies today.

Stop swallowing the Establishments gruul, you are a big boy think for yourself.
Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.
No, this is Marxist Leninism vrs everybody else who wants freedom. Mass slaughtering totalitarians vrs everybody who wants the right to think for themselves.

And since about the only thing that Marxists do in fact do well is to connive, conspire and organize cells, you have to dig them up by the roots, by any means necessary.
Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.
No, this is Marxist Leninism vrs everybody else who wants freedom. Mass slaughtering totalitarians vrs everybody who wants the right to think for themselves.

And since about the only thing that Marxists do in fact do well is to connive, conspire and organize cells, you have to dig them up by the roots, by any means necessary.

I respectfully disagree.
They seek to destroy society, they hate everything Western Civilisation stands for, this is a rabid dog with rabies situation, do you allow a rabid dog with rabies to be running around on the streets?
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.

But they're violent Communists Westwall.
Every protest organizer should get permits to protest and there should be a group of police officers on site to ensure they follow city laws about not vandalizing and or clocking traffic. A heavy fine and mandatory jail sentences for those who cannot follow laws would be appropriate.
It's not the police job to provide baby sitters for potential criminals.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

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