Video: riot police applauded for arresting ANTIFA traffic blockers

Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)

Fascism is diametrically opposed to to state ownership of capital and equality in economic outcomes.
But Fascism has the theory of corporatism. It's not a pure socialism but it has something similar :)

Corporatism - Wikipedia
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)

Fascism is diametrically opposed to to state ownership of capital and equality in economic outcomes.
No it is not. Corporatism seized ownership of industries unless they were seen as being ran more efficiently in private hands, and even in that case they directed the businesses on what to produce and how much.

" All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." Benito Mussolini
Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....

Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.

So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?

I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism.

Nationalism is Patriotism, love of Nation and love of your people and of your Heritage and Culture and putting your Nation FIRST and putting your own people FIRST and protecting your borders.

It's only the Leftist MSM and Neo-Marxist Professors who brainwash people into thinking that Nationalism and Patriotism are bad things.

This is because Leftists hate their Nation and wish to see NO Nation exist, hence the No Borders Movement and the Open Borders Movement, without a border there is NO Nation, also Leftists are not Patriots, if you hate your Nation and burn your flag or urinate on your flag and enable, apologise for, defend and give aid and comfort to the enemies of your Nation and people you are not a Patriot, you are a Traitor, see the Leftists love-in with Islamism and Radical Islam in particular.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.

That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.
No it's not. It's true. If you loathe nationalism, you loath nation states including your own.
How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)

Fascism is diametrically opposed to to state ownership of capital and equality in economic outcomes.
But Fascism has the theory of corporatism. It's not a pure socialism but it has something similar :)

Corporatism - Wikipedia
I am well educated on this subject. I see you have taken the time to inform yourself as well.
Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.

So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?

I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism.

Nationalism is Patriotism, love of Nation and love of your people and of your Heritage and Culture and putting your Nation FIRST and putting your own people FIRST and protecting your borders.

It's only the Leftist MSM and Neo-Marxist Professors who brainwash people into thinking that Nationalism and Patriotism are bad things.

This is because Leftists hate their Nation and wish to see NO Nation exist, hence the No Borders Movement and the Open Borders Movement, without a border there is NO Nation, also Leftists are not Patriots, if you hate your Nation and burn your flag or urinate on your flag and enable, apologise for, defend and give aid and comfort to the enemies of your Nation and people you are not a Patriot, you are a Traitor, see the Leftists love-in with Islamism and Radical Islam in particular.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.

That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.
No it's not. It's true. If you loathe nationalism, you loath nation states including your own.

So then by being Antifa, you have to be Pro Fascist. That is what you're insisting on. You don't get to work both sides of the street.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)

Fascism is diametrically opposed to to state ownership of capital and equality in economic outcomes.
But Fascism has the theory of corporatism. It's not a pure socialism but it has something similar :)

Corporatism - Wikipedia
I am well educated on this subject. I see you have taken ths time to inform yourself as well.
Thank you OffensivelyOpenMinded! :)
I like history and political philosophies ;)
So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?

I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism.

Nationalism is Patriotism, love of Nation and love of your people and of your Heritage and Culture and putting your Nation FIRST and putting your own people FIRST and protecting your borders.

It's only the Leftist MSM and Neo-Marxist Professors who brainwash people into thinking that Nationalism and Patriotism are bad things.

This is because Leftists hate their Nation and wish to see NO Nation exist, hence the No Borders Movement and the Open Borders Movement, without a border there is NO Nation, also Leftists are not Patriots, if you hate your Nation and burn your flag or urinate on your flag and enable, apologise for, defend and give aid and comfort to the enemies of your Nation and people you are not a Patriot, you are a Traitor, see the Leftists love-in with Islamism and Radical Islam in particular.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.

That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.
No it's not. It's true. If you loathe nationalism, you loath nation states including your own.

So then by being Antifa, you have to be Pro Fascist. That is what you're insisting on. You don't get to work both sides of the street.
That makes absolutely no sense.
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.

But they're violent Communists Westwall.

And if they are so stupid as to attack me when I am at a demonstration, I will kill them. But I will not advocate for a government to round them up and kill them out of hand.
I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism.

Nationalism is Patriotism, love of Nation and love of your people and of your Heritage and Culture and putting your Nation FIRST and putting your own people FIRST and protecting your borders.

It's only the Leftist MSM and Neo-Marxist Professors who brainwash people into thinking that Nationalism and Patriotism are bad things.

This is because Leftists hate their Nation and wish to see NO Nation exist, hence the No Borders Movement and the Open Borders Movement, without a border there is NO Nation, also Leftists are not Patriots, if you hate your Nation and burn your flag or urinate on your flag and enable, apologise for, defend and give aid and comfort to the enemies of your Nation and people you are not a Patriot, you are a Traitor, see the Leftists love-in with Islamism and Radical Islam in particular.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.

That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.
No it's not. It's true. If you loathe nationalism, you loath nation states including your own.

So then by being Antifa, you have to be Pro Fascist. That is what you're insisting on. You don't get to work both sides of the street.
That makes absolutely no sense.

Sure it does. If you're Antifa , you loathe your country. If you're anti-Antifa, you're by definition pro Fascist.

Neither of those is true, but you seem to like working both sides of the street, insisting one generalization is true while denying generalization when it's applied to you.

Not sure where you studied this. Reading "Liberal Fascism" doesn't count.
Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.

But they're violent Communists Westwall.

And if they are so stupid as to attack me when I am at a demonstration, I will kill them. But I will not advocate for a government to round them up and kill them out of hand.
What about rounding them up and putting them on trial for being the criminal subversives that they are?
If you are antifa you are anti-fascist. If you are against nationalism, you are an anti-nationalist. It's that simple.

If you are against anti fascists, you are pro fascist. It's just that simple.

Antifa is a portmanteau of "anti fascist". If you're against antifas, then by definition you're pro fascist, according to you.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.

That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.
No it's not. It's true. If you loathe nationalism, you loath nation states including your own.

So then by being Antifa, you have to be Pro Fascist. That is what you're insisting on. You don't get to work both sides of the street.
That makes absolutely no sense.

Sure it does. If you're Antifa , you loathe your country. If you're anti-Antifa, you're by definition pro Fascist.

Neither of those is true, but you seem to like working both sides of the street, insisting one generalization is true while denying generalization when it's applied to you.

Not sure where you studied this. Reading "Liberal Fascism" doesn't count.
I've read that and much more. You didn't even know that fascist Italy seized means of production when they saw it fit to do so.

Youre not even in my league in knowledge of fascism. Dont try to talk down to me, boy.
If you are antifa you are anti-fascist. If you are against nationalism, you are an anti-nationalist. It's that simple.

If you are against anti fascists, you are pro fascist. It's just that simple.

Antifa is a portmanteau of "anti fascist". If you're against antifas, then by definition you're pro fascist, according to you.
You must be a commie because you obviously have a beef with reason and logic.
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That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.
No it's not. It's true. If you loathe nationalism, you loath nation states including your own.

So then by being Antifa, you have to be Pro Fascist. That is what you're insisting on. You don't get to work both sides of the street.
That makes absolutely no sense.

Sure it does. If you're Antifa , you loathe your country. If you're anti-Antifa, you're by definition pro Fascist.

Neither of those is true, but you seem to like working both sides of the street, insisting one generalization is true while denying generalization when it's applied to you.

Not sure where you studied this. Reading "Liberal Fascism" doesn't count.
I've read that and much more. You didn't even know that fascist Italy seized means of production when they saw it fit to do so.

Youre not even in my league in knowledge of fascism. Dont try to talk down to me, boy.

It appears you would not get a passing grade in a high school level class on the subject. Fortunately, you have the built in "liberal indoctrination" mechanism to fall back on to explain your failings. :)
Video out of Portland shows people cheering and applauding riot police after they arrested a group of Antifa leftists who were blocking traffic.

The protesters were blocking traffic at the intersection of Southwest Yamhill and 6th Avenue. Motorists and one bus driver appear irate as the anarchists scream and lean on vehicles.

View attachment 108791

Video: Riot Police Applauded For Arresting Antifa Traffic Blockers

Pretty much anyone who isn't a communist would agree to their arrest. These trouble making losers should all sit and rot. Useless to society .
Probably blocking their way to a 7/11 or McDonalds.
One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.

But they're violent Communists Westwall.

And if they are so stupid as to attack me when I am at a demonstration, I will kill them. But I will not advocate for a government to round them up and kill them out of hand.
What about rounding them up and putting them on trial for being the criminal subversives that they are?

If they are committing crimes? By all means yes. Prosecute them for actual crimes they have committed. Not for crimes they "might" commit.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.

That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.
No it's not. It's true. If you loathe nationalism, you loath nation states including your own.

So then by being Antifa, you have to be Pro Fascist. That is what you're insisting on. You don't get to work both sides of the street.
That makes absolutely no sense.

Sure it does. If you're Antifa , you loathe your country. If you're anti-Antifa, you're by definition pro Fascist.

Neither of those is true, but you seem to like working both sides of the street, insisting one generalization is true while denying generalization when it's applied to you.

Not sure where you studied this. Reading "Liberal Fascism" doesn't count.

Wrong. You can be anti Antifa because you simply don't like lawless assholes fucking up your day. Nothing fascist loving about that.
"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.

Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.

But they're violent Communists Westwall.

And if they are so stupid as to attack me when I am at a demonstration, I will kill them. But I will not advocate for a government to round them up and kill them out of hand.
What about rounding them up and putting them on trial for being the criminal subversives that they are?

If they are committing crimes? By all means yes. Prosecute them for actual crimes they have committed. Not for crimes they "might" commit.
Subversive activities are crimes.
Red/blue=Black/White. It IS one dimensional thinking. It is I wish to kill all those i don't like. About as one dimensional as you can get.

But they're violent Communists Westwall.

And if they are so stupid as to attack me when I am at a demonstration, I will kill them. But I will not advocate for a government to round them up and kill them out of hand.
What about rounding them up and putting them on trial for being the criminal subversives that they are?

If they are committing crimes? By all means yes. Prosecute them for actual crimes they have committed. Not for crimes they "might" commit.
Subversive activities are crimes.

They CAN be. Not all are. That's the point.

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